Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 212 First Weekend Box Office

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas, Chicago, Miami, Philadelphia, New York, Boston.

From west to east, from north to south.

Host premieres, interact with fans, attend TV shows, give interviews to local newspapers…

After traveling to nine cities in just half a month, when the team completed the recording of a program on a local TV station in Boston and finally announced the end of this carpet marketing tour, Courteney Cox felt that she was about to disperse.

Some flaccidly slumped on the big bed of the hotel where the Boston-Cambridge team stayed, and couldn't help but think of a certain guy, and suddenly felt a little hate.

In "Scream", he only got a rookie price of 200,000 US dollars, but he was ordered like a first-line actress with a salary of 2 million. What is even more hateful is that he also clearly told himself at the beginning that this movie will not be. It will make her famous, but it may affect her future career.


bastard, did you give me any other options?

Tired and resentful, he fell asleep unconsciously. When I was woken up by the knock on the door, the sky outside the window had completely darkened.

Today is October 28, the first day of "Scream".

Now that I have done everything that I can do, I have given up on myself a little bit. How about the box office is my business. But at this point I found myself still wondering if the movie would be a hit.

It is rumored that the film script was conceived by the guy himself, but he did not sign it, saying that he did not want to cause controversy like "Instinct". This gossip has been hot in the media recently, and it was accidentally discovered that Daenerys Entertainment deliberately contributed to it, but never gave an accurate answer.

She knew the truth.

He had indeed conceived it himself, met him at a marketing meeting before the start of this publicity tour, and admitted it himself when jokingly asked.

So there's a little more of a sense of superiority.

After washing up, she went out to eat with everyone, and then a group of people who had gotten to know each other recently proposed to watch a movie of her own, and she readily agreed.

Everyone rushed to an amc theater on the banks of the Charles River, which was considered a star after all. Naturally, there were staff who helped them buy movie tickets in advance, so they could go often. However, everyone didn't seem too eager. After entering the theater hall, the group of six people looked around curiously. It was the golden viewing time, the ticket office was already lined up, and there were posters of "Scream" everywhere in the hall. From the poster, it can be seen from this point that Daenerys Entertainment has completely made the announcement to the extreme.

Because they didn't cover up too much, they were quickly recognized by the men and women in the hall. A group of people rushed forward for the first time, wanting to sign autographs, saying hello, just curious, there were many. Habitually squeezed out the friendly smile that had been cultivated during this period of time and interacted with the audience. After nearly ten minutes, everyone was able to enter the theater.

This is a screening room with only about 100 people. Several people consciously chose the back row and waited patiently. When the movie started, the screening room was so dense that there were almost no vacancies.

Finally completely relieved.

The movie was played by myself and others. Naturally, I didn't pay much attention to the plot. It took nearly two hours before I knew it, but I heard the surrounding audience screaming and sighing constantly. At the end, there is a key plot. On top, there was a guy with a loud voice who couldn't help shouting 'Run, you idiot', causing a lot of people to glare at him.

Leaving the screening room, inevitably he was stopped again.

The theater manager, who is very good at seizing the opportunity, also specially prepared a batch of posters for everyone to sign and send to the audience on the spot. After being so busy for half an hour, the team took a business car to pick up people, and the group squeezed into the spacious general business car compartment. , She vaguely felt that this was not arranged again, was it?

The guy who led the team around, Mark Belford, I heard he was personally promoted to the "Scream" promotion team at a meeting, really is the kind of very smart and strong guy, habitually grabbing everything Opportunity to promote the film, and Robert Rehm also valued it very much.

But, it doesn't matter.

Back at the hotel, everyone gathered in a bar downstairs for a while, and when it was late at night, they went back to rest and looked forward to the box office data of the film.

Surely it will be good.

Because of the time difference, it was already early morning on the east coast, and it was less than nine o'clock in the evening on the west coast.

The market has been in a downturn for more than a month, and too many people in Los Angeles are also paying attention to "Scream". Naturally, some people disagreed with Daenerys Entertainment's marketing campaign like a blockbuster movie, and thought it was a very unwise move. Many people's moods began to get complicated.

Inside a mansion halfway up the mountain in Beverly Hills.

Warner Bros. CEO Terry Semel didn't get a good night's rest.

This Halloween schedule, due to the lack of films, other major Hollywood film companies have no choice but to give up, only Warner Bros. "Oolong Agent" and "Scream" were released at the same time.

"Oolong" is the female spinoff of Warner's best-selling series "Golden Police Academy" starring Hollywood beauty Rebecca De Mornay.

In 1984, the first film of "Golden Police Academy" earned more than $81 million at the North American box office with a production cost of $4.5 million, ranking it on the list that year.

In the sixth place, in recent years, Warner has continued to develop the sequel of "Golden Police Academy" at a frequency of one per year.

However, due to the strike of the screenwriters, the quality of "Oolong Agent" has been seriously affected. During the internal preview stage, a group of executives looked at the scattered and disordered plot and basically did not have any expectations. Only 850 screens were arranged for this release. You know, at the beginning of the year, "Gold Medal Police Academy 5", although the final box office results were unsatisfactory, it got 1,700 screen shots.

In recent years, the theater ticketing system has been updated, and now it is possible to quickly and relatively accurately calculate the approximate single-day box office data.

Waking up in the morning, Terry Semel gave up the last ray of hope without looking at the box office data fax for the first time. He is very clear that if there is good news, the company will send the data as soon as possible, and the executives of the publicity department may also call in person.

This waited until nearly eight o'clock, when the fax machine finally sent a page of data.

Terry Semel, who just got back today's newspaper from outside, took a quick glance at the page of data, and even had a wry smile on his face. The box office of "Scream" was higher than expected, and the data of "Oolong Agent" was lower than expected.

The single-day box office rough report only counts the data of the top ten movies.

On the first day of the painting, "Scream", which has 1,755 screens, was the best at the box office, and the first day's box office was about 4.5 million US dollars.

The second-ranked "Moonlight Panic 4" has roughly the same screen size of 1,692 screens, and its first-day box office in the second week of screening was $1.5 million, only one-third of "Scream".

Paramount's "Pear Blossom", Fox's "Alien Empire", Universal's "Mist Locks", and Columbia's "Headline" are four older films that have been in theaters for several weeks.

Although it is a new film, "Oolong Detective" was directly dumped to the seventh place on the single-day list. This film, which cost the same $10 million to make as "Scream", only had a poor first-day box office of 350,000 Dollars, less than one-tenth of Scream's first-day box office.

Putting down the box office report in his hand, Terry Semel sat down on the living room sofa and started flipping through today's paper.

"Los Angeles Times", "Variety", "Hollywood Reporter", etc., although not all positive reviews, but every newspaper has large chunks of "Scream" film review articles, and it is "Scream"'s turn. "Oolong Agent", and even only two professional magazines "Variety" and "The Hollywood Reporter" barely mentioned it.

After working in Hollywood for so many years, Terry Semel understands that what is worse than a one-sided negative review is that no one reviews it at all. "Oolong Detective" encountered this worst situation.

The $350,000 on the first day is less than one-tenth of the box office data of "Scream", which obviously means an ultra-low attendance rate. After the two-week screening contract ends, the theater will definitely withdraw the film quickly. , the total box office may only be 3 million US dollars, which is still not as good as the first day of "Scream".

In comparison, with $4.5 million at the box office on the first day of the painting, "Scream" will obviously go out of a very beautiful long line.

Terry Semel suddenly thought of a point of view that formed in the media during the release of "Instinct", starting with "When Harry Met Sally", followed by "Pulp Fiction" and "Instinct", produced by Daenerys Entertainment The first three films have successfully completed their goals, and now, "Scream" is likely to continue the relay road of Daenerys Entertainment.

The fourth film to break 100 million at the box office.

Before this, Hollywood didn't necessarily have four films that exceeded 100 million at the box office in a whole year. Now, it is unbelievable that a small company that has just risen in less than two years has achieved this goal.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Terry Semel hesitated for a moment, but picked up the phone and dialed Simon's residence number.

Warners now has a two-film partnership with Daenerys Entertainment, and on the surface, at least, it's a good idea to call and congratulate it, and it won't cost much.


Although it was Saturday, Simon still got up early and received the box office data report from the company as soon as possible. The $4.5 million on the first day exceeded expectations, and it completely relaxed. Janet had long since returned from France and was habitually staying in bed, so she began to prepare breakfast for the two of them. Although she would occasionally complain half-jokingly, in fact, this was probably the only thing he needed to do at home.

After seven o'clock, when breakfast was ready, Simon came to the bedroom.

The woman was still sleeping, and Simon took a few glances and decided to wake her up later. He picked up a folder by the bed and walked out of the bedroom again. October is the month when the new quarterly financial reports of listed companies are released. In the folder are the financial reports of several listed companies held by Westeros Company and the financial report of Westeros Company itself for the previous quarter.

North American listed companies generally pay dividends on a quarterly basis.

According to preliminary statistics, in the third quarter just past, the total cash or equity dividends received by Westeros Company is equivalent to about 26.3 million US dollars. That's not a huge amount relative to the total value of Westeros' stock holdings, roughly 5% per annum, not as good as some long-term bonds.

However, affected by the generally better-than-expected quarterly earnings reports, the stock prices of technology stocks held by Westeros have generally risen. The total value of the statistics in the latest week has reached 1.93 billion US dollars, compared with the August announcement of Forbes.

The rich list's total value of $1.8 billion rose again by $130 million.

Obviously, share price appreciation is the most important point for most investors.

During the half month after returning from France, Janet has been helping Simon to look through these financial reports. Although she always looks casual, Simon knows that women are definitely more dedicated than anyone else around him. With her help to watch, Simon is also not worried that there will be mistakes in this.

As Janet, I explained to Simon the quarterly financial report of Westeros Company until midnight.

As it approached eight o'clock, Simon received consecutive calls from Amy Pascal, Terry Semel and others to congratulate the box office of "Scream", and then came to the bedroom again and called Janet to get up.

Still working on weekends.

Along with the first-day box-office data, a lot of other information related to the film is quickly aggregated.

Overall, "Scream" has not received very good reviews, barely exceeding 7 points, but it is obvious that the public popularity of this film is far greater than that of all other films in the same period. Moreover, Daenerys Entertainment's highly targeted publicity strategy has always focused its audience on teenagers. These people just don't care too much about media word of mouth, but prefer word of mouth from their classmates and friends around them.

With "Scream" unknowingly forming a movie-watching craze among teenagers, the three weekend days passed quickly.

Monday, October 31st.

The preparatory box office data for the past weekend was released smoothly.

Like half of the first-day box office report, "Scream" still leads all other films in the same period without any suspense, and finally the box office in the first three days of the first weekend reached 13.79 million US dollars. This first weekend box office result alone has surpassed the total North American box office of most other films released in October.

Moreover, with such a start, as long as the box office drop is not too severe, this is obviously another movie with a North American box office exceeding 100 million. Seeing this data, both inside Hollywood and the North American media, couldn't help but feel a touch of numbness.

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