Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 137 Our Atlantis is number one in the world in technology

On the sea, the black fleet from Atlantis was advancing unstoppably through the waves.

Mermaid Prince Triton, who had long blond hair, wore bronze fish scale armor, and had gills behind his ears, walked onto the front deck of the battleship, took out a golden conch shell, put it to his mouth, took a deep breath, and played it hard .


A long horn sounded, desolate and thick, like a wonderful concert music.

He is the son of Poseidon, King of the Sea, and Amphitrite, Queen of the Sea. He is the messenger of the sea and the origin of the word "Triton". He is responsible for commanding the entire army of Atlantis.

Like his father Poseidon, Triton also carried a trident, but his unique appendage was a conch shell, which was used as a horn to raise or calm waves and currents.

Sure enough, as this sonorous sound sounded, the dark clouds broke and bright sunshine poured onto the sea.

Whether it is the hull of the black fleet or the armor of the Atlanteans, they all reflect the cold light.

Metal battleship?

Lorn, who saw this scene from a distance, couldn't help but shrink his pupils and his eyes froze slightly.

Their level of civilization has actually evolved to this point! Even though there are technologies and runes from the Age of Gods that have been passed down from the Golden Age, this level of difference in civilization is too outrageous, right?

Moreover, it is said that every human being in the Golden Age reached the level of a demigod when they reached adulthood. They were worthy descendants of gods.

Lorne took a cursory glance and saw that the divine light patterns floating above the entire fleet almost lit up like a dense starburst.

No, that's not right!

——It’s real light!

"Get down!"

The purple pupils caught the bright light streaks heading straight towards Crete. Lorne's expression changed drastically, and he immediately turned around and shouted.

Out of the trust they had cultivated over the past few months, King Minos and thousands of soldiers on the walls of Knossos lowered their bodies in unison and crouched down against the wall.

In an instant, streaks of bright light descended and collided with the divine barrier surrounding Crete, bursting out with dazzling colorful aurora.


Accompanied by earth-shattering tremors, the entire island of Crete shook violently, and the golden barrier in the sky was torn open with huge wounds.

Then, the strips of light continued unabated, like a sharp sword, sweeping across the Crete Mountains, cutting off the towering main peak by a hundred meters!

In an instant, the ground shook and the mountains shook. Dark red magma formed after countless melted earth and rocks flowed freely from the mountains and down the mountain, and thick smoke billowed upwards.

Lorne turned back and glanced at the unrecognizable Crete Mountains behind him, then turned his head to look deeply at the stars twinkling on the sea.

What caused such astonishing destructive power were the special devices rising one after another on the fleet deck.

——It is a huge cylinder-like glass-like substance with a hexahedron (hexagonal cross-section). The center of the building is inlaid with a magnetic stone engraved with complex mantras. It seems to be able to absorb sunlight and ether factors in the air and convert them into Transformed into a high-purity energy beam.

Legend has it that the Atlanteans not only had a civilization that developed light into power energy, but also had technology that could regenerate the human body and maintain youth forever.

Several special towers located in the center of the Atlantis continent can concentrate and intensify light energy and spread it to the world as bright light that cannot be seen directly.

Therefore, the lost civilization of Atlantis is also called the [Age of Light].

However, seeing those tower-like buildings composed of huge reflecting mirrors, Lorne immediately thought of something called a [Light Prism Tower].

It is also made up of huge prisms, and its principle is to rely on emitting a beam similar to a laser to attack the enemy. It is similar to the black technology of the Gods in front of us.

Moreover, these things similar to the light prism tower have such a high technological content, and aiming and measuring range are naturally not a problem.

Therefore, the shot that hit the deserted Crete Mountains just now was not a missed shot, but a deliberate move by the other side.

——The people of Atlantis are establishing their power, not only to conquer Crete, but also to frighten the ocean gods who are ready to make a move.

Sure enough, the sorrow of the egg made Poseidon's position as King of the Sea shaky.

Because of this, he was like a gambler who lost his mind, showing off all his belongings in an attempt to regain his reputation.

However, this move played into the hands of some people.

No wonder Zeus is so afraid of these legendary golden humans who escaped the world-destroying flood...

With such an ace in hand, Poseidon not only has the power to intimidate the sea gods, but also has some capital to challenge Olympus.

Lorne looked complimentary on the surface, but his eyes were full of gloating anticipation.

"Babies from Atlantis, that's it?"

At this moment, King Minos did not even look at the burning Cretan mountains behind him. He switched the bronze spear in his hand to a golden scepter and smashed it to the ground with a smile.

Suddenly, as the entire island of Crete trembled, the bronze giant Talos, who had released his seal, stood on the ground. The spiritual liquid cannon in his chest was ready to fire, and fired out a light belt with a diameter of tens of meters, sweeping across. The vast sea.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, the three black metal warships were caught off guard and exploded, each turning into a ball of brilliant fireworks. The wreckage slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Looking at the majestic bronze giant on the ground, Lorne couldn't help but pursed his lips and moved his eyes towards the golden scepter.

Originally, King Minos had already given this thing to him.

But considering the old man's current physical condition, he returned it again and let him use it when necessary, in order to make the scene more realistic.

However, if you want to mobilize the bronze giant Talos, you must activate divine power.

This also means that his dying life has begun to burn, and there is no room for maneuver.

A magnificent curtain call has begun.

At this time, the thousands of Minoan soldiers who were left behind saw the arrogant Atlantis fleet crippled, and they couldn't help but beat their shields and let out wild jeers.

Poseidon, the king of the sea, who wanted to establish his power, turned purple with anger.

He decided that once he gets Crete and conquers the Minoans, he will definitely let this stubborn old guy taste the punishment of the deep sea!

At this moment, the young prince Triton, who was the vanguard of the first battle, blushed with anger under his father's displeased gaze, and immediately put the golden conch to his mouth again.


Immediately afterwards, the second horn sounded, and the style of the tune suddenly changed, like the roar of a ferocious beast, which moved even the giants with divine power.

The east wind Euros; the west wind Zephyrus; the south wind Notos, the north wind Boreas of thick clouds and hail...these gods who are embodied by the power of nature, in Trinidad, the command of the god of sea messengers Down, roaring and setting off strong winds.

A pair of invisible big hands pulled the black fleet on the sea and advanced rapidly towards the island of Crete ahead.

At the same time, a group of nymphs, gods and giant monsters joined the battlefield, coerced by the mighty army.

On the city wall, Lorne and Athena also stood up one after another and looked at each other.

It's our turn!

They looked at each other silently, and without further explanation, they already understood each other's intentions.

The two of them each nodded and jumped down from the high wall. The divine power gushing from their bodies turned into wings, like two intertwined rainbows, and headed straight towards the menacing ocean gods.

As soon as they got close, Athena headed straight for the Atlantean flagship with a clear goal, faced Poseidon, the King of the Sea, and opened her mouth to taunt.

"Uncle, you came to my land before your injury healed. Do you want to give me another one as a betrothal gift?"

It has to be said that as the goddess of wisdom, Athena knows how to manipulate people's mentality when it comes to scolding people and deal high amounts of real damage.


Suddenly, when the solitary soldier on the deck heard this, his face turned blue and white, his hands trembled slightly, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak when he looked at the smiling eldest niece.

Immediately afterwards, Poseidon, filled with grief and anger, without saying a word, directly picked up the trident and rushed towards Athena.

The two intertwined and colliding lights and shadows erupted into a series of sonic booms and divine power shocks, fighting all the way from the stalemate in the outer sea to the inland sea far away from the front line.

Similarly, Lorne also quickly chose his opponent, brandishing his bronze sword, and rushed straight to Nereus on the deck, cursing at his mouth.

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