Ghoul: The Evil Spirit Is Coming

The Attack of the Ghouls Chapter 408

It's a pity that there are no spectators here, only pirates from both sides! One is the black beard who came here to avenge Yeyue, and the other is the evil ghost alliance to protect Yeyue. If the two sides decide whether to live or die, they will definitely not give up!

Tiersian's strength was slightly stronger, and from the very beginning, he used his advantage in speed to slightly suppress Bagas, making him fall into his own rhythm and unable to escape, but Bagas' combat experience was equally rich, and he knew With his weaknesses, he turned into a defensive position, firmly defending Tiers'an's fierce attack, and always looking for opportunities to counterattack!

On the other hand, Cavendish is at a slight disadvantage! After all, Shilieu of the Rain is a veteran powerhouse who has been famous for many years, but his combat experience overwhelms Cavendish. What's more, although Cavendish has high potential, he has not yet fully grown up, and it is inevitable to fall into a disadvantage.

But in the same way, just as Tiers'an was unable to defeat Bargas in a short period of time, Cavendish will not easily lose to Shileu of the Rain!

Seeing Tiersian and Cavendish in a hard fight one after another, Wilbur, the captain of the Goblin Alliance, couldn't help but frown slightly, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the dangerous figures behind Blackbeard, and felt a sudden shock in his heart. Feel a little uneasy!

Wilbur has never met such a powerful pirate group since he surrendered to Yeyue! Even the pirate group that nearly defeated the Evil Ghost Alliance two years ago can't be compared with Blackbeard!

Wilbur has realized that today will be an uphill battle! Even if the Evil Ghost Alliance won't be easily defeated, it's impossible to easily defeat the enemy!

The three captains of the Evil Ghost Alliance are the only ones who can do it! Although the remaining ten captains are not weak, they are also difficult to stand alone.

But although the remaining members of the Blackbeard Pirates are not very strong, Wilbur always has a sense of crisis! Blackbeard himself is their worst enemy! Even though Wilbur is very confident in his own strength, he is not sure of defeating Blackbeard!

After weighing it in his heart for a long time, Wilbur finally gritted his teeth and his eyes became firm! No matter how powerful the enemy is, as a member of the Demon Alliance, their task is to resist any incoming enemies for the emperor! Even if it means sacrificing your own life!

But at the same time, Wilbur would never allow anyone to pose a threat to his most revered emperor! Even though he has decided to fight to the death, he still needs to send out the news first, so that his emperor can be alert in advance!

After making a decision in his heart, Wilbur turned his hands behind his back and made a gesture quietly. After seeing it, the younger brother behind him immediately retreated silently. A minute later, a message was quickly sent to Beasts through the phone bug. island castle.

Bang bang bang! !

In the practice field, dozens of gunshots rang out at the same time, and all the dazzling moving targets on the opposite wall were pierced through the bull's-eye. This shows that this man's marksmanship can be described as hitting every shot without missing a beat!

With a height of 1.68 meters, she looks a bit short for the women in Pirate World. She wears a tight sports vest on her upper body, which not only highlights her peaks and peaks that are tightly grasped, but also reveals the white and tender flesh on her slender waist. Skin, leather pants and boots, coupled with flaxen wavy long hair, give Asami Nakaoka a heroic look!

The former short-haired female police officer, after two and a half years of practice, has transformed into a charming sharpshooter today. The confident smile on her face makes Mami look extraordinarily heroic and feminine.

"Mami-sama! Mami-sama is bad!"

Just as Mami was standing with her gun closed, wiping the gun in her hand carefully, a girl broke into the door and broke into the practice field in a panic.

"Yuko, what happened to make you so flustered? Don't worry, speak slowly! Will the captain be there when the sky falls?"

Mami put away her gun and turned to look at the visitor. Although she frowned slightly, she did not blame the visitor, but comforted him softly.

"Mami-sama, please... I received... the news from... Mr. Wilbur, saying that... I have fought... with... the Blackbeard... the pirate group... and the... opponent... is stronger than expected, But they...they will fight to the death!"

The girl called Yuko spoke a series of words out of breath. If it wasn't for Mami's strong listening and discrimination skills, I'm afraid she might not be able to understand Yuko's messy words.

Yuko was one of the servants picked from the Isle of Beasts two years ago! The Starry Castle is so big, and the entire Starry Pirates live there, and of course there are servants who take care of their daily life and food!

And Yuko is the smartest and well-behaved among them, and is responsible for delivering various news inside the castle on weekdays! Wilbur's news was transmitted to the intelligence department through the phone bug, and then the intelligence department uploaded it to the Starry Castle, and Yuko passed it to Mami who was in charge of intelligence.

"Blackbeard? Is it really here? Well, I understand, you go down first."

When Mami heard this, she frowned immediately, waved her hand casually to signal Yuko to go to work on her own, then walked to the nearby hanger, picked up the leather jacket and put it on, and left the training ground unhurriedly.

After two years of precipitation, Mami is not the novice pirate she was back then! Accustomed to seeing all kinds of bloody storms, Mami has already learned to deal with things calmly and face any crisis calmly! After all, for a gunner, once he loses his composure, the bullet will also lose its aim!

What's more, the Blackbeard Pirates are not a crisis at all for Fan Xing! What's there to be nervous about, Mami?

Seeing Mami's attitude, Yuko's restless heart couldn't help but cool down, she felt amused by her panic just now, the object she served was the Star Pirates! Emperor of the new world! One of the most powerful pirate groups on the sea!

Even if that black beard is a bit powerful, even Wilbur of the Devil Alliance is hard to beat, but so what? In the past two years, Yuko has already established almost blind confidence in Yeyue and the others! No matter who the enemy is, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this group of monsters!

Yes, even if she is as beautiful as Nakaoka Asami, Yuko still calls her a monster in her heart! After all, in Yuko's view, apart from monsters, how could it be possible for humans to shoot hundreds of bullets in an instant? And can it accurately hit different targets? …

Chapter 340 Starry Women


In the Starry Castle of Hundred Beasts Island, beautiful voices came from the luxurious room. Mami, who had just arrived at the door, blushed and spat involuntarily, "Captain the villain! Do bad things in broad daylight! Na It's beautiful too, and it's too shameless!"

After being together day and night for the past three years, Mami could of course hear who the owner of the voice in the room was, and that was Nami, who was hailed as a genius navigator by the outside world!

Nami becoming Yeyue's woman seems to have been expected! After all, from the very beginning, Nami admired Yeyue very much, even though Yeyue was too slow in emotion, but with the passage of time and Saeko's matchmaking, the two finally came to fruition.

If you want to ask why Saeko took the initiative to match Yeyue to find another woman? Leaving aside Saeko's original idea of ​​Yamato Nadeko, everything is centered on her husband, and Yeyue's strong combat power in that area alone is enough for Saeko to bear, so she has to urgently find a helper to share.

For women, the most ideal partner is nothing more than two conditions, external and internal. Externally includes money status and personal strength, internally includes appearance, character and personal cultivation, there are very few people who can achieve perfection, and Yeyue is one of them!

As one of the three emperors of the new world, Yeyue has external conditions that are unmatched by anyone! And inside? Handsome appearance, protective personality, excellent qualities, which aspect is not perfect?

An excellent man like Yeyue can easily become the most enamored object of women wherever he goes, let alone Nami and the others who are with him day and night?

After two years of getting along with each other, coupled with the comfortable living environment, the stars and girls could not resist the charm of Yeyue, and they fell in love with each other involuntarily one after another. With Saeko's matchmaking, starting from the most daring Nami, all the girls became one by one. Yeyue's closest bedside person.

Nami was the first, and Mami herself was the second who couldn't wait to give herself to Yeyue! As early as the very beginning, Mami knew her feelings for Yeyue, but she never dared to express her feelings for Yeyue because of her feminine reserve.

But with Nami as a demonstration, Mami naturally won't back down anymore, muster up her courage and throw Yeyue down.

Seeing Nami and Asami becoming Yeyue's women successively, and then showing unspeakable happiness, Kalifa and Robin's mood is particularly complicated.

They came on board later, and their feelings for Yeyue were not as deep as those of Nami and Nami, but they were also attracted by Yeyue's charm and couldn't extricate themselves. Then, under Saeko's words and deeds, the two women finally let go of their restraint.

Instead, Shizuka became the woman of Yeyue in the end! There is no way, Ju Chuan Shizuka is a natural dumb, her emotional intelligence is almost zero, although she instinctively gets close to Yeyue, she doesn't understand the love between men and women at all, even if Saeko hints several times, she can't react.

In the end, it was Yeyue who took the initiative to attack, and finally took down this natural beard.

It took a total of more than half a year before and after. Except for the young girl Alice and the pet dog Jike, the rest of the members of the Starry Pirates have become the women of Yeyue one after another. It can be said that they are the most intimate and united pirates on the sea.

Although Yeyue also has a few women in the ghoul world, he is still quite slow in terms of emotions, but under the guidance of Nami and the women, he has become much more transparent, and he is more cheerful on weekdays , No, in broad daylight, he dragged Nami to hide in the room to do those embarrassing things.

In fact, the voice that Mami heard was indeed only Nami's, but in fact, Kalifa and Shizuka were still sleeping soundly next to Yeyue. You can tell from the fatigue and satisfaction on the faces of the two women that the two women have already experienced The most extreme enjoyment.


Although there were many thoughts in her heart, Mami opened the door without hesitation, and slid in with a flash, the door closed, and only a white body could be seen flashing through the crack of the door .

It has been almost two years since she became Yeyue's woman, and Mami has long put her shame aside, just hearing Nami's groaning sound, she couldn't help being moved, and without hesitation, she entered the room to enjoy the ultimate joy up.

Sure enough, just a moment after Mami entered the door, she heard her cry similar to Nami, accompanied by Yeyue's deep panting, and the picture in it was full of imagination.

After a long time, the two girls, Nami and Mami, were easily dealt with. Yeyue walked out of the room refreshed, with a faint smile on her face, and the whole island was instantly covered with knowledge and information. Air is passed out as a medium.

At the same time, Saeko, Robin, Alice, and Jake who were all over the island immediately received Yeyue's signal, set off without hesitation, and gathered at the gate of the castle at an extremely fast speed.

Swish Swish Swish! !

Yeyue just walked to the gate, and the figures of Saeko and the others appeared one after another, and Alice threw herself into Yeyue's arms, with a flowery smile on her face.

"Brother Yeyue, are you taking Alice out to play?"

Although Alice, who has experienced many hardships, is much more mature than her peers, after two years of precipitation, Alice has gradually recovered the innocence that a child should have. To play is to eat, so happy!

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