Hollywood Road

Chapter 173

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"Murphy, this is Park Tae-chan, from South Korea. Bayi 1≧Shuo.com≦≤"

The steps in front of the Lumiere Hall are quite wide, which is an excellent platform for communication. Erica Steinberg introduced those who are obviously international film buyers to Murphy one by one, "This is Mike Gwen , from Australia. This is Pete Larson, from New Zealand. This is Jiro Tanaka, from Japan. This is Ethan, from Vietnam..."

Introduced by Erica Steinberg, Murphy smiled and shook hands with these people one by one.

From a big point of view, these are his benefactors, and there is no harm in building a good relationship with these people. It is also very easy to say a few nice words.

"Director Stanton,"

Mike Govin from Australia chatted with Murphy, "Your last film was very impressive, and the response in Australia was particularly good. It's a pity that I can't see its sequel."

"Thank you," Murphy said politely, then pointed to the huge poster hanging on the outer wall of Lumiere Hall, and said, "This new film will definitely not disappoint you, Mr. Gervin."

Mike Girvin held out his hand, "I also hope this is the result."

He looked up at the poster. The image on the poster was simply too different. Once you saw it, you would never forget it. A m4a1 was installed on the severed limb of a one-legged woman as a prosthesis!

He felt that the image of the heroine alone was a breakthrough, which was much more attractive than nudity.

After Murphy shook hands, Mike Gwen walked away. Murphy looked at it, and many people had already walked into the Lumiere Hall and walked in.

The Lumiere Hall is very large, and there is an antechamber outside the theater. Many people did not enter the theater directly, but stood in the antechamber, chatting with people. No matter where they are, this is a good opportunity to socialize .

Under the introduction of Erica Steinberg, besides the international film buyers, Murphy also met several people, such as German director Uwe Bauer.

"Murphy, your "Saw" has given me a lot of inspiration." This guy is familiar with himself. Although his English is not very fluent, he came together with a few words, "I am also planning to shoot a horror movie. I saw the trailer for "Planet Terror", and I think it would be good to add the element of zombies to it."

"Really?" Murphy pretended to be very interested,

"Then join in."

Uwe Ball hesitated for a moment, and said cheekily, "I just wrote the script, if you have time, can you help me to see, "Saw" is so good, you are a master in this area, Can you give me some advice?"

Bill Rosses and a woman came over, Murphy wanted to beat him away, and nodded casually, "No problem, come and find me if you have time."

After the Cannes Film Festival, he will return to Los Angeles, and he probably won't be able to find him if he wants to.

Besides, this may also be Uwe Ball's polite rhetoric.

Uwe Ball also had a bit of a wink. Seeing someone walking towards Murphy, he quickly said goodbye and left.

Bill Rossis had already walked over, and Murphy passed him and looked back. It was a woman with dark brown to almost black hair, full lips and the same full breasts, unconsciously Can attract a man's eyes.

This is a woman who is inherently fatally attractive to men.

But Murphy only took one look, and then looked away, because the other party did not meet his aesthetics at all. From his eyes, this woman was not only plump, but too plump.

"Murphy, let me introduce you to someone,"

The name caa is not only useful in North America, but also internationally, Bill Rossis looked at the woman behind him and said, "This is Miss Monica Bellucci, the most attractive actress in Italy .”

"Monica, this is Murphy Stanton," Bill Rossis praised Murphy unreservedly, "the future big Hollywood director."

"Hello, Monica." Murphy took the initiative to extend his hand. Monica Bellucci took a step forward, shook Murphy's hand, tilted her head slightly, sized him up, and asked suspiciously, "We Where have you seen it?"

Hearing this, Bill Rossis took a look at Monica Bellucci, and would make a mistake, and find an excuse to walk away. In Hollywood, many actresses who strike up a conversation like to use this excuse.

But Murphy would not be mistaken, because they had indeed met before.

"About more than a year ago, in Warner Studios." Monica Bellucci on the opposite side still looked puzzled, Murphy smiled and reminded, "I was distracted while walking and accidentally bumped into Come on..."

Monica Bellucci thought about it, and immediately put on a smile, "It seems that I have to say sorry, some assistants always like to make a big fuss sometimes."

Murphy shook his head, "It's okay."

Monica Bellucci felt it was necessary to explain, "I have fired that assistant long ago."

Looking at his watch, Murphy said with a smile, "It's almost time, Miss Bellucci, let's go into the theater."

"Monica!" Monica Bellucci emphasized, "Call me Monica."

Murphy nodded, made a gesture of invitation, and walked into the theater first.

In just over a year, Monica Bellucci's attitude towards him has changed drastically, and Murphy is not surprised at all. The world is like this, and the achievements made are always more convincing than words. force.

This is the global screening of "Planet Terror", but it is more appropriate to say that it is a viewing of the industry and the media. There are very few ordinary audiences. International buyers of film companies in various countries and regions of the world.

Mike Girvin's position is very good. He is in the middle position. He knows that this is intentionally arranged by the film crew. Australia is an important overseas market for Hollywood, and this kind of obviously large-scale film is also often seen in the Australian market. type of sale.

On his left is Pete Larson, a colleague from New Zealand, and on his right is a Vietnamese, who can speak some not-so-fluent English, who seems to be called Ruan Jingtian.

After saying hello to several colleagues, Mike Gwen waited in peace of mind. After a short wait, the big screen was turned on, the ceiling lights were turned off, and the movie hall, which was full of voices before, fell silent instantly.

The beginning of a movie is the most important. Mike Gwen knew this very well, so he focused on looking at the screen. On the screen, there was a short trailer full of blood and violence. The heroine in it seemed to be Uma Thurman. The scene of killing the Quartet is also very interesting.

"Is this Quentin's new work?"

Just when Mike Govin thought so, "Planet Terror" began, the film did not have a long title, after the Miramax sign, a hot stripper appeared next to the pole, and a sex dance accompanied the intro The credits of the cast and crew appeared, but no one cared about the subtitles, and all eyes were on the stripper.

This undressed girl has fair skin, a hot body, superb dancing skills, sultry movements, and even her eyes are full of charm, even though the lines of her face are slightly tough, which makes her look not very beautiful. Mike Gervin watched this scene for a long time After a while, I still adjusted my sitting posture so that the people next to me would not see my indecent appearance.

He deliberately glanced at both sides. New Zealander Pete Larson loosened his tie with his right hand, and his Adam's apple was rolling, as if swallowing saliva; Vietnamese Ruan Jingtian's black face was flushed, and a pair of small eyes were wide open. ...

This is the striptease that is commonly seen in nightclubs, but why is it so alluring in the film?

Although he couldn't figure out the problem, Mike Girvin knew that it was due to the superb technique of the director. The camera almost magnified all the advantages of the heroine by ten times, and ignored her flaws just right.

An actress is definitely lucky to meet such a director!

Mike Girvin nodded slightly. No matter how you look at it, this is an extremely successful beginning.

The director didn't talk too much at all, and made it clear that he wanted to use this striptease to attract the audience. This is a very low-level method, but it is also the most effective.

He has rich experience in market research, and he knows very well that the most popular elements of movies are nothing more than "pillows" and "fist".

In this kind of zombie movie, fist scenes are also the key.

After watching it for only 20 minutes, Mike Girvin was relieved. Just like the opening dance scene, the fist scene was not ambiguous at all. The director did not play any sophisticated or mysterious means. The action scenes were sharp, bloody and direct. The soaring blood and flying broken limbs stimulated the adrenaline surge of the people, and they couldn't help but want to applaud loudly.

Especially in the second half of the film, the heroine with a broken leg is equipped with m4a1 as a prosthesis, killing the Quartet among the zombies, it is simply amazing!

When the heroine flicked her legs and shot the gun, she used a lot of striptease moves. While being funny and exciting, she also gave people a hot and sexy feeling.

Mike Girvin looked at the front row, wanting to find out where the director was. He really wanted to ask that young guy, how did he come up with such an exciting shooting method?

As a lover of this type of film, these scenes simply make Mike - Gervin can't stop!

Can a large-scale B-movie with a small cost be more entertaining and exciting than this?

However, there is something more enjoyable than machine gun shooting with a prosthetic limb of a dancer with a broken leg. When the helicopter flew up obliquely and the screw machine cut off the heads of the zombies one by one, Mike Gervin finally couldn't help but patted himself hard. leg!

"I'm a#!" He cursed a dirty word, and shouted from the bottom of his heart, "This fucking guy is so handsome!"

At the end of the film screening, Mike Girvin was the first to stand up and slapped his palms vigorously, followed by more applause from around. (To be continued.)

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