Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 543 Eternal Forbidden Curse I

The resettlement of a large number of territorial residents is still the main problem that Xiuyin's Longhui Territory needs to face, and there are a series of chain reactions caused by this problem.

The manpower of Keha Mountain Road in the south has been gradually moved in, and simple engineering tents and campsites have begun to be connected at the exit of the mountain road.

“First and foremost, make sure it’s safe to do the work there!”

"Uncle Irwin, I leave the security guard there to you!"

"Uncle Reiner, regarding the development of Keha Mountain Road and the search for mineral veins, this depends on you!"

Under Xiuyin's personal instructions, Irwin and Reiner rushed to Keha Mountain Road to take charge of this project.

Some people do not suggest that Xiuyin use Irwin to do this job. For example, other candidates can be used for the job. Irwin's strength should go to places that need him more.

Including Lietli, he also felt that Xiuyin's use of the leader of the Dragon Glory Chapter (the Morrowind Chapter was renamed the Dragon Glory Chapter) Irwin was overkill.

There is also Reiner. Mr. Reiner's efficiency in government affairs is also obvious to all, but he was assigned to work on Keha Mountain Road as if he was being exiled or punished. Although Reiner himself had no complaints, he was close to him. His people felt that Lord Xiuyin's transfer order was a bit harsh on the old man who followed him.

However, only the three parties involved knew the reason. The main reason why Xiu Yin used them was trust. The two of them would never do anything detrimental to Xiu Yin.

Keha Mountain Road is just a cover. Whether you can go to the sea or not, Xiuyin can't see any significance or benefits related to the Dragon Splendor Territory.

Xiuyin had seen the sea of ​​this world when he was in Luolan.

Waves, majesty, and the unique majesty of the sea.

But after all it is just an ocean, and there is no power to conquer the ocean, let alone what is on the other side of the ocean.

And one of the most practical problems is that there is not even a single ship in the Dragon Glory Territory or the Star Glory Kingdom.

Without a boat, why go to the sea? ?

The location where Xiu Yin peeked was, of course, the swamp area outside the west entrance of Keha Mountain Road, near the boundary of Lunterdam Plain.

In the swamp area is a small area of ​​low mountains, which is the real purpose of cultivating the cause.

But...you can't develop it from the beginning, otherwise Irvine and Reiner will also become suspicious.

Xiu Yin needs a certain amount of time to wait, and the A energy source is clearly there, which is really worrying for Xiu Yin and others.

But there was another matter that needed to be dealt with immediately, and that was that Paro and Lietli recommended many talents who could help Xiu Yin with basic administrative work.

However, despite the promulgation of Xiuyin's previous policies, it would immediately seem unfair to call these people in, and what Xiuyin must not abandon is the confidence of the people in the Neumann family.

"We also transferred some people from the local powerful families, and asked some military generals to recommend their relatives. We simply conducted a batch of screenings in the upper class circles in advance. Those who can be used will be used, and those who cannot be used will be used. Let them work hard as soon as possible or do something else. In short, those who are capable are the people Long Hui needs at the moment."

Like a teacher, Xiuyin told Paro about the series of assessments that would be conducted next, targeting the people mentioned above.

Every time Paro communicated with Xiu Yin, he found that his decades of knowledge seemed to be subverted little by little by Xiu Yin.

It is impossible for Xiuyin to completely eliminate the local forces in Navaran.

Moreover, Xiuyin never thought about completely letting these older families withdraw from the political stage of Navarre City.

For the residents of Navarre, it is easier for them to accept these local families who are integrated into their lives than an outsider in power.

Some of these families control a lot of business, some have a lot of cheap labor in their hands, some even have connections with foreign forces, and they are engaged in precious transactions such as specialty treasures...

There are all kinds of businesses, and almost every industry is controlled by several large-scale families. What's more, such as the already shaved Holder family, they own almost one-fifth of the Navaran City area. right.

One-fifth, that is a terrifying power. Xiuyin’s subordinates, even Hans, the captain of the Guards, and now Abisa, the leader of the Dragon Knights, together cannot have one-fifth of the power. Rights, plus Paro can't do it either.

So if Holder shows an uncooperative attitude, the only thing waiting for them is death.

But for the remaining scattered forces, Xiu Yin needs their cooperation more.

"Get close to what you should get close to, and leave the rest to Rebbie!"

It is impossible for Xiuyin to get close to all these forces, so he selectively supports a group of local forces in a half-and-half manner, and then purposefully removes half of them. The local factions in these places are still It will not increase its power, and at the same time, Xiu Yin is equivalent to getting half of the basic rights of these people at the bottom.

While the Star Glory Kingdom and the Dragon Glory Territory are undergoing high-profile recovery and development, the war in the central part of the continent is just another small scene that has ended.

With the joint efforts of the Qiyao family, the capital of the Bibo Kingdom was finally recovered, but what they saw was a city with a population of one million, and now——

It's a complete ruin...

Xiu Yin got the latest urgent letter from Charlotte about the north.

In the north, there are only three things that can be so urgent.

To the northwest, Xinghui City, they just exchanged letters with Trogg, it shouldn’t be a matter of Xinghui City.

To the northeast, in the Namikaze Empire, Xiuyin has sent an envoy from Milner on behalf of Ryuuki. There is a high probability that nothing will happen, because the Nanayao family is still at war.

So, after excluding these, what can be called urgent is probably related to Qiyao.

Xiu Yin opened the letter in front of all the officials, and the content inside surprised Xiu Yin.

"Lord?" Hans was closest to Xiu Yin and noticed that Xiu Yin's face turned very bad after seeing the letter.


Xiu Yin was a little worried. He slowly raised his head and whispered to the ministers, "The Holy Alliance was defeated, and the capital of the Bibo Kingdom was taken back by the Qiyao Family..."

The ministers were still silent. They also saw Xiu Yin's face. These words should not make the lord behave like this. What follows is the most important thing.

So everyone is waiting.

"The Qiyao Family launched the Eternal Forbidden Curse, huge meteorites fell from the sky, and almost no one survived in the capital of the Bibo Kingdom..."

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