Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 255 Chapter 252 The market behind you

4.3 million euros, no more, no less. "Only more" here has two meanings. On the one hand, Lucy may sell the loot at a higher price, which will give them a part of the money; on the other hand, the money does not need to be liquidated, Cannings The cash in the bag was taken out by the two of them in advance, and this part did not need to be shared with Lucy.

When she saw that there was no cash in the bag, Lucy certainly understood why. She knew that this was the usual practice for mercenary operations, so she would not ask or care.

Compared with a paper contract, euros, which are also paper, are very heavy to carry due to their fixed denominations; platinum coins are slightly better, but they are made of metal and will jingle due to collision when placed in a bag. In fact, It is also not conducive to carrying it over long distances.

This part of banknotes and coins totaled over half a million, which should be Cannings' pocket money. Taking this money into account, plus the 450,000 commission from the original task, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao had the equivalent of 5 million in funds at their disposal.

Zhuang Xuteng had made a lot of money by manufacturing black guns before. He was also a shareholder of Bentu Automobile Manufacturing Company, so he felt more confident, so his condition was slightly better. Ge Gongdao was already so wealthy that he started walking sideways. He must have a good fight with Zhuang Xuteng, nominally to keep both of them awake, but actually to put their bodies into a state of extreme fatigue to prevent them from getting too excited and causing trouble.

Zhuang Xuteng would certainly not refuse such a request.

Without the use of mice, two people would quickly run out of energy and cause severe nervous system fatigue. This time, the two of them had a tacit agreement to let go of the experimental mice. Even if they lay on the ground tired, they would just drink some Legion juice and eat some Puff instant glue sticks, and they did not try to use dormant martial arts to pass on their fatigue. After the fight, Ge Gongdao finally regained his composure. He panted heavily and said to Zhuang Xuteng:

"With so much money, it is unrealistic not to waste it at all. As agreed, it is only 100,000 euros. No drugs or implants are allowed. When looking for a woman, you must find a healthy one, and you are not allowed to get drunk."

"Haha, okay, I promise." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "It's great to see Master again... I actually miss him quite a bit."

"Did you get something wrong after being beaten?" Ge Gongdao chuckled twice and said: "Naike, the two of us must handle the matter of retirement well for the master. No mistakes can be made - we have to Let Master achieve perfection. There are both glorious moments and peaceful happiness. This is the life a mercenary should have."

"I think so too, but I won't say it out loud." Zhuang Xuteng poked Brother Dao with his elbow and said, "We have made a fortune this time. What kind of implant do you think is better?"

"Especially good implants depend on luck, and you can't buy them just because you want to. I personally prefer implants that increase strength, especially explosive power, which can make us more capable of seizing opportunities. However, this kind of implant is more focused on combat. There are very few implants in the body, and they have not been released because of the bill. If the next best thing is to settle for less, I think we can consider some additional internal organs, such as Doyle's respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular circulation enhancement implants."

Zhuang Xuteng thought about it for a while. He thought Brother Dao's idea was good, but it was still different from his own. "I want to see the supernatural's magic implant. Many companies' technical employees use this type of implant. Just in my old factory, there were seven or eight people who used it - I think this kind of implant should be relatively Common, right?”

"Spell implants for industrial and office use are very common, but spell implants for combat are still rare. Are you interested in Palovic's set of gravity spell implants?"

"That kind of thing is quite interesting. Brother Dao, are there any implants that allow people to fly around in the sky? The more I practice super-computing martial arts, the less I dare to jump, but the battlefield environment sometimes requires jumping or Flight moves.”

"Well, your request is even more difficult to handle, so forget it. It's not that there aren't implants that can fly alone, it's just that there are too few. Only the company's strongest super goons can install them."

"Why only them?"

"It's not clear. It may be that this kind of implant is very expensive, or it may have side effects that are not commensurate with its function." Gonggongdao shrugged and said, "The military has jetpacks, but they are still the same thing. It is relatively reliable and has no side effects. However, it is very heavy and not suitable for daily activities. Except for very special occasions, most of it can only be piled in the warehouse."

"Oh, that's it... How about we take a look at the shadow weapon? You also said that the hand ax is not easy to use, maybe we can improve it first?" Zhuang Xuteng tilted his head and said: "Since I will definitely use Qingquan in the future, I I’m thinking of using a similar sword to get used to it first.”

"The title of Senior Brother and the clear spring must be mine!" Ge Gongdao shook his fist at Zhuang Xuteng. There is nothing to be modest about in this matter. After all, Brother Dao does not want to become Junior Brother Ge at all.

Zhuang Xuteng would certainly be very happy if he had a clear spring and sword dance martial arts, but if he didn't get these, he could totally accept it. The master has said that the sword dance martial arts can only be fully exerted with the Qingquan sword. The two are bound, which limits their use. Zhuang Xuteng boasts that he already has necromancy spells, and he has more choices. He also likes to have more choices, and is not so concerned about the martial arts of binding weapons.

When it comes to necromancy, Zhuang Xuteng also has his own unique needs: corpses. He has been using the corpses of mice to practice necromancy. As a beginner, there is no problem in doing so, but after all, he needs human corpses to truly cross the threshold of magic.

Indiscriminate killing is definitely not an option, and digging graves has long passed that era. If we go to the destination now, we can only dig out the ashes from the grave. Cremation is not only a legal requirement, it has also become a custom accepted by everyone. After thinking about it, there are only two places where one can reasonably and legally come into contact with a corpse: a medical school or a crematorium.

Zhuang Xuteng didn't pass the high school entrance examination, so he had no chance of medical school, so he went to the crematorium. Temporary workers are often recruited here, and the money is not much. They are all unskilled labor jobs.

What matters to him here is not money.

"It's fifty euros a day for porters and sixty euros a day for guarding the morgue. These two jobs can be done continuously. If you do both, you'll get one hundred and ten euros a day - but the premise is that you can't make any mistakes." Recruitment The man gave Zhuang Xuteng a thousand warnings and said, "Compared with other jobs, the work here is very simple, and all you need is to be careful. Are you going to work for three full days?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded. He had made inquiries before coming. Most people only came here for three days. This job is not popular in the temporary labor industry. No one likes to do this job for a long time. Most people see it as being able to work continuously in a single location. They can endure it for a few days and earn a relatively good income. They can take it and leave quickly.

"It stands to reason that transporting is more tiring than guarding, right? Why do the guards pay more?" Zhuang Xuteng tilted his head and asked.

"The corpse is haunted..." The recruiter put on a scary expression, and then laughed: "Hahaha, do you really believe it? In fact, it is the ghost implant that causes the trouble. When a person dies, the implant sometimes They can still work, such as some heart and lung implants, and they also work hard to bring dead bodies back to life. Since living people will suffer side effects, these implants will have some side effects. If the guardian is close, the spirit will be affected. Remember: there is nothing to fear from dead people. As long as they feel uncomfortable, call them, don’t be afraid!”

In fact, there was another reason that the recruiter didn't mention. If a dead person has an implant, it can attract thieves.

Implants on dead people will have serious side effects and no one would use them normally, but there will always be abnormalities in this world. One kind of abnormality is called cheating. Implants from dead people are used as inferior ones. Once you do it, they disappear immediately. You can just fish it out once and ignore it. Another kind of abnormality is called no solution, which requires some kind of implant. Even if it suffers side effects, it is better than dying at the time.

The bodies will eventually be cremated, and as long as there is nothing missing, there will be no problem - this is what the people who come to steal say, and they will also give dozens or hundreds of euros to the guards, depending on how strong the guards are. The reason why some temporary workers do not last long is that they assisted thieves and were discovered, but the more common reason is that they cannot withstand the side effects and spillover effects.

Daytime work is not difficult for Zhuang Xuteng. When he was working at the Magic Crystal Factory, he often helped the transport team with work. He knew how to use various tools, which saved a lot of effort and time. At night, he and two other people guarded six morgues respectively. This time, he really felt the side effects of the spillover.

"What kind of implant is inside? I got a headache when I walked to the door." Zhuang Xuteng touched his head and asked his coworkers.

"Many people can't afford to spend money on sparks recently, and there are more corpses piling up, so of course they will have a headache. Fuel costs money, and we all have to be paid, so we can't burn it for them in vain." The other two people snickered, they wouldn't say Leave the morgue, which has the greatest side effects, to temporary workers. "You won't feel any problems during the day. At night, the corpse seems to come alive. Fortunately, today is not a full moon night, otherwise... tut tut tut."

"I suggest you buy a bottle of wine from the door. When you feel uncomfortable, just take a few sips. It will help." Another person said: "We don't feel well over there either, that's what we do. Man, although you can call for help, who can I’m not better than anyone else, I may not care about you, I’m sorry.”

"Sorry!" The two men apologized hypocritically, and then left Zhuang Xuteng alone.

There are 237 corpses in the morgue that Zhuang Xuteng is responsible for, and they are placed in the same number of freezers. The side effects of implants in the dead body often increase by two levels. Skin implants can produce the mental burden of visceral implants. Considering the number of corpses here and only Zhuang Xuteng alive, the pressure is real.

Thanks to his dormant martial arts, Zhuang Xuteng could withstand it. In his plan, as long as he can withstand the side effects, there are 237 spellcasting objects here, which is definitely enough for him to practice necromancy.

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