Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 593 Chapter 590 City Ruins

Hearing that Scarecrow Naike believed that there might be unknown things behind the popularity of social public work, Mike suddenly felt a close friend and had the urge to share. He followed Naike's words: "Nowadays, social and public work stations are being built everywhere, and thousands of work chairs are shipped into Peicheng every day. How many factories are needed to support such a large production volume, and how much is involved Investment? The company can’t do welfare for nothing.”

Zhuang Xuteng seemed not to have heard and continued to look out the window, so Mike continued: "If this matter is funded by the constitutional government, it may be to improve social order, but this money has no budget at all, and the constitutional government will not pay for it. None of it is paid out, it’s all taken from the wallets of the four major companies. Therefore, this cannot be a social welfare project, it..."

"If it has no harm and is just suspicious, it does not constitute a problem." Zhuang Xuteng interrupted Mike and said: "I am a mercenary, not organized by a gardener. I only look at whether there is any benefit and whether the thing is true and credible. We will not act based on mere guesses and suspicions. Dingxin Magic’s investigation team has just left, so don’t bring them back again.”

Mike shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Yes, no one likes Dingxin Magic's investigation team. I know this personally. Although I can understand why the company hates us, they came earlier than expected. , and the power is stronger. Naike, there is a saying outside: the apparent reason why Dingxin Demon Chuang came to Peicheng - those few cases - was actually done by you. "

Zhuang Xuteng's expression did not change at all as he stared out the window and said: "If it is good for me, I did it. If it is not good for me, it was not done by me."

This meaningless and watertight answer directly ended the topic. Mike pursed his lips and could only return his attention to driving.

During this time, he drove, ran errands, and did odd jobs for Zhuang Xuteng, regaining his previous life in the PCPD and riot squad. In addition to helping with public work matters, he also did not delay business.

Zhuang Xuteng told him clearly: "You were recognized by me because of the characteristics of your walking posture. You have a slight lameness, which is very distinctive. I remembered it when I first met you. You also know this, two The shoes are not all the same thickness, but of course someone who is well versed in observing gait can tell that. With a little correction, you can still be recognized."

People can recognize it, and so can surveillance equipment. “Places that use gait monitoring for security are not going to be defeated by the shoe change method.”

There are two ways to avoid being seen: one is to mask the movement characteristics through body posture training, and the other is to undergo surgery. The characteristics of the body posture, the length of the legs is only one aspect, the way the muscles move and the order of the center of gravity transfer are the key points. Shoes are probably as much a factor as road gradient, friction, and obstacles, and they only add some complexity without changing the fundamentals.

Posture control is a once-and-for-all method, which allows Mike to imitate countless posture characteristics and never run out of identities. However, this technique is very difficult to learn and requires both talent and countless training. Zhuang Xuteng was able to master it by relying on his foundation in super-computing martial arts and being able to accurately perceive and control his own movements. He was not optimistic about Mike's talent in this area, but he still agreed to teach him.

"If you can't learn it, you can still have surgery. I'll tell you which muscles and bones should be moved and how to operate, and you can also eliminate the features. But this kind of surgery can only give you a new set of features, if it Also being booked, you will still be found out.”

As a well-known detective in the PCPD, Mike knew very well that body analysis had very few usage scenarios, far inferior to facial recognition, voiceprints, fingerprints and even genetic analysis, and would not be used in ordinary places at all. But this time his threat comes from the company. However, the company has sufficient equipment and database support and often uses posture analysis. He must pay attention to it.

Especially when he saw that Zhuang Xuteng could perfectly imitate his previous walking posture, and even looked like another himself from the back, Mike was convinced. He believed that Scarecrow Neck's assessment of being good at stealth and disguise was by no means groundless. So, he stayed at Zhuang Xuteng's side to work with peace of mind, hoping that he could master this skill as soon as possible.

He was very diligent and practiced a lot, but his progress was slow due to his talent. Fortunately, Zhuang Xuteng was very patient and did not teach or rush him. Although Zhuang Xuteng used "who doesn't like unpaid assistants" as an excuse, Mike knew very well that even if he was paid several times, it wouldn't be enough to pay for the learning of this skill.

Scarecrow Nack is a good man - Mike came to this conclusion somewhat reluctantly. In the later stages of the Gardener organization, the pressure from Dingxin Magic made them dislike Naike and all the mercenaries. They believed that it was these guys who worked hard for money who messed up the company and disrupted the progress of their plans. Now Mike gradually understands: the company can do whatever it wants, and there is no such thing as "what it does will not do what it does". It would be naive for the Gardeners to base their security on the premise that "no one will invite the company to come."

Glancing at Nack in the rearview mirror, Mike gradually understood what Palovich said about him: "If a guy like Scarecrow Nack is willing to join the Gardeners organization, the power of the organization can be doubled immediately."

He had been observing Zhuang Xuteng, and Zhuang Xuteng knew very well that he was being observed. Before mastering stealth, Zhuang Xuteng's first outstanding point in mercenary work was his good observation ability, and then his quick brain and ability to think of solutions. He left Mike not just to pity him, but his main targets were of course the Gardeners organization and Palovich. Of course he has the ability to directly knock Mike down, lock him up, and torture him to extract a confession, but how true is the information obtained by such means? This requires attention to methods, patience, and finding the right entry point.

At this time, Zhuang Xuteng blinked, turned his gaze back from the window, looked at Mike and asked: "Just now you said that Dingxin Demonic Creation came earlier than expected and was stronger - what do you mean by this?"

"It's just that the company is very powerful, but they were taken over before they were ready."

"No, I don't think that's what you meant." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head. He felt like Mike had set the bait and was waiting for him to bite. No, he won't take the bait easily. Running away after touching the bait is the best way to pull. "If you don't want to say forget it, it's all in the past anyway. The Gardener organization has been destroyed, and all 'what ifs' are meaningless."

Mike nodded and was silent for a while. Finally, he felt the need to increase the amount of bait and said, "The Gardener organization actually has a way to kill the company's enhanced warriors. The original plan was to create some deaths and draw out the company's power step by step. , kill them in batches, and then attack the company headquarters."

"It's too naive. This kind of thinking, let alone being unable to deal with Dingxin Magic, even if it is used as a middleman in a war, it seems petty." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said: "I once met Palovic in the capital. He I also said something similar. The Gardener Organization failed to realize a problem: the company is a behemoth. Cutting it bit by bit with a knife can only hurt but not kill it. So far, the company's response speed is very fast, the strike force is very strong, and it is definitely not dead. performance, then Xiaodao will have no chance."

Seeing that Zhuang Xuteng was able to talk about the gardener organization and the company, Mike was secretly happy. He had known for a long time that Zhuang Xuteng didn't like the company, and he sympathized with the Gardener Organization in his heart, but he just felt that the way the Gardener Organization acted was not good enough. He argued: "There is no way. The company's enhanced people are very powerful. We have to guard against them. We have to find a way. If there is no way to threaten or counter the enhanced people, the final result will be the same: killed by the company."

"I completely agree with this point." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and remained silent.

"In fact, the Gardener organization not only focuses on dealing with enhanced people, but also other meaningful things: such as executing puppets."

"What happened to the puppet execution?" Zhuang Xuteng raised his head, pretending to be interested.

"Do you remember the god's execution puppet, Ia, that was on display at the expo? There were several people as tall as him."

"Remember. At that time, I took on a mercenary mission to maintain order at the venue, and I saw that tough guy with my own eyes. Why, the Gardeners Organization is also interested in that thing?"

"There is definitely interest, and the Gardener organization has been paying attention to this technology long before the company officially launched the execution puppet. I heard that the original plan was to spy into the control system of the execution puppet, and then let the execution puppet attack the company."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded: "This is a good idea, but the company will definitely take precautions. Everyone knows that remote control things can be robbed of control, not only to guard against gardeners, but also to guard against other companies. Your technical strength should not be as good as the company. It’s not your turn to snatch it, right?”

Black Mike smiled bitterly: "Hey, you're right again. I heard that the group responsible for executing the puppet control network had a bad experience, and one person's head was burned out. But it's not all without gain, indeed Found something."

"I heard that these things won't attract the company's pursuit, right?"

"Are you afraid?" Mike asked.

"Afraid! I'm not stupid. Aren't I afraid of being chased?" Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "Mike, I think you talked a bit too much today. It feels like you dug a hole in front of me waiting for me. I'm afraid of the gardener. The organization doesn’t like it, and it certainly won’t risk offending the company for the sake of the Gardeners Organization—unless there is enough profit.”

"It's true."

"If it's less than 100 million, don't open your mouth." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head with a smile, snorted slightly, and made a contemptuous expression.

"One hundred million cannot buy a life, but a secret may save you at a critical moment."

"Hahaha!" Zhuang Xuteng laughed. He wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand and said, "You may not understand, but this is not the first time I heard this. Do you know what happened to the last person who said this to me?"

"If you say so, then he must be dead."

"Well, he is indeed dead." Zhuang Xuteng was talking about Dr. Truth Booker. He eventually passed away half a year ago due to health problems caused by ingesting safety blue. Gale was responsible for his posthumous affairs. "Secrets won't save your life, they will only bring more trouble. Mike, if you want to bring trouble to the Gardener Organization on me, I have to warn you: not only will I disguise myself and sneak in, I will also kill people, and everyone Think I’m pretty good at this.”

"I know." Mike shook his head and said: "You taught me how to control my posture. I am very grateful and will not cause you any trouble. The hardcore members of the Gardeners organization, such as Palovic, are the kind of people who think Someone who puts you in conflict with the company. As long as the company has a headache, no matter how big or small it is, no matter how long it lasts, no matter how much it costs, he’s happy.”

Zhuang Xuteng hummed. "That's exactly how Palovic feels to me. But trouble is trouble, and it won't change because of your original intention."

"I'm a police detective. I'm good at finding clues, and all kinds of clues will always jump to my hands. It doesn't matter if I don't find them..."

"Yes, I checked your information later and found the PCPD's evaluation of you and some rumors."

Mike said: "My intuition is still useful. There are indeed many secrets behind the execution of puppets and social public work points... and there are many interests. Aren't you curious how the company makes money through this industry?"

Zhuang Xuteng sat up straight, nodded slowly, and said, "I have indeed been thinking about the company's source of profit. In the current market situation, I always feel that the profit is not large enough, and it is very inconsistent with the company's past style."

"This is exactly the direction of work I was responsible for before the Gardeners organization collapsed." Mike said: "I am the only staff member in this direction. I report the investigation results to Palovich, who then reports it to the work shed, the highest authority. Other managers of the Secretariat shared. The money I used to change my skin was the funding for this investigation, and I just found the clues and had to hide them before I reported them."

Zhuang Xuteng's eyes lit up and he said: "In other words, no one within the Gardener organization knows what you have investigated, so it is impossible for the company to know? Wait, if you go to investigate in this direction, the headquarters of Gardener should know, right?"

"You don't understand the working methods of a gardener. Each secretary in the Secretariat, like Palovich, is responsible for his own task and is independent of each other. Intelligence and coordination are only shared when significant progress is made or larger-scale operations are required. According to past rules, my investigation should not have reached the secretariat level, and only Palovich knows about this matter."

Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then said: "Congratulations, you have successfully aroused my interest. I can help you continue the investigation, but the results of the investigation belong to me. In addition, I don't care whether this matter can seriously damage the company. I just want to know where the profit points are and whether there is any chance for me to get involved. Even if I can’t get involved, I can just figure out where the money is or who has the money. I have a way to get it.”

Mike shook his head and retorted: "It is difficult for me to continue to follow the clues alone. If you can come together, the success rate will be greatly improved. And if you think about it carefully, if I am caught, I will probably turn you in, and My abilities are very limited, you should be able to tell."

"My appearance fee is very high, you can't afford it."

"Do you need an appearance fee to work for yourself?" Mike said: "The investigation is not complicated, and there is no need to go to the company at the moment. It's just in Peicheng, just go to a few places called urban ruins."

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