Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 409

Of course, Yeyue didn't coddle Alice too much, she still had the education she deserved! In the past two years, except for playing and resting time, Alice has basically been learning all kinds of knowledge. Literacy and arithmetic are considered low-level, and more advanced ones include navigation knowledge, sense of speech, and conversation skills.

As for who is the teacher? Hehe, don't forget, in the Starry Pirates, the most indispensable thing is talents in all aspects!

Needless to say Saeko’s accomplishments in kendo, Kalifa, as an excellent spy, mastered skills including careful observation, hiding inner emotions, etc. Robin fled at sea for many years, except for her in history In addition to his accomplishments in the text, he is also proficient in communication and deception.

Compared with Kalifa and Robin, Nami is the most comprehensive super talent of the Star Pirates! Needless to say, nautical science and meteorology, economic management, gambling skills, and verbal deception skills are all proficient. It is no exaggeration to say that Kalifa and Robin know it, and Nami basically knows it, but Nami knows it. Not necessarily!

Coupled with Asami's gun knowledge and shooting skills, and Shizuka's medical knowledge, the Star Pirates can be said to have covered elites from all walks of life. With so many teachers, as long as Alice is willing to learn, there is nothing she can't learn !

"Yeah! Isn't this going to take you out to play outside!"

Yeyue put down Alice, who was tired of being in her arms, and stretched out her hand to rub her shoulder-length short pink hair, and then responded dotingly. …

Chapter 341 The Dirty Saeko

"Husband, is this a battle?"

At the gate of Fanxing Castle, hearing Yeyue's so-called taking Alice out to play, the clever Saeko easily heard the implication, and immediately couldn't help asking excitedly.

To say that Saeko's greatest feature, besides her superb swordsmanship, is her combative character! Fighting seems to be Saeko's nature, even in a society ruled by law, it is difficult for her to hide, let alone in this sea of ​​freedom!

Even in these two years of silence, Saeko has never stopped, either challenging Yeyue or fighting Aokiji, and occasionally mentioning Cavendish when he is in a good mood, otherwise you think Kavendish How could Wendish's strength improve so fast?

Being abused by Saeko a lot, the sword skills will naturally improve!

"Hmm! The guy with the black beard is here, and Wilbur seems a bit unstoppable. I'm going to see what the black beard has to rely on."

Yeyue nodded slightly in response, looking at Saeko softly. It has to be said that Yeyue's women had a great influence on him!

Yeyue grew up in a hell like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood since she was a child, fighting with ghouls and humans! At that time, Yeyue was more like a monster! Not ghouls.

Hongluan was Yeyue's first woman, but she was also the woman who had the greatest influence on him! It was Hongluan who taught Yeyue to speak and read, and gradually awakened her spiritual wisdom from a monster, and understood the emotions and desires of human beings.

But even so, Yeyue still has a cold and bloodthirsty character, and will only show a soft side to those close to her.

Starting from the world of Xuemo, after meeting Saeko and the girls, Yeyue has more humanity! Began to get closer to people a lot! And since the beginning of Pirate World, the subtle influence of the Nami girls on him has transformed Yeyue even more. Leaving aside the bloodline, Yeyue can almost be called a human being!

Whether it's values ​​or worldview, Yeyue is no longer as indifferent as before, as if she was out of place.

"Captain, are we the only ones going? Nami and the others..."

Robin is an extremely smart woman. Seeing that Yeyue was alone waiting for them here, she realized after a little thought that before this, Yeyue must have had a fierce battle with Nami and the girls.

"Ahem, they are a little tired and resting, not to mention, the few of us are enough to deal with Blackbeard!"

Looking at Robin's eyes full of deep meaning, Yeyue coughed twice in embarrassment, and then explained seriously, just looking at his dodging eyes, you can tell that he is a little guilty.

This is also one of Yeyue's changes! If it was before, even if she was teased by Robin, Yeyue would only smile indifferently, even if she felt guilty and embarrassed?

"Sister Robin, don't worry, my husband is not a partial person! When you come back tonight, your husband will make you so tired that you need to rest!"

When Saeko saw this, she covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and teased Robin, which immediately made her blush, and she lowered her head and dared not say anything more.

Robin has been wandering at sea for more than ten years, of course he already knows how to cover up his emotions, but in front of Yeyue and the others, Robin doesn't need any cover up! This is what family feels like!

What's more, being teased by Saeko, Robin couldn't help but echoed the scene of Cheng Huan under Yeyue's body in his mind, and the shyness in his heart was hard to hide no matter what.

"Sister Saeko, what are you going to do for Brother Yeyue at night? Alice is here to help too, okay? Alice is not afraid of being tired!"

Seeing Yeyue and the others playing charades, Alice stopped doing it immediately, jumped out forcibly and interjected, and patted her small chest, looking like I was strong, which made Saeko chuckle endlessly, and Robin's face became more and more pale blushing.

"Alice, you are still too young to help! When you grow up in a few years, maybe you will be able to help!"

Saeko also seemed to have become a little dirty, thinking that Yeyue would have thoughts about a little girl like Alice!

But in fact, in Saeko's view, this is also an obvious thing! Every woman in the Starry Pirates is now carried to bed by Yeyue. Although Alice is young, how many years will it take for her to grow up?

If it was before, maybe the innocent Saeko would not think so much, but as Yeyue's EQ is getting higher and higher, Saeko doesn't think Yeyue will let Alice go!

What's more, Alice herself is extremely attached to Yeyue! The only opposite sex she can come into contact with is basically Yeyue. When she grows up, how can she be interested in other men?

"No! Alice is not young! Alice has grown up! I can help! Really!"

As soon as Saeko said that she was still young, Alice became anxious immediately! You must know that in the past two years, what Alice dislikes the most is being told by Saeko and the others that she is still young! Because every time Yeyue and Sae's sons and daughters do some shameful and secret things, they use these words to leave Alice aside.

Alice was very dissatisfied with this! But she had no choice but to become Yeyue's follower, clinging to Yeyue whenever she had free time every day, causing Yeyue to try her best to distract Alice before she wanted to have physical communication with Saeko and the others.

No, didn't Yeyue drag Nami and Kalifa into the room while Alice was out to play today? Otherwise, when Alice comes back, Yeyue won't be able to find a chance all day long!

"Okay, it's time for us to go! Otherwise, if we go to play, there will be no time to play!"

Just when Alice wanted to act coquettishly, Yeyue immediately changed the topic and walked towards the port in the first place, making Alice swallow her next words.

"Hmph! It's like this every time! Oh, Brother Yeyue, wait for me!"

Alice pouted and complained, but seeing Yeyue going away, she had no choice but to catch up quickly with her calves. When Saeko saw this, she couldn't help but sniggered, causing Robin to roll her eyes at her.

With Yeyue and the others' strength, they arrived at the port in two minutes at a relaxed speed. Looking at the Xingye docked on the shore, Yeyue couldn't help but sigh a little. It has been two years since the Xingye was used!

After two years, the Starry Night sailed again, which seemed to indicate that the Starry Pirates, which had been silent for two years, would once again set off a wave on the sea!

Fanxing's current strength is not as good as before! In the past, it could only be called a small fight, but now it is different, even if it is a sneeze, I am afraid that the whole new world will be shaken!

Just like the attack of the Blackbeard Pirates at this time, once the news spreads, the eyes of the whole sea will be fixed on this place!

The emperor should be like this! Every move is eye-catching! …

Chapter 342 Strange Ability

Hurrah! 

The sea is rough and the waves are surging!

What caused this scene was not the bad weather, but the fierce battle at sea! Fierce battle between the Goblin Alliance and the Blackbeard Pirates!

Tiers'an's advantage gradually expanded, but Bargas's endurance was astonishing. Even though his body was covered with scars and serious injuries, he was still supported by Tiers'an's iron fist and never fell down!

Cavendish, on the other hand, looked a little embarrassed. The elegant aristocratic outfit on his body had already turned into a tattered beggar's outfit, and one or two bloodstains were particularly conspicuous.

As a young junior, being able to compete with the great swordsman Shiliu of the Rain is enough to prove his amazing potential! You know, although Cavendish is in a mess, Shilieu of the Rain is not much better than him!

The two vice-captains of the Evil Ghost Alliance have their own strengths and weaknesses, but the captain Wilbur was suppressed by the enemy instead!

At first it was Wilbur who took the initiative!

Wilbur is not one to back down! Even if the Blackbeard Pirates came menacingly, he was not afraid at all! When Tiersian and Cavendish fought fiercely with their opponents, Wilbur took the initiative to order the attack!

The existence of the evil ghost alliance is precisely for their emperor to repel all invading enemies! If they shrink back because of the strength of their opponents, is there still a need for them to exist?

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