Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 85: Interception from front to back

The rotating corridor finally stopped, and now there are twelve doors on both sides of the corridor.

Hermione shook her head: "Do you know where we should go?"

Harry shook his head: "We..."

He suddenly looked up.

Because Harry saw the correct door.

Harry turned around and walked to the first door on the right, then put his hand on the door handle: "Get ready!"

Ron and Hermione quickly walked to his side, pointing their wands at the door.

Then Harry pushed open the door.

Behind the door is a huge, dark room.

But there were no Death Eaters.

Harry walked in cautiously.

He raised his wand and looked around carefully.

Suddenly Malfoy's voice came from behind him: "The fluorescent lights flash..."

Harry almost jumped. He almost roared and raised his wand: "There are many obstacles!"

"Armor protection!"

But nothing happened.

But everyone else was shocked.

Malfoy said a little unhappy: "What's wrong?"

Harry turned around helplessly: "In a dark place, light is the best target..."

"If there were Death Eaters here, you would have us all killed!"

Malfoy shuddered and extinguished the light at the tip of his wand.

"But it's not like there are no Death Eaters here..."

Hermione said: "That's enough! Luck won't let us survive in the hands of Death Eaters!"

Malfoy was shocked and angry. This was the first time Hermione had spoken to him in this tone.

But he could only bow his head and endure it, because he was the one who made the mistake.

Harry reluctantly swallowed his false alarm and walked forward.

"Where is this?"

They carefully raised their wands and pointed them around, but there was nothing here.

Ron said helplessly: "I remembered the time when Lu Ke trained us..."

Harry couldn't help but laugh.

What they are facing now is indeed quite similar.

It was during a recent Defense Against the Dark Arts class practice. Lu Ke turned the training room into a narrow and dark place, and then ravaged everyone head-on one after another in the shadows.

It was also after that time that Harry and the others firmly remembered what Lu Ke once said: "Fight more and run faster."

"Death Eaters are much easier to deal with than Luke."

After Harry said this, he suddenly found that he felt much better.

Then a flash of fear flashed through his heart.

Even Lu Ke, who was more powerful than the Death Eaters, still needed them to save him.

The enemies lurking in the darkness here are far more dangerous than anyone Harry could have ever imagined.

"Follow me!"

Harry walked across the room in the darkness.

The others looked at what was in the shadows of the room with curious expressions on their faces.

"What's this?"

Ron saw something suspended in a glass tank that he didn't recognize at all.

Harry walked over without looking, feeling that anything might jump out of the shadows at any moment now.

Luna took a curious look, then showed a surprised look: "That's...the brain..."

Hermione shuddered, but said nothing.

Everyone fell into silence.

Then they finally reached safety on the other side of the room, and Harry pushed open the door.

What appeared in front of them was a circular room. Hermione and Ron confirmed again that there were no hidden Death Eaters around.

This is a place like the Colosseum. In the center of the circular stone steps is a square platform with a stone arch and a black curtain hanging above it.

Harry and the others were on the top step.

From here, you have an unobstructed view of the entire room.

Harry looked around.

The other door is on the opposite side, on the same top step.

Harry hesitated and decided to go around the top step.

Never stand in a low place, this is what Lu Ke once told Harry: the method was to hide on the ceiling a dozen times in a row, and then suddenly fall behind Harry, causing his heart to almost stop.

"Human instinct is not to always look up."

Harry still remembers the smile on Lu Ke's face when he said this.

Together they walked cautiously along the edge of the room toward the other side.

At this moment, the doors on both sides opened at the same time.

A dozen Death Eaters rushed in at the same time.

The battle broke out almost instantly, and magic spells flew everywhere like lightning.

Harry almost instinctively stretched out his hand to push Hermione behind him, and then, just like when he faced Lu Ke, his mind went blank, and he threw a series of "Expelliarmus" everywhere without stopping.

Not just Harry, but almost everyone around him was like this.

There were probably only two exceptions: Malfoy and Luna.

Luna has shown this talent a long time ago: she is the only person who does not feel afraid when facing Lu Ke.

Malfoy showed his talent for the first time, although he could not even compare with Harry in learning Occlumency.

These two men became the most crucial of all: they were the only ones able to detect the threatening moves.

Ron and Hermione almost instinctively began to put armor on everyone, while Neville and others threw out all the spells they could use without thinking.

Only Luna and Malfoy, who were still calm, could see the real threat and find ways to deal with it.

The Death Eaters had no worries at all.

They now have the upper hand, controlling both exits from the room. Facing a group of students who have not yet graduated from Hogwarts, they only need to throw the dangerous spell out.

For a time, everyone in Harry was in danger.

But finally, Harry calmed down.

It had taken him a long time to learn this trick: using the coolness of Expelliarmus.

This is a subtle influence that only the wizards who are best at this kind of spell can vaguely feel, but at the critical moment, it really works.

Harry looked both ways quickly.

They were sandwiched in the middle. There were a dozen Death Eaters in total, a few of them were in front of the door they entered, and the others were on the opposite side.

Harry couldn't help but start to wonder why the Death Eaters could come up from behind them.

Then he pushed the thought out of his head.

In fact, the Death Eaters underestimated Harry and the others.

Harry noticed that one of the smaller group of Death Eaters had already lost his wand, and another was bending over and vomiting, obviously under a spell.

This also means that there are actually only three Death Eaters left who can still fight.

Harry took action without hesitation.

Soon, all the Death Eaters over there lost the ability to fight.

Students instantly feel less stressed because they no longer have to juggle both.


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