Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 304 Chapter 301 Stand up again

After the painkillers were stopped, physical sensation gradually returned. He felt pain points all over his body, especially his back. The doctor still kept him in bed, and his back was always compressed when it came into contact with the sheets. It was a hot, numb, and wet pain.

Dr. Jian Hei came over for ward rounds, examined Zhuang Xuteng's wounds, and re-sprayed hemostatic gel and anti-infection drugs. He tested Zhuang Xuteng's balance ability, briefly tested his leg strength, and then announced that he could leave the bed and stand up.

"I'll ask the nurse to get you auxiliary support. You can try to save some effort and recover faster." Dr. Jian Hei said: "Don't keep pressing on your back. It's not good for wound recovery. If you want to go to bed, tell the nurse. They will come every three hours to help you turn over."

"I can do this." Ge Gongdao patted his chest.

"You are too strong. If you can't hold it back, the wound will open again. The nurses are more gentle and have rich experience in this area." Dr. Jian Hei then prescribed some medicine for Zhuang Xuteng and asked him to take it on time. "Some of these are used to treat internal injuries, and some are used to suppress rejection reactions. You can drink water and eat some liquid food now, as long as you don't starve to death, but don't eat too much. Draw blood again in three days to see how toxins accumulate. , and then resume your diet. By the way, don’t activate the detoxification implant in your body during this period. I want to track your natural recovery speed so that I can customize an implant maintenance plan for you. I don’t dare to deviate from this, you will have to do it in the future Live by it!"

If the poison filtering implant cannot be activated, it is best not to use dormant martial arts, just so that the doctor can get more accurate data. I was used to the recovery speed brought by dormant martial arts before, but now I stopped and immediately felt uncomfortable.

"Come on little by little. At least you can take off the hanging bottle and eat." Ge Gongdao touched the beard on his chin and said: "I looked around before and there is really nothing to eat in the hospital. If you don't want to eat I have a recommendation for the sticky porridge cooked with biscuits.”

"What do you recommend?" Zhuang Xuteng grabbed the edge of the bed with both hands, propped up his body, and then slowly put his feet down. He stood up carefully, holding on to the furniture around him for balance. The implant he had just replaced made it difficult for him to feel down-to-earth. He always felt light and soft under his feet, as if he was about to be bounced up.

Ge Gongdao has been watching Zhuang Xuteng's movements closely, ready to lend a hand at any time. At the same time, he took care of Zhuang Xuteng's face and would not show excessive concern, so he said in a calm tone: "I recommend the Pastor's Bread and Beer. Drinking it directly will make you full. It's a bit like your legion juice."

"Can I drink now?" Zhuang Xuteng had heard of the brand Priest Bread. He had mentioned this topic before when he invited Ge Gongdao to drink Legion juice. It was a kind of wine invented in the age of mythology. Some pastors of the Light Church would perform a fasting ceremony and not eat anything solid for a week. They brewed a cloudy beer that was high in nutrients and calories to replace food, satisfy the ritual requirements, not make themselves too uncomfortable, and make some money.

"I don't think the problem is big, but I'll ask you. If the doctor agrees, I'll prepare some for you. At least it tastes good." Ge Gongdao tilted his head and observed Zhuang Xuteng. After making sure that he could stand firmly on his own, he then Get up and go find the doctor.

Next, Zhuang Xuteng relied on Pastor's Bread and Beer to replenish body heat, relied on a walking stick to reduce physical pressure, and embarked on the road to regain control of his body. He has to undergo implant activation adaptation training six times a day, constantly adjusting the coordination of the nervous system, muscles and bones, and re-establishing control over the body's motor functions. He also experienced systemic edema and skin allergies, a sudden nausea that caused him to vomit seven times, and his eyes were out of focus.

Fortunately, with Ge Gongdao's care and the doctor's follow-up treatment, Zhuang Xuteng is finally getting better and better. Three days after the operation, the doctor came to draw blood and track and calculate his physical indicators.

"Good news, according to these indicators, your recovery speed is good, and you can start to resume eating now. From the perspective of better maintenance, it is better to mainly eat light foods at the moment, but it does not prevent you from eating something heavy. It's enjoyable." Dr. Jian Hei said: "I will prescribe some anti-rejection drugs for you. According to the plan, slowly reduce the amount and always pay attention to your body changes. I personally feel that the future will be very optimistic. After one month, you will You don’t have to eat this all the time.”

"As for the side effects of implants, everything is expected. The quality of the implants you got is quite good. They must be first-hand unused goods and are well maintained, so the side effects are relatively small. But you Don't take it lightly and think that you can use it casually in your daily life. You can always use it as little or as little as you want. In addition, this is a drug that can reduce side effects and damage, and can be taken internally or externally. Just take it easy, it's enough for you. "

Zhuang Xuteng took the medicine bottle and looked at it. He thought of the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque, and asked, "Are there more of these? I want to buy some to keep."

"You are really a smart man. This kind of medicine is very classic, but it is getting harder and harder to buy - I don't know why. It's okay to buy some and keep them, just pay attention to the shelf life." Dr. Jian Hei straightened his collar. He said: "You can rest peacefully here, and if anything happens, call the nurse. Just remember one thing: don't use too much force."

"So can I fully activate the implant?"

"Okay, let's get it into a routine, just not at full capacity."

So Zhuang Xuteng's training entered a new stage, and he finally no longer had to act softly. The driver assistance suit implant enters normal working condition, which means that the implanted muscles and tendons begin to exert normal force and drive the joints together with the original muscles.

After a few minutes of being at a loss, and another ten minutes of panic, Zhuang Xuteng slowly tamed his body. He found that his strength had become very strong, especially the push and support strength of his arms and the grip strength of his hands. If he tried to pick up the cup, he would most likely end up crushing it.

Obviously, you need to re-establish the perception of strength, otherwise it will be bad if you accidentally break your neck while scratching your head.

Super computing martial arts can enhance the level of nerve sensing, especially the sense of touch, which is what he needs most now. The dormant martial arts can finally be used, which will greatly speed up Zhuang Xuteng's recovery. In fact, what Zhuang Xuteng missed most at this time was the purple potion.

"It's still faster to recover at that time." Zhuang Xuteng moved his body slowly and accurately, practicing the routines of super-calculated martial arts. "Brother Dao, I still remember that we were beaten so badly by the master. We can recover after soaking in the potion for a while. If we make another pool of potion and soak it in beautifully, I feel like we can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

"The formula is ready, but it's troublesome to buy it all. I've also inquired on the black market. Some drugs are now controlled, and it's difficult to get them even if the price is increased. Well... it becomes the same as the implant, it depends on luck. .”

"How did Master get it in the first place? Was it through Lucy?"

"Probably. Let's ask Lucy later." Ge Gongdao patted his thigh and said, "I almost forgot. Lucy sent someone with a message, saying that she knew our situation and asked us to finish our private matters quickly. We must seize the time to go on missions.”

"Understood." Zhuang Xuteng nodded. This is the code word they agreed on in advance, which means that everything goes well with the plan, allowing the two of them to be prepared and vigilant to enter the next stage at any time.

The so-called next stage is that Ge Gongdao had an accident during surgery and narrowly escaped death. He could only lie in the hospital bed and rest forcibly. Thinking of this, Zhuang Xuteng looked at Ge Gongdao maliciously, his eyes expressing the meaning of "how did you mess with me before, let's see how I deal with you."

Ge Gongdao didn't understand. He just felt that Zhuang Xuteng's eyes were strange. "Hurry up and resume training." Ge Gongdao waved his hand, opened the topic, and said, "When you get better, it will be my turn."

"I also want to do it as soon as possible!" Zhuang Xuteng smiled and continued to box.

With the help of super-calculated martial arts, Zhuang Xuteng quickly reestablished his power control, at least at the level of ordinary people. For this purpose, the hospital paid for two door handles, seven drinking glasses, a faucet and half a door panel. However, he hasn't tried to use full power yet. If he really wants to fight, he may not be able to control his power well and kill someone accidentally.

At the same time, with the full support of dormant martial arts and mice, the speed of wound recovery has also been greatly increased, surpassing the absorption speed of sutures. Zhuang Xuteng pulled out many short threads from his body, and then used dormant martial arts to speed up the recovery of the pits on his skin. This behavior may seem scary, as if you are tearing yourself apart, but the effect is much better than waiting to recover slowly.

On the sixth day after the operation, Zhuang Xuteng had basically recovered, and there were no traces of sutures visible on the outside. It's just that the suturing was just a minor injury to him, and the implant was the main force that caused the change. First of all, his body has grown completely larger, which is the inevitable result of having a set of driving assistance implants inserted into it. Zhuang Xuteng's whole body looked stronger, especially his arms, which had twice the pressure muscles. As his arms adapted to the implants, his arm circumference was suddenly enlarged. It's okay when you're wearing clothes that cover up your body, but if you really want to bare your upper body, you can immediately see the incongruity.

"You have to train the muscles in your chest, back and neck, otherwise you will look like... uh... I forgot the specific name, but you are growing crabs anyway." Ge Gongdao commented on Zhuang Xuteng and said, "Don't worry, with your It’s easy to master the basics of physical fitness—after all, there’s plenty of room for improvement! You’re a bit thin to begin with, but you can increase your charm by practicing.”

Zhuang Xuteng looked carefully in the mirror and admitted that Brother Dao was right. He should train his muscles to coordinate his body. In fact, after the implant is installed, the body's strength level is already extremely high. Practicing the muscles will not increase the ability much. It is mainly for the sake of appearance. However, there is a saying in the circle that the better the basic physical fitness, the smaller the impact of implant side effects, so all the exercise will not be in vain.

In addition to his thick arms, Zhuang Xuteng had several obvious changes on his body. The first thing to notice is the change in his face. His nose is slightly wider than before and has a bit more metallic texture. If you look closely, you will find it slightly abrupt. In addition, there are thin strips on each side of the corners of his eyes, which look like sunglass lenses or photosensitive sheets of solar cells.

The implants in the nose and corners of the eyes can still be covered with makeup or tattoos, but additional eyelids are not so easy to deal with. This eyelid closes from left to right, like a lizard, and it works passively. As long as the eyes are dry, it will blink, giving people a very unnatural feeling.

"I've been fooled. This thing can't be turned off." Zhuang Xuteng tried it several times in front of the mirror and said, "I thought I could turn it off normally, but I didn't expect... It seems that I have to keep my eyes moist in the future, so as not to scare others by blinking like this suddenly. One jump.”

"Who can you scare? Morgana? I don't think that girl will be scared. She might even pounce on you, pull your eyes hard, and touch you in the name of checking! These days, men will also be scared. Harassment...Hey, how far have you progressed?"

"Hmph, you think I'm going to tell you?" Zhuang Xuteng blinked unilaterally in the mirror, his natural eyelids opening and closing up and down, and the implanted eyelids moving left and right together. He himself was not used to it, let alone other people. "My main concern is not to scare my family when I meet them."

"Oh, this is a valid concern. I never mention work when I go home. Even if they all know what I do, they all pretend that they have never heard or seen it."

"Are they opposed to you becoming a mercenary?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"No, no, they are just a little superstitious and think that as long as they talk about work at home, something will happen at work." Ge Gongdao shrugged and said, "I find it incredible too, but a lot of things have happened at home. This is the case, and it’s okay to make people not believe it. Before I was betrayed by Viper, my family mentioned that I should pay attention to the dangerous topic in the mercenary group, but something happened, which is too strange..."

"Oh, so that's it. They don't ask about your work, but they actually support your work?"

"They don't want anything to happen to me, just like I don't want anything to happen to them: we all believe that work is far less important than people." Brother Dao smiled and said: "I will take Prince there in a while, so you can go too!"

"What am I going to do? I'm not going to marry you!"

"Recognize your home, my home is your home." Ge Gongdao said with a smile: "To put it bluntly: if something happens to me, you have to send me back..."

"Fart! Something is going to happen to you, and probably something will happen to me too. Let's wait and be sent back together! Don't say such unlucky words. You take Prince back, and I won't get involved. Your family can't talk about it. Regarding mercenary work, what can I do if I go there? If you are willing, point it out to me when you pass by one day and say "This is my home". It would be enough."

"Okay." Ge Gongdao smiled and nodded.

According to Zhuang Xuteng’s condition, Dr. Jian Hei prescribed him eye drops that can keep his eyes moist for a long time, which can reduce the frequency of triggering of the implanted eyelids. However, he also proposed a simpler solution that could completely prevent Zhuang Xuteng from scaring people.

"Can't you just wear sunglasses? Many tactical sunglasses can also withstand flying debris and dust and protect your eyes. You can also connect a communication headset together. You can try it."

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