Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 79 Bloodthirsty Plant

Johanna smiled helplessly: "You looked like you were going to kill someone just now, and you even hissed like a snake."

Lu Ke nodded: "So Voldemort is indeed on my body now. I'm glad to say that he can't run away."

Dumbledore shook his head.

He carefully rewrapped the Ravenclaw's diadem and replaced the handkerchief in its place.

"Tom chose a particularly sophisticated method this time. This black magic is necessary. Think about it carefully. If he only needs one host, then using black magic to consume the host's power is consuming his own power. This is too much. Stupid."

Dumbledore let out a long sigh: "This dark magic is like a siphon. The power it consumes from you does not disappear out of thin air, but is transferred to Tom. Even if he is a ghost now, he is still a person who can move freely. , a ghost that creates countless troubles.”

Lu Ke raised his head and thought for a while: "So the key now is, should I solve this black magic?"

Dumbledore nodded.

Lu Ke smiled: "I really wanted to say that I just know a way."

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment: "Do you really know?"

Lu Ke nodded: "I've been doing this recently, and I'm still reading books for the time being."

Snape nodded: "I can help. What are you looking for?"

Lu Ke sighed: "I haven't had time to ask Professor Sputraw about things related to medicinal herbs..."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment: "We have come to a conclusion on this matter a long time ago. Severus, you are responsible for finding the potion that can undo the curse. Lu Ke needs help...just treat it as this is a Potions and Herbal Medicine class. After-school homework.”

"Although we have given Lu Ke too much homework until now."

Snape nodded.

Dumbledore sighed: "Okay, you should go back to the ward, Luke, otherwise Madam Pomfrey will make me afraid to walk into the school hospital if she knows you are here."

Lu Ke nodded, and then Snape escorted him out of the principal's office.

The two separated from Johanna at the top of the stairs, and then Lu Ke and Snape walked into the school hospital together.

"Sorry Lu Ke, I didn't realize this at all..."

It was a rare first time that Snape directly admitted his mistakes, and Lu Ke was still a little surprised.

But he didn't think Snape did less.

You must know that during this year, he has been staring at Quirrell. If Quirrell hadn't been under too much pressure, the mysterious man would not have used such a complicated conspiracy to divert his attention.

"It doesn't matter, Professor Snape, we haven't lost yet, the problem will be solved soon."

Snape was silent for a moment: "What herb are you looking for?"

Lu Ke sighed as he walked: "It will grow because of the blood of the mermaid. It lives in the water and does not need sunlight."

Snape shook his head: "I have never heard of any herb like this."

They separated at the entrance of the school hospital. Under Madam Pomfrey's strong aura, Snape left without saying anything.

The next morning, Lu Ke went to the library to read books like the previous few days, but to his surprise, Lu Ke met Snape here.

Unlike Lu Ke, Snape was looking for something in the restricted book area.

"Any clues, Professor Snape?"

Snape showed no surprise when he saw Lu Ke. He shook his head casually: "No."

Lu Ke sighed. He never thought that things would be solved so easily.

Of course, the easiest way is to go to Professor Sputraw, but she is currently busy with the greenhouse, so Lu Ke did not go to her.

"Bloodthirst is a characteristic of dangerous herbs. You probably shouldn't look for it in ordinary herb books in the first place."

Snape took Lu Ke through the restricted book area while scanning the bookshelves.

Lu Ke shook his head: "But this kind of aquatic plant will heal the wounds of the fishmen after receiving the blood of the fishmen. It should not be a dangerous algae."

Snape shook his head: "Blood itself is something that can only be touched by black magic. You know too little about the dark side of magic, so you..."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.

In the end, Snape proved himself.

In the forbidden book area, Snape really found the book that recorded the algae.

"So it was wrong from the beginning, and terribly wrong."

It's not algae, it doesn't require mermaid blood, it doesn't heal mermaid wounds, and it doesn't require sunlight.

This is a product of black magic through and through.

Lu Ke felt creepy just looking at its description.

As a parasitic plant, this magical plant developed by the dark wizard can grow and spread in the blood of any living creature. It will take over the animal and even help it heal its wounds when it is injured.

Of course, this parasitic plant does not need sunlight and can survive in water, because it is not a plant that grows in the soil.

Lu Ke shuddered.

He couldn't imagine that Hufflepuff could be friends with such a plant.

"Whoever left it behind, this is a genius and a great wizard. Few wizards can use such terrifying things for the right purpose, and this wizard did it."

Lu Ke nodded.

Although Hufflepuff is great, he still feels terrible.

"Now the question is, what do you do to this plant?"

Snape could see Lu Ke's fear. You must know that this kind of emotion is very rare in Lu Ke.

Lu Ke smiled helplessly: "I don't know, maybe to help stabilize the cage?"

Snape nodded: "A cage that has lasted for a thousand years and is full of holes, but the time of a thousand years is very interesting."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Snape sighed: "Professor Sputraw recently wanted to build a new greenhouse."

Lu Ke nodded, he was probably the first to know about this matter.

"Because any environment in which herbs grow, even if it is a specific artificial environment, will have unpredictable effects on the herbs growing in it after a long period of time."

"The greenhouses at Hogwarts have always been cared for by Herbology professors, but a thousand years is a dangerous number."

Lu Ke understood what Snape wanted to say.

"And the huge statue in the fish-man village has not changed at all in a thousand years, so it's time for this magical plant to undergo a complete change?"

Snape nodded: "It has completed a complete change, which means it may not be a dark and bloodthirsty terrifying plant at all, but it may also be about to die completely."

"There are many possibilities, and you need to really look at them to be sure."

Lu Ke sighed helplessly.



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