Greece brings evildoers

Chapter 136: The five elements are immoral, and one is destined to be beaten (64k)

Chapter 136: The five elements are immoral and the destiny is to be beaten (6.4k)

The next day, angry roars echoed throughout the palace hall.

"I'm not dead yet! You want me to bow to the foreigners at sea? It's impossible as long as I'm alive!"

The five princes, who were once again recalled from various city-states and went to the palace to report their duties, were passive in preparing for war and tried to dissuade Crete from suing for peace with the Atlanteans, which aroused the anger of King Minos.

As a result, the old lion was so angry that he immediately terminated his training, rushed out of the inner hall, and whipped his five sons half to death in front of everyone.

If it weren't for the persuasion of his second daughter, the chief priest, and the generals on the scene, King Minos would have almost sent his five disobedient biological sons to the underworld.

But it seemed that he had inherited his old father's stubborn character. Even when he was dying, the eldest prince Androgeos still vomited blood and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

"Father, we can't win, are you going to kill everyone?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Although as the situation gradually became clear, almost everyone had thought about this possibility, but at best it was just a thought.

But now, even the old king's own flesh and blood have concluded that the future of Crete is almost conceivable.

"Okay, okay!"

Hearing the eldest son's rebuttal, the old man laughed angrily.

"You want to live, no one can stop you! I'll give you three days to get out of Crete immediately!"

Immediately, the old man looked at the ministers whose expressions changed, and he was not polite, once again showing his toughness and stubbornness to his ministers and the people.

"Who else? Anyone in the city who wants to leave can go with them, and I will never stop them! Take the law as proof!"

Although the old king always enforced the law strictly, he almost never broke his promise.

But there was no response from the scene, and everyone seemed completely loyal.

Just some glances, but quietly glanced at the five princes on the ground who were gradually regaining their breath.

The five people did not say much, and solemnly bid farewell to their father in the main hall, supported each other, and walked away.

At night, several fully loaded large ships quietly launched into the water and sailed away from Crete through the leeward port.

Among them are the family members and cronies of the great prince, as well as the people in the city-state under his rule who are willing to follow him.

According to people familiar with the matter, they went to Paros, an offshore dependency conquered by King Minos.

As the news of his eldest son's defection reached the palace, the old king had no intention of pursuing or punishing him for a whole day.

Instead, he ordered the relaxation of martial law in several leeward ports, with an attitude of resignation.

Seeing his brother's example, the second prince Caterous was even more decisive. He didn't wait for night to fall, and led a large group of people to sail out of the port and headed for Rhodes, another overseas territory of the Minoans.

King Minos, who received the news, also ignored it as promised.

Following the example of two successful cases, the remaining three princes followed in the footsteps of their brothers, broke with their stubborn father, and said goodbye to the land where the Minoans had lived for generations.

Similarly, some uneasy generals and ministers also quietly began to transfer their relatives and friends.

And the news spread to the people, and almost everyone could smell that the building was about to collapse.

Driven by fear and the will to survive, large numbers of people began to flee with their families.

Seeing this situation, King Minos not only did not pursue the case, but even postponed the deadline for opening the port for two days.

For a time, the population of Crete shrank sharply, and ships of all sizes migrated toward the mainland and new living places like schools of fish fleeing from sea monsters.

At this moment, the palace hall.

Looking at the fleet of ships on the sea and the increasingly sparse smoke on the entire island, the twilight old man on the throne couldn't help showing a touch of sadness.

This is a kingdom that he built bit by bit, but now he is destroying it bit by bit.

That's right, this drama of the breakup between father and son was naturally orchestrated by him and the clerk.

Among the five sons, except for the eldest son who was told part of the inside story and cooperated somewhat, the rest were just following their own instincts.

Therefore, the eldest son Androgeos was given the right to take the lead in selecting the Minoan offshore territories, and eventually chose to become the king of Paros.

As for the remaining sons, how they will choose and where they will go depends entirely on wisdom and luck.

Children will eventually grow up, and even King Minos himself cannot protect these heirs forever.

And when the building was about to collapse, leaving a way for them to survive was already the greatest kindness he, an old father, could show to these descendants.

Similarly, he was so tolerant to the royal family who were supposed to defend their territory, so naturally he would not be harsh on his ministers and subjects who fled Crete.

——No one has the obligation to accompany him to death.

"Father, why are you up again? Lie down and rest!"

At this time, Princess Ariadne, who rushed to the palace, saw her frail old father standing alone in front of the palace gate with bare feet. She quickly ran forward, helped him to the bed in the back hall, and gently laid him on the bed in the back hall. He covered himself with the quilt.

However, even though he was pinned down on the bed by his second daughter, the old man was still not very honest.

"How are things going?"

Princess Ariadne immediately replied in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, everyone who needs to be notified has been notified, and every household has not been left behind."

"Did you send a fleet?"

"Sent, as you ordered, keep an eye on it from a distance. However, it is far away from the Oceanus Sea, and has the coastal defense line of Crete in front of it, so you will basically not encounter any sea monsters."

"It's always good to be prepared." King Minos paused and continued to ask: "How many percent of people have left so far?"

When the second princess heard this, she immediately hesitated.

But under her old father's burning eyes, she couldn't hide it, so she told the matter honestly.

"Nearly 80%..."

"It's not bad that two adults can still stay..."

King Minos grinned and said to himself.

When the second princess heard her old father's words, she thought they were sarcastic and immediately spoke out to comfort him.

"That's just the rest of the city-states. More than 30 people in Knossos City have chosen to stay and are willing to stand with you until they fight to the last breath for this homeland! My sisters and I are the same!"

Regarding his daughter's promise, King Minos shook his head and smiled without saying a word. He just looked at the sunset sinking inch by inch below the horizon and murmured.

"It's been five days, and everyone who needs to leave has left..."

The second princess felt the sadness in her old father's words, her lips and teeth moved, and she wanted to persuade her a few more times, but before she could speak, an old hand fell heavily on her shoulder.

"Then, at midnight tomorrow, you will take your two sisters and the remaining people and leave by boat. On the boat are the three hundred divine blood guards I left for you. From now on, They will all be at your mercy."


After hearing King Minos' instructions, the second princess's face changed. She was confused and stunned at first, and then quickly knelt down and swore.

"Father, if I don't leave, I will never abandon you!"

"I know that you have proven your loyalty to Crete..."

The old man nodded, with a relieved smile on his face, and his thin right hand gently stroked his daughter's silky hair.

"That's why I personally entrust you with the purest fire of the Minoans."

Suddenly, thunder exploded in the mind of the second princess. All the recent events gradually connected together, and the answer came out of her mouth.

"Did you plan this early in the morning?"

King Minos nodded slightly and glanced at the shadow in the corner with his old eyes.

"How about you tell me?"

At this time, under the astonished eyes of the second princess, a certain scribe who had hidden here for some time came out of the shadows, helped King Minos lie down, and spoke leisurely.

Walking from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, Lorne paused for a moment and then told the princess who was kept in the dark about the plan that he and King Minos had finalized that night.

In fact, this is both a pardon and a test.

The reason why King Minos allowed five princes, batches of subordinates, and tens of thousands of people to flee was indeed because he did not want the Minoans under his rule to die in vain for a war that was impossible to win.

But on the other hand, they are also using this to select those who are truly mentally strong and qualified to continue the pure fire of Minoan civilization.

After rounds of elimination, the group that finally chose to stay were undoubtedly the most suitable candidates, and they were also the gifts that King Minos planned to leave to his second daughter, the chief priest, and the great mother goddess Athena.

In fact, to be cruel.

The first few groups of people, headed by the eldest prince, seemed to have taken advantage, but they were using their lives to test the attitude of the gods and open up a safe channel to the mainland.

Once things go wrong, they are the first to be abandoned.

The person who could make this unscrupulous suggestion was naturally a sinister secretary who was immoral in all five elements.

But the first group of people were lucky enough to avoid attracting the attention of the gods and sea beasts.

Or, the actions of human beings who are as small as ants are of no importance to them.

Of course, these aspects of the game cannot be discussed with the second princess in front of her.

Now, she only needs to understand that her own group and the group of Minoans who have withstood the test and are steadfast are the real fires that King Minos has high hopes for.

But even though she knew the whole story, the second princess still hesitated.

"But, father..."

"Obey, this is the goddess' order!"

The old man interrupted his daughter's hesitation and looked serious.

Finally, after King Minos mentioned Athena's name, the second princess, the chief priestess, was silent for a moment, and then changed the question.

"What if they don't want to come with me?"

"Then give them wine, knock them unconscious, and throw them on board one by one!"

Lorne was well prepared for this and stepped forward to give the chief priest some advice.

The second princess shook her head and retorted again.

"But what if even so, there are still people who refuse to leave?"


Just as Lorne was about to speak, his shoulder was held down by a skinny old arm.

King Minos sat up straight on the bedside, tightened the wrinkles on his face, and spoke solemnly.

"Then let me protect them until the last moment!"


Hearing the unquestionable determination in those words, the second princess did not refute, nodded silently, and finally accepted the arrangement from her father.

Early morning on the sixth day.


Thousands of purple-white thunder exploded from one cloud layer after another. In the endless night, they either shuttled around or struck vertically, like angry dragons descending from the world.

Through the dim light of thunder and lightning, it was vaguely visible that the heavy rain was still pouring down.

The height of the sea surface has risen by nearly a hundred meters, and the turbulent turbidity currents have completely submerged the outer coastal defense line and half of the island. Even the city walls of Knossos, which have been continuously raised and reinforced in recent days, are almost engulfed.

One hurricane after another swept across the undulating waves, rolling and wreaking havoc, penetrating the sky and the earth, and reflecting each other with dense lightning.

In less than half a month, the Minoans witnessed the complete decline of the outside world.


Accompanied by the clear chirping of birds, exciting percussion sounds came from the great temple,

The dazzling light wheels shone brightly against the background of the stars, projecting into the dark night a star map and celestial body outlines, as many as eighty-eight.

The golden light patterns that disappeared and appeared intermittently, with a strange rhythm, rippled around, and finally spread to the outside of Knossos City, pouring down. It is like a beautiful canopy covered with tassels covering this fortress city.

And those large rain clouds and storms that originally floated from the Oceanus Sea were expelled from the area sheltered by the golden starlight, and could only linger and surge dozens of miles away.

Even the overflowing floods on the ground had to retreat and go around, without being able to erode even a single bit of it.

A quarter of an hour later, Athena, dressed in military uniform, walked out of the great temple and came to the palace to give a serious reminder.

"There's not enough time. I guess they won't be able to survive the night. Let them set off immediately and stay away from Crete!"

Lorne nodded immediately, and then in the name of "sending warmth", he sent jars of warm wine to the Divine Blood Guards and priests, door to door, to those Minos who still insisted on staying in the city of Knossos. Sri Lankan people.

Since most of the Minoans had fled, the remaining people instinctively gathered towards the city of Knossos, which could provide a safe haven.

Therefore, except for this royal city, the city-states and villages outside have long been empty.

In this way, this gives us convenient conditions for centralized evacuation.

Soon, after several glasses of wine, the drinkers' faces turned red and their whole bodies felt hot.

Immediately afterwards, they were overwhelmed by the alcohol and fell into a drowsy sleep.

Lorne immediately called his divine blood guards and the remaining city defense troops, and quickly transported the sleeping Minoans into the Minoan warships prepared in advance.

It was not until late in the evening that all the sober people worked overtime to barely finish transporting the drunken Minoans.

When everything was ready, the twilight old man stood in front of the palace hall with a bronze spear in hand, looking at the thousands of divine blood guards and city defense troops gathered here, with emotion in his eyes and loud shouts.

"Thank you for holding on until now.

I feel extremely happy and relieved about this. At least I am not the only one walking this road.

In fact, as early as yesterday, I personally told you.

No matter how hard it struggles, Crete will be destroyed.

This is an irresistible divine will and an unshakable destiny. "

The soldiers listened quietly, their expressions not changing at all.

King Minos looked around the quiet square and spoke solemnly.

"Then, once again, I will not force you on how to welcome the end.

You can choose to put down your weapon and run away.

You can choose to take the last ferry and guard the Minoan fire.

You can choose to live in a state of intoxication and party till the end.

Anyone else want to quit? "

At this moment, hordes of sea beasts appeared on the distant sea, as well as sea gods who controlled storms and raging waves. The heavy rain, as dense as a waterfall, also penetrated the gradually torn golden barrier, hitting the skin and skin of the soldiers. There was a crisp clanking sound on the armor.

But the entire square was still silent. No one moved or made the slightest sound.

Their relatives and friends have boarded the ship, and their children are behind them.

There is nothing in front of them to stop them from showing their sharp edge, like a knife without a scabbard, they can slash at the target ahead without any scruples.

King Minos nodded slightly, his eyes deep and calm.

“It appears that all of you have expressed your intention to fight.

Knowing the outcome, he still decided to fight against it.

What a stupid act, what amazing courage, this is probably a hymn that even the Muse cannot compose!

Well, now, you last crack of the Minoans, listen up.

Climb the city wall immediately, pick up your weapons, and fight for me until the end! "

The old man in the rain took a deep breath, raised the spear in his withered right hand high, and roared like a lion from his withered chest.

"——We will deny the determination of the gods at this moment and fight against the so-called fate!"


The entire island trembled violently, and mudflows mixed with gravel, trees, and animal carcasses in the distance advanced layer by layer, setting off huge waves up to a hundred meters high.

The Cretan city-states blocking the path were like building blocks covered by the palms of giants.

It was as if the gods were angry and fate was roaring.

But the soldiers in the square puffed up their chests proudly and remained undaunted. The spears in their hands suddenly hit the ground, and shouts of landslides and tsunamis erupted from their mouths.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Immediately, the remaining thousands of people climbed onto the city wall in a tacit understanding, cooperated with the priests who voluntarily stayed, opened the magic circle, ignited the last light on Crete, and welcomed the impact from the sea.

At the same time, in the safe haven

Before leaving, the chief priest Ariadne finally restrained herself from asking questions, her eyes full of confusion.

"Goddess, where should we go?"

Athena had already planned this, and the answer she had been preparing for a long time blurted out.

"Athens, the king there will take you in. I gave the divinity of the serpent to their first ancestor and helped him found his kingdom."

When Luo En heard this, he was thoughtful.

According to legend, Cecrops, the first king of Athens, had the body of a human and the tail of a snake.

During the reign of Cecrops, Athena and Poseidon both wanted to become the patron saint of Athens, and they agreed to each give the Athenians a gift, and Cecrops would choose the one they preferred.

Poseidon pierced the rock of the Acropolis with his trident, and a spring appeared; but the water was salty and was thought to be of little use, while Athena pierced the rock with her spear of victory, causing it to grow an olive tree.

Cecrops decided that the olive tree was a better gift because it brought wood, oil, and food, so he accepted Athena as the patron saint of the place, from which Athens got its name.

In addition, the fourth king of Athens, Erictonios, is said to be the son of the fire god Hephaestus and the earth. He was also carefully raised and taught by Athena.

After that, the fifth king Pandion, the sixth king Aegeus, and the seventh king Theseus all received more or less help and inspiration from Athena.

Among them, Theseus was the one who sacrificed the Cretan bull to Athena and brought the chief priest Ariadne to Athens.

According to legend, the prosperity of the Mycenaean civilization and the Athenian civilization was precisely because the Minoans who fled from natural disasters brought the fire of civilization to them.

Therefore, based on the above clues, it is enough to prove that Athena has long seen the decline of Crete and prepared in advance.

But she has never been able to make up her mind as to how to choose.

At this moment, the goddess of wisdom paused, then bit her fingertips, threw out a strand of golden-red blood beads, blended into the forehead of the chief priestess, and gave a deep instruction.

"From now on, forget your original identity. From now on, you will be the blood of Pandion the Builder!"

Lorne nodded secretly. As far as he knew, there seemed to be more than one Pandion in Greek mythology, and there was no way to verify how many of his side bloodlines were true or false.

Therefore, as long as there is the endorsement of the King of Athens, this is the easiest identity to apply.

Immediately afterwards, Athena looked at the three Gorgon sisters standing behind Princess Ariadne. Her eyes finally fell on the medal with a bronze snake pattern on Medusa's chest. She took her hand and placed her fingertips on it. With a gentle stroke on the badge, the originally simple snake pattern turned into the image of a gorgon.

"This is your family emblem. She is your ancestor, and her name is Pallas!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lorne's brain suddenly shut down.

——The Gorgon emblem widely circulated in Athens.

——Athena’s legendary companion, the girl with the divinity of the sea, Pallas.

——The two princesses who were supposed to be abducted took the initiative to work in Athens.

Everything seems to be unchanged on the surface, but the core of everything is completely different.

After a few seconds of sighing, Lorne also sent Hestia on board.

The Goddess of the Hearth stepped on the deck and turned back several times, but hesitated to speak.

"You can't stay. This won't change any outcome, and will further arouse His Majesty's fear, so just protect them!"

Lorne made a rational analysis and advised in a deep voice.

Although Hestia was reluctant, she was the one who listened.

She finally nodded obediently, sat back in the cabin, and waited for the warship to set sail.

The two stood side by side and watched as several fully loaded warships closed their hatches and sailed away from Crete, which was the focus.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was thunder in the sky, and the turbid current on the ground was like thousands of horses galloping.

At this moment, the rain is coming and the wind is blowing!

Twelve hurricanes carried water waves and mud currents and swept in, almost splitting the heaven and earth.

Dark clouds covered the sky and blocked out the sun, swallowing up the last bit of starlight, and the darkness rolled in.

Densely packed thunder snakes shuttled back and forth, constantly winding and exploding towards the ground, causing the earth to roll and tremble.

But a high shimmering wall and thin figures drove the terrifying hurricanes, waves and wild beasts back to the deep sea again and again.

"Disobey God's will and be stubborn!"

A suppressed and cold roar came from the sea. A huge aqua-blue trident tore through the sea, forming a huge whirlpool. One after another, strangely shaped black giant ships jumped out of the water, forming a black mass that was as big as Thousands of ships.

Nearby, tens of thousands of Atlantean soldiers, either riding dolphins or riding giant beasts, guarded both sides of the fleet, forming a mighty military presence.

Finally, Nereus, the old man of the sea, Amphitrite, the queen of the sea, hundreds of sea nymphs and sea gods stood on the deck of the black fleet, their eyes filled with thoughts about the man in the center of the flagship. The awe of a sea king.

Obviously, in order to easily win this battle of revenge, Poseidon chose to go all out and show his trump card.

Because, he not only wants to win easily, but also wants to scare those ocean gods who are ready to make a move.

Even if one is missing, he is still the aloof king of the Oceanus Sea!

At the same time, Lorne and Athena, who were looking far away, looked back at each other, and the last stone in their hearts fell.

Finally, I caught it!

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