Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 256 Chapter 253 Resurrection of the Dead

The deceased's implants constantly emit mentally polluting signals, a phenomenon that caused widespread mental problems among soldiers during the Company's wars. The treatment method at that time was to cremate the deceased as soon as possible after identifying the identity, and let the ashes return to ashes. But later generations did not expect that in order to make more money from cremation fees, they would dare to store corpses in large quantities.

Despite the protection of dormant martial arts, Zhuang Xuteng still felt uncomfortable, mainly manifested by a buzzing in his head and an unquenchable nausea lingering in his chest and abdomen. He thought it would be better to act as soon as possible, so he quickly opened the freezer and immediately found a body.

This is an old man, his expression is painful, and his tightly furrowed brow seems to indicate that he still has residual muscle strength. Zhuang Xuteng looked at his hands, which were clenched into fists. They were as hard as steel and could hardly be opened. This shows that there is a shadow implant in the old man's body, which worked for a period of time after his death.

"You have money to buy implants, but you don't have money to cremate them?" Zhuang Xuteng didn't understand. He obviously ignored the fact that some people didn't buy their implants by themselves. If the environment was different, he would definitely be able to figure this out quickly, but in this room full of mental interference, his mind was not so bright.

Act quickly, don't waste time - Zhuang Xuteng put his hands on the corpse and began to mobilize the shadow energy and resentment from within his body. He has transformed the Lich Master's necromancy runes into the form of runes used by the Shadow Servants, constantly feeding energy into the corpse, and then trying to control it.

The corpse trembled slightly, and an even more painful expression appeared on its face. Zhuang Xuteng was startled and quickly took a closer look, only to realize that the expression of the corpse did not actually change. "It's probably the mental influence of the surrounding environment..." Zhuang Xuteng slowly exhaled and focused on the control of the spell again.

The Lich Master's necromancy treats the corpse as a lifeless system of flesh and bone and reanimates it by supplying it with energy and control signals. In order to adapt to the different rules of the current world, the spell was modified to add shadow servant energy in addition to the resentment, and the corpse was regarded as a shadow servant at the same time.

Under the influence of continuously strengthening spells, the corpse's ability to move became stronger and stronger, gradually developing from a simple trembling to being able to move its hands and feet. Zhuang Xuteng ordered it to open its clenched fists and relax its expression, which the corpse did immediately. Zhuang Xuteng then ordered the corpse to sit up...

The corpse raised its upper body, then fell heavily, and the back of its head hit the stainless steel bed with a "thud". Zhuang Xuteng was startled and quickly listened. Only after making sure that no one else was disturbed did he let out a sigh of relief. He continued to cast the spell, and after several failures, he gradually realized that the action of sitting up was a bit "difficult" for the corpse, and it seemed that it didn't know what to do. Only by strengthening control and letting him know how to support his arms and move his center of gravity can he sit up correctly.

There is no problem with the spell, and there is no problem with the energy provided to the corpse, but the operation is not skillful enough-this is obviously the best result. Zhuang Xuteng patiently trained the corpse bit by bit according to the pattern of teaching children how to move, and soon succeeded in getting it to stand up, stand on the ground, and walk around the field twice.

Through these exercises, he can build a bridge between necromancy and corpse movement. The more he practices and uses more corpses, the smoother he will be able to control the corpse, and the more actions the corpse will be able to perform. Zhuang Xuteng conducted as much training as his resentment and shadow mana could support, and he could already make the corpse squat and stand up - he was very satisfied with today's training.

"Go back and lie down, you can sleep peacefully."

Zhuang Xuteng was just being polite, and it also contained a little idea of ​​emboldening himself. He did not expect that this sentence would have other effects. I saw the corpse lying back on the stainless steel bed, with his hands folded on his chest, his body quickly relaxed, and then he actually took a breath and spit it out. With this breath, a large amount of resentment spewed out, and its concentration was probably equivalent to killing seven or eight people.

Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment, and immediately activated the magic circle on his left hand to absorb the resentment. As a result, not only was all the resentment consumed previously replenished, but the total reserves actually increased.

This was definitely a surprise. In order to defeat Palovic in a one-on-one duel, Zhuang Xuteng almost exhausted all his resentment reserves. In other words, he recovered a little during the rest of the past few days, but it was less than a quarter of the total. He had only heard that people would have a lot of resentment when they died tragically, but since people were unconscious after death, there would be no resentment. The Lich Master calls the remaining energy of the corpse "negative energy" and strictly separates it from "grievance", but the current situation is obviously inconsistent with the theory.

Zhuang Xuteng carefully observed the corpse that he had just tortured: it now looked peaceful, with no expression of pain on its face, and its hands no longer clenched into fists. The posture of folding hands on the chest gives people a sense of peace and calm, making people feel that what is gone is gone and there is no need to chase it; what has been suffered has been suffered and there is no need to make it harder.

Scratching his scalp, Zhuang Xuteng felt that he must have been affected by the side effects of the surrounding implants again - his head was buzzing. He briefly tried the Resentful Spirit Servant and found that the resentment absorbed this time was very easy to use without any problems. In this case, he must be thinking of making more resentment.

Open the next cabinet, pull out the stainless steel bed, and look at the body on it. This was a girl, and it looked like she died of trauma - her head was dented, so it must have been trauma. Now that Zhuang Xuteng has set his sights on resentment, he must first figure out where he went wrong before he can repeat it.

Simply put, he needs to repeat the previous behavior and then subtract. I won’t go into details about the specific process. Zhuang Xu spent a whole night and fourteen corpses, and finally found a pattern.

If you want to obtain resentment from a corpse, first of all, the corpse must have a shadow implant, and then its death will either be very sudden or very miserable. This kind of corpse is easier to identify. On the one hand, you can rely on the Eye of Shadow to find the faint shadow energy residue, and on the other hand, you can also look at their posture. After death, corpses whose implants have been working for some time will look more painful, angry, struggling, unwilling, tortured... If there is such an expression or body language, it is basically unmistakable.

After that, Zhuang Xuteng had to use the corpse control in necromancy to make it move, sit up, walk, etc., to make it seem to be alive. The last and most important step is to let the body lie back and ask it to die well and peacefully. After this ritual-like process is completed, resentment will emanate from the corpse, as if the corpse had just died.

"A living person doesn't have so much resentment when he dies. Could it be that this thing will still ferment, accumulate and increase?" Zhuang Xuteng was a little unsure, but he must believe the facts first rather than the Lich Master's theory. The Lich Master also admitted that his necromancy spells will definitely encounter new problems and challenges in the current world, as well as unknown situations. Zhuang Xuteng thought that the unknown situation had indeed happened, and it was beneficial to him.

It only took one night for Zhuang Xuteng to restore the stock of resentful spirits. Since he has been practicing, on the one hand to expand the total amount of resentment stored, and on the other hand to use it to pay for the consumption of the Deer Hunter device, he has never fully accumulated it. Now he finally has a chance to bulge his "wallet." Now that he has found a pattern, he will be able to absorb enough resentment in another night or half a night.

After working all night, his face would definitely not look good the next day, but this was exactly what his colleagues expected. Zhuang Xuteng took advantage of every moment to take a nap, assuming the attitude of "I have to fight hard tonight." Everyone ignored him. Anyway, temporary workers in that position usually only work for three days, so there is no need to invest too much emotion.

This was just right, Zhuang Xuteng didn't want to leave too much impression on them. He kept yawning during the day and barely finished his work. After switching to the night shift, he said he could finally sleep.

"Sleeping with a headache makes you stupid." His colleague finally showed some concern.

Zhuang Xuteng was just talking. He would definitely not sleep if he was busy absorbing the resentment. This time he was targeted, looking for the most suitable target based on the shadow signal and the state of the corpse, and then used the fastest speed to complete the process of controlling the corpse to take two steps and letting the corpse rest.

The overall progress was faster than Zhuang Xuteng expected, which also led him to discover a phenomenon: the longer the corpse is stored here, the heavier the resentment, and these resentments seem to be driving the shadow implant to still be active after death. power. After he absorbs the resentment, the body will no longer have shadow energy signals, and the shadow side effects of the house will be reduced. He believes that there is a special dependence between resentment and shadow implants. Resentment drives the implant, and the side effects of the implant produce resentment.

This made Zhuang Xuteng think of dormant martial arts. Dormant martial arts can transfer the side effects of implants to close-fitting small animals. Currently, this transfer only involves physical burden. The only side effect of a corpse is mental burden - after all, the body is dead - if you can figure out how the mental side effects turn into resentment, then you can make dormant martial arts stronger.

This was not all Zhuang Xuteng's gains. He discovered that his total amount of resentment was actually much greater than the theoretical number. In addition to being able to support himself when he first started, Zhuang Xuteng spent time practicing and never really filled up his theoretical value. Now that it has exceeded the theoretical value, he still does not feel "full". This is good news, because it means that he can use more resentment to create more servants of the resentment, and at the same time, he can also start trying to make the resentment have more functions.

On the third night, there was another surprising discovery waiting for Zhuang Xuteng: after his troubles, the side effects of the shadow in the morgue were significantly weakened, which gave Zhuang Xuteng an idea: Now the shadow inside the implant is still intact. Are there any side effects?

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