Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 84: Walking out of Black's house

It's a free-for-all ambush, like a hunting game.

There is no better entertainment for a Death Eater.

They dispersed, preparing to give Harry and the others a warm welcome.

Only Isabella Strange remained.

She knew that the real target of this hunt had never been Harry and the students of Hogwarts.

Lu Ke will go straight here, and when he arrives, he will see the welcome prepared for him by Isabella Strange, as well as Harry Potter and the students of Hogwarts who are being hunted them.

But Isabella Strange was really curious about how Lu Ke would face this trap.

Because she really couldn't see any hope.

"Professor McGonagall and Hagrid were called to the Ministry of Magic together!"

Mr. Weasley stood in front of Lu Ke: "They are crazy!"

Lu Ke nodded: "The Ministry of Magic does have great power..."

He stood up and looked at the other people in the room: "Let's go, let's rescue Harry and the others."

Sirius Black rushed towards the door. He was in a hurry, but when he reached the door, he suddenly turned back: "Do you think Harry will not be fooled?"

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh: "That's better, we have less things to worry about here."

Sirius Black sighed helplessly: "What do we do?"

Lu Ke stood up and followed everyone towards the door.

"Mr. Weasley and Kingsley go to find Professor McGonagall and Hagrid together. With their help, we will have a better chance of winning."

Both Mr. Weasley and Kingsley looked surprised.

They were extremely worried before because the Ministry of Magic suddenly called Professor McGonagall and Hagrid to interrupt the plan, but suddenly, everything turned out to be a good thing, and they were simply overjoyed.

"Others must not separate, even after Moody and Tonks arrive. You go find Harry and the others, protect them, and leave as soon as possible if you can escape."

Lupine and Sirius Black looked at each other and nodded.

As they walked out the door, Lupine hesitated for a moment, then said, "What about you?"

Lu Ke smiled: "I will go find that spear. It is best to have the weapon that can threaten me in your hands as soon as possible, isn't it?"

Lupine hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing.

So they apparated in front of Black's house.

Harry walked down the corridor with the others.

He vaguely remembered the location of the Wizengamot, but he was completely confused as to where the Department of Mysteries' Prophecy Hall was.

But when Harry looked around anxiously, as if he had been here countless times, he suddenly knew how to go.

Hermione looked around: "How do we go?"

Harry took a deep breath and said, "Follow me."

He walked towards the end of the corridor on one side, passed the elevator entrance, and then came to the door with a flash of black.

"Just behind here..."

Malfoy nodded and took out his wand.

Harry shook his head: "All of us must not separate. You follow me. Remember, what Lu Ke said when we practiced?"

Hermione spoke before everyone else: "Hit more and run faster!"

Harry nodded: "We must not separate. If there are few people on the other side, we will attack together. If there are many people, we will run away!"

Malfoy and the others.

Then Harry raised his right hand and pushed the door open.

Oncoming was a flash of green lightning.

"Avada Kadawa!"

Harry raised his wand almost without thinking: "Expelliarmus!"

Two flashes of spells met in the air and exploded in front of Harry, scattering sparks that obscured his vision.

At this moment, Hermione and Luna, who were behind Harry, took action.

"The Upside Down Golden Bell!"

"Armor protection!"

Hermione glanced at Harry worriedly, then realized that the armor protection was unnecessary.

Instead, Luna's spell fell on the Death Eater, and the wizard in black robes was hung upside down.

But the fight didn't end there.

"All petrified!"

A spell fell on Harry.

Hermione almost immediately screamed, "Harry!"

Harry raised his wand without thinking: "Expelliarmus!"

Then the wand in the Death Eater's hand flew out.

Only now did Harry finally begin to wonder why the spell just now didn't work.

"I'm fine..."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief: "The armor protection worked..."

Harry nodded: "Thank you."

Only then did the others rush in from the door. They took a look at the Death Eater who was hanging upside down, losing his wand but still looking cruelly excited and shouting furiously. A trace of fear flashed across his face.

Hermione reached out and grabbed Harry's arm: "Can you please quiet him?"

Harry looked up and thought for a moment, then raised his wand: "Collapsed."

Then the Death Eater went completely silent.

Others breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry turned around and looked around. This was a corridor that seemed very dark with few people passing by.

At the end of the corridor is another door.

"let's go."

Harry hesitated for a moment, then stopped: "The next time you meet a Death Eater..."

"Hermione and Ron remember to protect everyone, Luna...and Neville, control the Death Eaters, and the others..."

"Be careful not to get hit, and don't hit your companions."

There was a moment of silence among the surrounding crowd.

Then Malfoy said with a mocking tone: "We'll be careful, Potter."

Harry sighed helplessly.

Then they move on.

But no Death Eaters appeared as he walked through the corridor, and then Harry carefully pushed open the door at the end.

Several people around and behind him were on high alert, but no Death Eaters showed up at all.

Harry was stunned for a moment.

He walked cautiously through the door.

This is the Department of Mysteries, a corridor with twelve doors.

The others followed Harry through the door.

Everyone was trying to look around, but no Death Eaters appeared.

Just as the last Slytherin walked through the door, suddenly the corridor began to spin.

It was as if the floor beneath Harry's feet would not move, and all the surrounding doors turned into blurry shadows.

"What's this?"

Ron looked around blankly and raised his wand.

But Harry raised his hand to stop him: "Don't use spells..."

Hermione nodded: "This is to prevent us from escaping. Now it's impossible for us to know which door we came in from."

Harry was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

"But we don't need to go back now!"


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