Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 231 Plot Killing

The game is still going on, and after BIG BOSS escorts Paz and Kico to the plane, the score settlement and a cutscene are ushered in.

In "Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes" and "Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain" under development, Yang Chen didn't fully use long shots and cutscenes.

Showing the plot through the game is more about the interaction between the player and the story, rather than sitting there watching the broadcast, Yang Chen understands this very well.

Long shots and cutscenes are used to narrate the plot. This is not much of a problem, but the key is how to keep players from getting bored with the excessively long cutscenes.

A good enough story and cutscene footage is an important factor, but it's not enough.

The decision Yang Chen made in this regard is to add real-time calculation effects such as QTE and on-the-spot substitutions, the cause and the final result, and the level design combined with the plot to let the player decide how the process should be.

Of course, there is a more accurate description of this design arrangement, which is the so-called plot killing.

The early games were all rough plot kills, such as arranging a battle that must be lost, so that the character controlled by the player is weak, but the enemy is very strong, and it is impossible to defeat numerically.

Later, the game makers evolved and let the players know through the plot and level design that it is not that they are not strong enough but the enemy is too cunning. The design of the game is no longer as simple as it was before, just to make the enemy brainless enemy.

In the game, there was a cutscene that lasted almost ten minutes like the beginning, and Yang Chen clearly understood that it was not suitable to add too many such long shots.

From the narration of the plot, if the player is really immersed in it, then this sense of wholeness and the long-shot substitution of one shot to the end will be enjoyable.

But for some fast-paced players, it is obvious that watching it once or twice at the beginning will make them feel like "fucking, awesome" and "fucking, Tianxiu".

But if you don’t pass a level, what you are waiting for is such a long shot. Even after a few minutes of speed-passing some levels, the plot is longer than the playing time. This is definitely a frustrating thing.

After all, this is still a game, even if the elements of the movie are combined with the game, but first of all, this is still a game, not a movie.

In the cutscenes in the game, Yang Chen tried to compress the time as much as possible, and everywhere also used the way the player can experience the game to blur the too long time,

Although it will cause some tearing in the experience, this is the best solution Yang Chen can think of so far.

Yuan Ying, who was sitting in front of the computer, watched the game screen plunge into darkness. By sneaking into the enemy's camp, he rescued Paz and Chico. agent, but it only took more than half an hour.

He already has some knowledge about this game, but he always feels that it is still a bit lacking. For example, some of the content revealed by Yang Chen at the press conference and the daily official blog, in the trial play of this prologue It doesn't show much in the version.

Although it is interesting to control the soldiers and then hit a set of CQC combo moves, or force interrogation and watch them look scared.

But the feeling of entering the enemy camp single-handedly, and then being surrounded by a large group of enemies is really uncomfortable. They are all beaten into a sieve and a hornet's nest, okay?

With this thought in mind, Yuan Ying turned his attention to the ongoing cutscene. To be honest, he was quite curious about the plot of the game.

Although the subtitles and narration have introduced a general idea at the beginning of the game, he still wants to have a deeper understanding.

Paz, whose stomach was stitched with needles and threads, was lying on the stretcher in a coma, and Chico next to him suddenly seemed to notice something with his hands on Paz's stomach, and became nervous: "Snake! Snake!"

Big Boss, who was silently sitting on the chair, turned his head away, as if he realized it too.

"Medical soldiers!"

The medical soldier who couldn't see his face came to Paz, put his hands on his stomach and groped.

"Damn it, she's been tricked, we've been tricked!"

"We have to take it out, there is no time for anesthesia, we must operate immediately!" The medical soldier said while putting on white sterile gloves.

"Hold her..." After a second of silence, BIG BOSS said to Chico.

At the same time the medic removes a scalpel and a pair of tweezers, and the camera zooms in on Paz's sutured belly.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Ying in front of the computer screen suddenly trembled, a row of small pimples appeared unconsciously on his arms, and subconsciously touched his stomach as if he had foreseen something.

The scalpel cut the suture thread again, and the medical soldier separated the belly with tweezers, exposing the blood-stained intestines inside. With Paz struggling and screaming, BIG BOSS put his hands into her belly and cut a square The bomb was taken out.

Yuan Ying, who was watching the screen the whole time, couldn't help swallowing, it hurt so much!

The plot is still going on, the bomb is thrown into the sea, the helicopter carries the BIG BOSS and they return to the base, but what they see is the flames of war.

Explosions, flames, gunfire, the base has fallen.

"Look, Commander Miller!"

The camera cut, the base that exploded and fell, and countless soldiers who were resisting.

The angle of view slowly switched, and finally Yuan Ying found that she could control the BIG BOSS to shoot.

This is a plot that players can participate in. Of course, the ending cannot be changed, which is the so-called plot kill.

Compared with the shocking one-shot long shot of the original version, Yang Chen chose to take the plot of the battle and conflict as part of the gameplay.

The main reason is that the long shot used in the original dream memory is to better allow players to see how the entire base was destroyed and fell.

The main reason for this is because the game itself has the foundation of the previous game, and all the bases were built by the players collecting materials in the previous game.

This sense of identity will increase the player's sense of immersion to a greater extent, and the long shot of the cutscenes can undoubtedly maximize this sense of immersion.

But for players who have not played the previous game, it is not so shocking, they have no way to feel that experience.

So after thinking about it, Yang Chen decided to make this part of the plot a part that players can experience, while adding new characters and plots.

Escorting Miller and the soldiers who died with BIG BOSS, and showing the tragic experience of the base in front of the players, made the players angry at the skull face XOF, increasing the sense of immersion.

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