Until he left, Watson did not give the young man a definite answer.

Although he was full of doubts, under the dual effects of fear and banknotes, the young man decided to do what Watson said.

Watson and Lu Ke, who was wearing a pig's head, left together. On the way, Watson randomly pulled out a hooded coat, and Lu Ke reluctantly put it on his suit, covering his face.

"So the person who did this is your girlfriend, a girl who can read people's hearts?"

Lu Ke nodded.

"That's really..."

Watson looked in admiration: "Can you introduce us to each other? I'm very good at pleasing people. I can say good things about you in front of her..."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly.

At this time, the little man in the bottle appeared out of thin air again and shook his head at Watson: "Don't even think about it, you will never have the chance to see this pig head again."

Watson smiled helplessly: "Nice to meet you, ma'am."

But the little man in the bottle ignored him and disappeared out of thin air.

Watson nodded: "You have a bad temper, or do you care about you particularly?"

"How enviable."

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly.

They got on the bus back to London together and stopped in the street outside the station.

This is a triangular square next to an intersection. There are not many pedestrians, and anyone passing by can see it clearly.

"What do you want in return?"

Lu Ke looked around, trying to hide his face in the shadow of the hood.

Watson looked up and around.

Both of them knew what they should do. Speaking in such an open public place was the best way to keep it secret. They each paid attention to a direction and stopped when pedestrians approached.

"Introduce me to your girlfriend."

Lu Ke was helplessly silent.

"I can give you lots and lots of money."

Watson smiled: "Even if you have a gold mine, I will not change the conditions. I know you don't want to continue to associate with me, but doesn't your girlfriend not matter?"

Lu Ke let out a long sigh.

He definitely never thought that things would end up like this.

"My girlfriend will not agree. Letting you see these strange things has violated the code of confidentiality. I have violated the law by not letting you lose your memory..."

Watson nodded: "So you still have laws. If I report you, you will be in trouble?"

Lu Ke was silent for a moment.



Lu Ke was speechless.

He felt that it was best to end the matter now: "We are engaged in the most troublesome war in history. Our opponents will do whatever it takes, and you'd better not get involved."

Watson turned around and glanced at Lu Ke: "You didn't lie?"

Lu Ke nodded silently.

Watson sighed longly: "War..."

"We are in a war now, and the Ministry of Magic will lead the wizarding world to victory!"

Dumbledore smiled and threw the Daily Prophet aside.

Lu Ke glanced at him a little doubtfully.


Dumbledore nodded: "He invited me to the Ministry of Magic and asked me to declare for him that Voldemort's threat was not significant."

Lu Ke shook his head: "The Death Eater attacks are still going on, and a new Death Eater has finally appeared among Isabella Strange's supporters. To say this at this time..."

Lu Ke was speechless.

For example, what Scrimgeour is doing now is to deceive himself and others. He is obviously the Minister of Magic, and he is also the one with the most determined attitude towards Voldemort. He did not expect that things would turn out like this.

Dumbledore smiled: "Don't worry, we are the only ones who can deal with Tom from the beginning. Speaking of which..."

Lu Ke nodded: "I found a cemetery hidden behind the house. It may be where Voldemort hides his Horcruxes. There is a trap built entirely in Muggle style. There is one known victim. died."

A flash of surprise flashed across Dumbledore's face.

"I'm sorry to make your summer so busy. After all, this is your last year at Hogwarts..."

Lu Ke shook his head casually: "Shall we go and take a look now?"

Dumbledore nodded: "We're going now."

As he spoke, he stood up.

The two walked out of the principal's office together. Outside the door of Hogwarts, Dumbledore took Lu Ke and apparated.

When the twisted world stopped, Lu Ke found himself standing under the hillside.

Lu Ke was a little surprised, but the surprise dissipated immediately.

Dumbledore had been here before, more than once.

"To be honest, I'm a little frustrated, Lu Ke. I've been here countless times."

Dumbledore smiled and turned around to look at the buildings on the hillside.

Lu Ke smiled: "Actually, it's all a Muggle test. She's very good at doing this kind of thing."

Dumbledore nodded: "It is always right to seek help from someone who is good at it."

Then Lu Ke started walking towards the distance.

Together they walked through the narrow lanes, out of the confines of the town, and stopped at the young man's door.

Dumbledore nodded: "I have never been here before, Tom beat me again..."

Lu Ke shook his head: "As far as I know, he has never defeated you, professor."

Dumbledore raised his wand and opened the door casually, shaking his head as he walked in: "I have lost many times. I lost the Longbottoms, the Potters, and almost lost you, and Harry."

Lu Ke was speechless.

He followed Dumbledore inside.

At this moment, the young man rushed down the stairs: "Hey! You guys..."

Just when he was about to punch Dumbledore, an old man who seemed to pose no threat, without hesitation, the young man saw Lu Ke.

"It's you?"

Lu Ke nodded: "You did a good job, but we are together."

The young man glanced at Lu Ke with fear, and then nodded: "Hold on when you climb over the window..."

Lu Ke nodded.

Dumbledore looked around in surprise.

Lu Ke squeezed past him, got into the kitchen, and opened the window.

"Let's get out of here."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "I haven't done this kind of thing for many years. It's so interesting..."

He jumped out of the window with agility.

Lu Ke followed helplessly.

The two stood in the cemetery, and Lu Ke began to explain the key to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled: "It's not surprising that Tom would like this story, because there is a wizard version of this story. But are you really not interested in this interesting story at all?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "I know very little."

Dumbledore walked to the tombstone with a smile: "Merlin...pretentious."


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