Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 594 Chapter 591 Glow Project

If you criticize the company, you have to find a secret place to say it. Zhuang Xuteng is becoming more and more fond of cargo ships on the Peihe River. This fluid, random, inexpensive place is great for conversation. Only God, Earth, and Peihe know about their conversation.

Mike told him the truth. He now has two fears: one is that he will be found by the company, and the other is that he will be able to go back but have no money. If Zhuang Xuteng can cover up his body posture problems, he will have a chance to go home. However, he thought of selling the old projects of the Gardener Organization as information to Zhuang Xuteng so that he could get some money so that his family could have a stable life after returning.

He only has this little thing left to sell, and there may be only one potential buyer, Zhuang Xuteng. This may be the only chance.

"I can completely understand how you feel now." Zhuang Xuteng said to Mike: "Maybe you don't believe it, but this is not the first time I have encountered your situation."

"Okay, then I'll tell you straight..."

Mike wanted to package the information on the Gardener organization and sell it for 10 million euros, but Zhuang Xuteng immediately vetoed it. Zhuang Xuteng was only prepared to give him one million, because the only companies on the market that were interested in the Gardener Organization's information were, to put it bluntly, unable to monetize it. Zhuang Xuteng can only use this information to make money for himself in other ways. It is conceivable that there is no guarantee for such a thing.

After bargaining, the two parties finally agreed to purchase Mike's information in exchange for 1.5 million euros plus 20% of subsequent revenue. Zhuang Xuteng took out 750,000 euros worth of platinum coins as a deposit, and then Mike told everything he knew about the situation.

With the Secretariat as the core, the Gardeners organization is relatively loose as a whole, and each member does not know what the other is doing - but there are still sporadic gossips circulating. After sorting it out, Mike believed that the core work of the Gardener organization was a bomb that had "good effects" on augmented humans and augmented human armies. It is powerful enough to destroy the enhanced person, it is very concealed and cannot be discovered, and its destruction speed is fast enough that it cannot be avoided.

If Mike had information about this bomb, he would become a multimillionaire in no time. Unfortunately, Palovich's main attack direction is not here, but on the public opinion front.

Palovich has contacts with many reporters and informants, and buys company information from them, especially dirty information about some company executives. This black material can be used as blackmail, can cause dog-eat-dog within the company, and trigger internal strife.

Through such channels, Palovich got a clue that someone was willing to sell the information of the Glow project for 15 million euros. The work of contacting, evaluating, and purchasing was left to Mike. He started the operation with 15 million euros and negotiated the matter for 5 million euros. Before he could get the information, something happened in Peicheng.

"I bought this new identity for 10 million euros, and then sell you five million worth of things." Mike opened a piece of skin under his right chest and took out a small key from the hidden flesh pocket. "The box at the storage room of Peicheng Municipal Stadium is numbered G-7841. The information is inside."

Zhuang Xuteng took the key, looked at it for a moment, and asked, "You said before that you were investigating this clue in another place. Why is the information in Peicheng?"

"This is a coincidence. The person who traded intelligence didn't dare to keep the things around him, so he took the opportunity of coming to Peicheng to hide it in advance, carrying only this key with him - he didn't know that I was from Peicheng. "

"Why haven't you withdrawn it since then?" Zhuang Xuteng asked: "You can find black market channels through Dr. Jiang, and that information should be able to get you some money."

"The black market won't be interested in this stuff. Only people who don't like the company will be willing to pay a good price."

Okay, it's okay to be seen through to this extent. Zhuang Xuteng really doesn't like the company, and he will behave like this even in front of people in the company. Moreover, the company likes others and is afraid of them. Whether they like the company or not has no impact on the company.

"Besides, I'm also worried that this is a trap." Mike pointed to the key and said, "What if the informant is fishing?"

"If it's a trap, I've saved your life. You give me the money." Zhuang Xuteng accepted the key, immediately jumped on the return boat with his microphone, returned to the original place, and drove to Peicheng Municipal Sports Center.

The stadium is empty, the gangs that once occupied it are gone, and there are far fewer homeless people, but no one will come here to exercise again. Information about the last concert was posted on the poster board and wall. The paper had been torn by the wind, and the people on the poster looked like they had been cut diagonally into eight parts. There were seven or eight trucks parked near the entrance. The cargo compartments were filled with large and small boxes. It looked like a performance company. Zhuang Xuteng eavesdropped on their conversation and realized that they were going to set up an exhibition here, as if it was a product promotion event.

They took the maintenance passage, while Zhuang Xuteng took the social personnel passage, which is the physical training passage. A long time ago, the Xianfa Municipal Government opened this stadium to everyone who needs running exercise, and the entrance fee is covered by the "Peicheng Park Card". Good citizens can use the park card to enter and exit the stadium and use the equipment inside. Guess who can get in without a card?

All non-good citizens are OK.

Zhuang Xuteng was not considered a good citizen. When he approached the gate, he pressed the manual switch on the inside with his wraith tentacle and put himself in directly. Mike was not stuck. He looked left and right, quickly jumped over the turnstile, and slipped in smoothly. Although the stadium staff saw this scene from a distance, what does the job of checking tickets have to do with the cleaning people? As long as they don't litter, no one will give them any trouble.

"They don't use execution puppets here yet. They are all cleaned by real people." Mike looked around and said: "To be honest, I have seen execution puppets all day long recently. Such scenes are rare."

"Someone did this on purpose." Zhuang Xuteng took out a shock bomb from his arms, pulled off the ring, and threw it upwards with force. The shock bomb drew an arc at high speed, crossed the high wall of the stadium, and headed straight for the track and field. The shock bomb detonated in mid-air, a violent flash illuminated the venue, and the shock noise produced an echo and reverberation effect.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the sudden shock bomb. Most people fled, but only some characters moved towards the venue. They are either very brave or have an important mission. Zhuang Xuteng didn't need to distinguish their intentions one by one, he just needed to take Mike and hide in a hidden place.

"Wait five seconds, and then follow me. The box is not far ahead." Zhuang Xuteng closed his eyes, focusing his senses on sensing tentacles and resentful spirit jelly. At the same time, he also had to reverse the direction of the camera, or use shadows to form different shapes. The light-transmitting shielding paved the way for their next actions.

These five seconds are also the time for the ghost servant to take the key to unlock the door. Zhuang Xuteng then traveled smoothly with Black Mike. Other than being careful to always walk in the shadows, Zhuang Xuteng did not need to pay attention to other details, so this became the simplest infiltration operation in Mike's life. He looked around like a PCPD detective and noticed the unusual cameras. Of course he couldn't figure out how Zhuang Xuteng did it, but of course he understood that it was all Zhuang Xuteng's doing.

"It doesn't look like there's an ambush. These are the types of equipment that can be found in gymnasiums. They shouldn't be company traps." Zhuang Xuteng took Mike to the locker. Of course, the door of the locker had been opened, and the small suitcase inside was also occupied by the wraith servant. Pull half of it out and hang it on the door of the cabinet. Zhuang Xuteng blocked Mike's line of sight with his body, walked forward and picked up the box directly. The task of closing the door and taking out the key was left to the ghost servant to avoid leaving fingerprints.

"You move so fast..." Mike felt like he just blinked, and the steps of taking out keys, unlocking, and getting things were completed? He followed Zhuang Xuteng step by step and trotted away from the stadium. He didn't know that behind him, the servants of the resentful spirits even wiped their footprints clean.

Back in the car, Mike became the driver again, while Zhuang Xuteng opened a box in the back seat. There is no shadow energy response in the box, and the spirit jelly can be used to see through the gaps. There are only some documents inside, and there are no traps. The box itself uses a combination lock and cannot be opened directly. Zhuang Xuteng didn't even bother to ask for the password. He used a little force with his hands to break the lock and open the box.

There was a pile of paper documents with photos inside, mainly a follow-up report, mixed with some copies of company documents and a few unclear photos. The report mentioned a "Glow Project" that used illegal means to provide raw materials for public work sites. The reporter who compiled the report found some clues, including a list of suppliers filled with numerical and alphabetical codes, and then some reference directories also composed of codes.

"What is this? Are they all riddles?" Zhuang Xuteng rummaged through the information. He could only identify from the photo that it was a group photo taken at a meeting. Four energetic middle-aged men and women in suits stood side by side in a row. , smiling at the camera. "Who are these four people? Have you seen them?"

Mike stopped on the side of the road, looked back, and then shook his head - he also couldn't read the documents encoded with numbers and letters. "I am only responsible for negotiating business and retrieving intelligence as cheaply as possible. I am not good at decoding."

"If you don't want to find another person to decode it, then you have to find the person who provided the clues." Zhuang Xuteng put down the folder and asked, "Can you still find that guy again?"

"It's basically impossible." Mike carefully recalled the situation of the meeting at that time. He said: "The man was very cautious and used a temporary mobile phone number. He must have planned to throw it away after the transaction. His real name is probably only Palovic." I know, and he was wearing sunglasses and a breathing mask that day, his voice was also changed, and he only used a password to prove his identity..."

"It sounds like this person has a lot of experience in selling information! A reporter doesn't write reports, he only sells reports..."

"If anything he writes can be reported, then he won't sell it. And it's unclear what is behind these codes, and he may not have the ability to continue investigating." Mike shook his head and said: "Everyone knows that the company is very Awesome, except for idiots like the Gardeners Organization, who would even think of having a chance with the company?"

"That's right." Zhuang Xuteng took out the folder alone, threw the box into the front row, and said, "You send me to the music restaurant, then you go around a little further, find a trash can to throw away the box, and then come back and wait for me. .”

Zhuang Xuteng is not good at deciphering, so he can only ask Sister Lucy for help. The middleman often has to decipher intelligence and secrets before starting work, and she has the corresponding technical reserves. Zhuang Xuteng waited until they were alone, explained his purpose, and then handed the document to her.

Lucy is a smart person. She guessed with just a little thought that the matter that Nike was busy with was related to the company. Therefore, she was very cautious when handling files and would never use anything connected to the Internet. However, she does not have access to Internet-connected devices. With her many years of experience in this industry, she quickly figured out that the code of a lot of numbers and letters was a combination of coordinates and names.

"Look at this part. These are the coordinates, in hexadecimal." Lucy noticed Zhuang Xuteng's confused look, waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about it, I can convert it for you in a while. These latter are some kind of encryption I have to let Meteor run a calculation to find out the abbreviation method. Since this part is very short, it cannot save a lot of information, so I guess it is the name, which corresponds to the location."

"Why not a classification or a description of the situation?"

"There are too few repeated parts, and it doesn't look like there are categories." Lucy pointed to the bookcase and said, "Go and get the map book, the one with a thick green cover. I'll convert the coordinates right now."

Lucy must have installed some kind of auxiliary computing device. Anyway, Zhuang Xuteng saw that she calculated very quickly, without pausing at all, and completed it in a moment, which made him envious. Then Lucy checked it again. This time she gathered the parts with similar results and wrote them together, roughly dividing them into six parts.

"Come on, let me see where these are. Nike, pay attention to the first group. It looks familiar to me." Lucy took the thick atlas, first found the world map, and then compared the longitude and latitude coordinates. "Yes, I thought it was right, the first group is the coordinates of Peicheng."

"In the city?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Yes... don't worry, I have to find detailed pictures." Lucy quickly turned to the part related to Peicheng, and asked Zhuang Xuteng to get a strange-shaped ruler from the bookcase. "Let me measure it. I haven't used map skills for a long time and I'm a bit rusty... Should I do this or that first?"

"Sister Lucy, have you ever learned map technology?"

"My father participated in the recent corporate war. He was an artilleryman and taught me this. He didn't know how to raise children and didn't know how to play with me. He just wanted to teach me everything he knew so that I can take care of myself.”

Gradually, Lucy rediscovered the technique from the depths of memory and emotion. She soon no longer hesitated and operated faster and faster. She found six locations on the map and copied the addresses to Zhuang Xuteng. "It's these six places. In my mind, these are not the company's territory, and there seems to be no connection between them - at least I can't see it. Naike, I suddenly don't know what you are looking for now."

"Actually, I don't know either. I have no clues, so I can only wander around." Zhuang Xuteng took the address strip, glanced at it, and was stunned for a moment.

Lucy thought to herself and said: "I will also find the following address for you, but the text part will have to wait. I don't want to transfer this file from the Internet. I have to take it with me to find Meteor."

"Thank you Sister Lucy, please send me the news." Zhuang Xuteng said.

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