Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 305 Chapter 302 Unlucky Dog

A week later, Zhuang Xuteng was able to be discharged from the hospital, but he had to stay with Ge Gongdao. Watching Brother Dao being pushed into the operating room, although he knew that the "surgical accident" that was about to happen was fake and was all a trick to deceive the enemy, he couldn't help but worry. What if there is no control? What if my hand slips? What if...what if the fake show comes true?

So he sat in front of the operating room with a loaded gun.

Since the tattoo and plastic surgery hospital opened its implant surgery business, it has received all kinds of customers, including mercenaries and gang members. It is also very experienced in how to deal with guys with postures like Zhuang Xuteng. Dr. Jian Hei came over to ensure the safety of the operation, and then said a very crucial sentence: "If you sit at the door like this, according to the regulations, we have to hire mercenary bodyguards through an intermediary, or find a gang to come forward to protect the safety of the operating room. That way Once it comes, it will be impossible to hide the fact that Ge Gongdao is operating inside, and it will be difficult for Lucy to explain it."

Zhuang Xuteng was convinced by that last sentence.

To perform surgery on Ge Gongdao, you need to explain to Lucy - Doctor Jianhei is clearly implying that his actions have been negotiated with Lucy and are part of the action plan. Zhuang Xuteng stared at him hard and warned seriously: "Don't mess it up!"

It's enough to show your attitude. Carrying live ammunition will not improve the success rate of the operation, and may even have the opposite effect by scaring the doctor. Zhuang Xuteng also knows this. He just wanted to test the progress of the entire operation by doing this because of what Dr. Jian Hei said.

More than four intelligence officers were used in this operation, and confidentiality was the most important requirement of the operation. This resulted in Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao being unable to know the specific status of the operation and could only proceed step by step according to the original plan. It feels like walking on a road at night. It's completely dark in front, back, left, and right, and you can only see intermittent white dotted lines on the road under your feet. Even if you know that you can reach your destination by following the dotted line, this does not completely eliminate the psychological pressure caused by blindness.

In terms of mission experience alone, Zhuang Xuteng felt that it was not as good as when he stole a train car. Stealing a carriage is more difficult, but everyone knows what they want to do and what is lacking, and they work together to solve the gaps. There is an atmosphere of tension, unity, but peace of mind. Unlike now, we can only wait quietly for the plan to move forward, hoping that the enemy will step into the trap... Viper, hurry up and cause trouble! If you don't come, I'll feel itchy!

Being itchy here is not a description, it is an actual thing. The driving assistance suit implant has completed initial activation and is currently being run-in, that is, fine-tuning itself according to Zhuang Xuteng's movement characteristics. This stage will make his body itchy. According to the instructions for use, after the running-in period has passed, the itching feeling will disappear and the degree of muscle expansion will generally decrease. At that time, you can start trying to run at full power.

It is advisable not to move during the running-in period. Unless you want your muscles to expand to a higher degree, you cannot do in-depth exercise. Apart from walking a few steps in the ward, Zhuang Xuteng's only other exercise was sitting quietly, and his body was so idle that it was about to grow grass. He has always been used to exercising every day. Now that he has some free time and is anxious about waiting for the progress of the task, he wants Viper to come quickly.

The red light in the operating room lights up, which means the operation has begun. According to his own experience, the red light will stay on for more than ten hours. Zhuang Xuteng had prepared food and water and was ready to stand at the door. The way he passed his time was to sit quietly, meditate, and practice spells.

With the installation of the driving assistance suite into the body, the upgrade of the implant has come to an end for the time being. It is difficult to find a better implant on the market than this one, unless you are lucky, or the company shows mercy and is willing to release your core combat strength. For some time in the future, Zhuang Xuteng will use this set of implants, and super-computing martial arts will also be based on it to exert its power.

The main direction that can be improved has become spells, more precisely, necromancy spells with vengeance as the core. The Wraith Spirit can not only be used as an auxiliary means to exert the effect of extending the hands and feet, but it also has offensive and defensive capabilities. Wraiths with enhanced "sorrowful" aura can evolve into ghosts, shadows or terrifying demon spirits. The latter's howl can kill a large number of enemies within the range, and has always been one of the most representative abilities of the Necromancer.

Zhuang Xuteng also envied that kind of ability, but he also knew very well that strong power requires continuous hard work and training to obtain, and cannot be rushed. At the moment, his short-term goal is to enable the resentful spirit to produce the "weakening touch" effect. The principle is to transfer resentment into the enemy's body through the touch of the resentful spirit. Since the side effects of resentment and implants are very similar, Zhuang Xuteng believes that this trick is expected to have miraculous effects on enemies with strong implants.

For enemies without implants, super-calculated martial arts and current implants are enough to deal with them. Don't forget about guns.

Ever since Zhuang Xuteng started focusing on spells, Master Lich has shown a significantly better attitude. He has become more proactive in answering his questions or sharing his own experiences, and his previous mild ridicule has been reduced. At the same time, Master Lich also showed great interest in the content of Stone Pillar No. 74. Every time, he asked Zhuang Xuteng to read the article on the stone pillar and constantly urged him to update the content.

What Boss Qian left behind is still a fragment of words that are scattered with each other. The content is complicated and lacks context, and the context is unknown. But judging from the sentence style, it seems that they are all written by the same person, and they should be a summary of this person. However, some of these contents are spoken words, some are official documents, and some are poems or letters. It is very difficult to organize them. Zhuang Xuteng didn't have the brains, so Master Lich volunteered to take on this job.

"Although this pillar was not erected by me, its appearance in the main hall should not violate the rules here." Master Lich said to Zhuang Xuteng: "The owner of the knowledge can fully understand it, and the bystanders can only rely on their own opinions." The most basic rule is to see the corresponding content based on your level of understanding. Zhuang Xuteng, you have to improve your knowledge level and work hard to improve your understanding so that the things on the pillars can be presented stably."

Zhuang Xuteng turned his head, moved his eyes away from the knowledge pillar of the Resentful Spirit Necromancy, looked at the Lich Master and said: "I also want to improve myself, and I am also improving myself, but where should I start? ?What part of the content recorded on that pillar is considered? What kind of basic information do I need to use to study?"

"This is stumping me. I don't even think about it." It was rare for the Lich Master to admit that he was not good at a certain aspect. He even shrugged his shoulders. "It can be seen that there are some war contents, and some meetings are held to discuss some ideological things. I think you can take a look at war-related things first."

"Well... let me start with the previous corporate wars!"

"It depends on you. I can't help you. But I have good news for you." Master Lich said calmly: "You can already walk on your own."

"Ah? Walking? I..." Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized and said, "I can no longer be paralyzed?"

"Yes. Even if I die, you will not turn into a puddle of ooze and die. Your body has recovered." Master Lich explained: "The implant took over my work and reconnected your soul. With my body, you won’t need me anymore!”

"This is really good news. I finally..." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said: "Actually, I should thank you most at this time. If it weren't for you, I would have died long ago. In such a chaotic situation, complete paralysis is no different from death. . No one here would help me, and even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t have the time."

"You don't have to thank me for this. You and I take what we need from each other and owe nothing to each other." Master Lich said: "I no longer have to work hard to support your body, so I can accumulate more mana and regain strength faster. "

"It's going to cost a lot to support my body?"

"You have flesh, which is indeed much more laborious than simply supporting a skeleton. Fortunately, I don't even have a skeleton now, so just think of it as the time before the meeting..." Master Lich reluctantly left the invisible stone pillar and slowly walked back. Throne, he said to Zhuang Xuteng: "First, practice the grudge spells to the top level, and then learn all about corpse manipulation. By then, you can make me a temporary body without money from the boss or the grocery store."

"Is that possible?" Zhuang Xuteng's eyes lit up and he said, "I've been thinking I couldn't find it for you..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I just say yes." Master Lich waved his hand: "You'd better hurry up, because as your bones become harder and harder, I will become more and more greedy for your body. You must not only have a mission You must have a sense of urgency. Your soul is so weak, I can swallow it at any time."

Although he couldn't see Master Lich's expression and couldn't guess whether this sentence was true or false, Zhuang Xuteng didn't think it would really do that unless he stopped making progress and stopping being useful to Master Lich. Under the encouragement of the Lich Master, Zhuang Xuteng would always seize the time to practice spells, first mastering the wraith spells, and then practicing corpse control.

Under his command, the wraiths hide in his shadow, turning from completely transparent to gray. Gray is the characteristic color of Zhuang Xuteng's resentment, which is related to his physique and state of mind. The Lich Master said that its wraiths are always purple, symbolizing the revered status and powerful power of the strongest necromancer and the mage king. Zhuang Xuteng bridged the two worlds, and the blend of black and white is the current gray.

The advantage of gray is that it cannot be seen hidden in the shadows. Zhuang Xuteng trained the resentful spirit in the shadow, creating and ordering it to carry harmful resentment. The resentful spirit carrying resentment is "heavier" than before, and it is very difficult to control. It always moves slowly and reacts slowly. This requires Zhuang Xuteng to devote more concentration, to remember the magic circle that controls it more skillfully, and to form a memory like a conditioned reflex, in order to...

Hiss, this kind of training method is very similar to super calculation martial arts, both use proficiency to gain progress. Zhuang Xuteng has adapted to this training method and has great patience for it. Isn’t it just a matter of getting used to it slowly? Whether it's physical, mental or technical, just grind!

The implant surgery solved the hidden danger of paralysis, and Zhuang Xuteng could also take this opportunity to regain control of his body and lay a solid foundation for martial arts. In the past, he relied on the help of the Lich Master to maintain the operation of his body, which also included nerve reactions, muscle movements and various daily movements. His control over them was never 100%. Now the situation is different. He is the sole shareholder of the body. After regaining control, he can pursue a higher degree of control and increase the upper limit effect of various martial arts.

Zhuang Xuteng is very confident about this, but we have to wait until Ge Gongdao recovers from surgery and has a fight to see what the final result will be.

A rush of footsteps sounded from inside the door, and Zhuang Xuteng immediately became alert. While retracting the resentful spirit, he looked in the direction of the door. The surgery had been going on for eight hours, and if something was going to happen, it would be almost now.

The door opened, and a petite nurse walked straight towards Zhuang Xuteng and said to him: "There was a problem with the operation, and the doctor is solving it. The patient is in pain, but it is not life-threatening. Don't worry, continue to wait for the follow-up news. Maybe you will listen Some whining, that's normal."

"Is it normal? Did I howl during the operation?"

"The patient has wolf-dog ancestry, and is a rare person with a moderate or higher level of awakening. In addition to his extremely tough fur, he also urinates." The nurse pointed to her soaked shoes and said, "He injected the injection through urination. The medicine was discharged, including heart rate control, breathing control, blood coagulation control, rejection control and pain relief medicine. Halfway through the operation, there was no way to stop. We used physical methods to control his body , and then continue treatment.”

Hiss... doesn't that mean you have to be awake for the surgery? Zhuang Xuteng didn't understand. Brother Dao had obviously told the doctor about his characteristics, so how could such a problem still occur?

"His ability to urinate and excrete medicine is too strong, much stronger than we expected." The nurse explained: "If we only inject medicine, he will continue to urinate, which will lead to dehydration and affect his life safety, so we must replenish water while Continue to push the medicine. In this case, the quantity of medicine will be difficult to control."

At the same time, enough medicine needs to be replenished, while at the same time, the part excreted by the gongdao needs to be added, so the dosage cannot be so accurate. Medicines are three-part poisons, and the line between overdose of therapeutic drugs and murderous poisons is very blurred, so doctors can only be extra careful.

"Therefore, we can only give priority to injecting highly safe and very necessary drugs, and the rest rely on physical methods to adjust the patient's own constitution." The nurse said: "At present, anti-rejection is the first priority, and everything else is It has to be paused. We will also speed up the operation, which means that the postoperative scars may be more obvious and the recovery period will be more difficult.”

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "Please do your best to ensure life safety first."

"We have always been like this, and then..." the nurse said: "Since we have been working in the urine, you should pay the increased part of the operation fee first!"

They were still on the operating table and the knife was still in their hands. What could Zhuang Xuteng say? What can you say? Go ahead and pay...

The operation continues. Seeing that Zhuang Xuteng took the initiative to pay more euros, more doctors in the hospital put on disinfection equipment and joined the operating room to support. Regardless of whether they can play a key role, as long as they can make the attending doctor a little more relaxed and have more energy to deal with dangers, then the money will be well spent.

The howl of Ge Gongdao came faintly, and was caught by the ears with enhanced hearing. Zhuang Xuteng listened carefully. There was no trace of acting in it, it was all real. He was starting to get a little confused. Was this part of the plan, or was something really wrong? His heart couldn't help but rise to his throat, and he was restless for the rest of the time.

After another four hours, Ge Gongdao was finally pushed out. Since no anesthesia was used, he was conscious and the pain was excruciating. He tried to take a breath, endured the severe pain, and gritted his teeth and said to Zhuang Xuteng: "These guys finally saved my life, don't touch them."

Then he fainted.

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