Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 542 is a very good chapter number. I wish myself and those who like reading books a happy ma

When the documents sent by the wyrmlight leader and the former leader of Morrowind from the capital arrived in Trogg's hands, Trogg was surprised to see this name.

"Is this news from Brother Xiuyin... the lord?"

Princess Tifa, who came out with Trogg at the same time, heard the news from the Morrowind Territory reported by the messenger. She knew that there would be irresolvable conflicts between Xiu Yin and the royal family, so at this time, news from the Morrowind Territory came. , Tifa still cares about it very much.

Trogg scanned the contents of the letter with a few glances, with a strange expression on his face.

Tifa was already in the Morrowind leader and something had indeed happened. Just when he was about to ask again, Trogg reached out and patted Tifa on the back to reassure her, "That guy Xiu Yin, you were really careful!"

"Has something happened to Morrowind?" Tifa inevitably showed some concern.

Trogg handed the letter to a chamberlain. Official letters between local leaders and the royal city must be recorded and preserved. After all, the relationship between royal power and local power is likely to change drastically every time.

Trogg's hand gently stroked Tifa's back. When he looked at Tifa, his face showed a gentleness that was completely different from usual.

"The Morrowind leader has changed his name."

"Ah?" Tifa didn't expect that Xiu Yin would give up his previous name, Morrowind, such a vibrant name, but why did he give up like this.

Tifa asked curiously, "So, what is the name of the new collar?"

"Longhui, Longhui leader."

Trogg wanted to laugh as soon as he said this name, but he held it back in front of Tifa.

"Dragon, dragon glory..."

There was some slight disappointment on Tifa's expression, because no matter how you look at it, this name can be summed up in one word - vulgar.


Trogg felt that this was the most reassuring news he had received since ordering the transfer of the Morrowind Territory.

Xiu Yin deliberately expressed that he would not have any conflict with him. He first demolished the city wall of Navarre City, which meant that Navarre City would be a city with no defense power at all. The Knight of Starlight You can easily rush to Xiu Yin's mansion.

He came up with such a very vulgar name, just looking at the word "Hui", just to show goodwill to Xinghui City.

Originally, Trogg was still worried about one thing, that is, a large number of people in the territory chose to follow Xiu Yin. The population of Longhui Territory was almost equal to that of the Starlight Royal Family. This was the biggest hidden danger.

However, a series of information reached the royal capital, and the officials in the royal city unanimously believed that the Longhui Territory would not last long if this continued.

It is unbelievable that such a huge population is concentrated in the city of Navaran. It would be possible in those cities in the central part of the continent with fertile land, but in the relatively barren southern part of the continent, the city of Navaran in the Longhui Territory is still possible. A dilapidated city with a population of one million will not be able to survive the winter of this year in a short time.

So Trogg listened to the opinions of the ministers and waited to see what happened. When the time came, those who could not endure hunger and the over-concentration of the population and found it difficult to obtain a comfortable living space would flood into the areas controlled by the royal family again.

And there is another news from Longhui Territory, that is, there is a problem about the access to the sea.

"It seems that Xiu Yin is becoming more and more knowledgeable, and he took the initiative to take on the manpower part."

Tifa felt a little relieved after hearing the news. After all, he knew Xiu Yin's personality, and he didn't expect that he could actually make concessions on these things.

As he spoke, Trogg took Tifa's hand and walked towards the newly built flower palace, "Okay, my princess, let's continue to enjoy the flowers. There are no more flowers in late summer." How long has it been..."

For Trogg, the Starlight Kingdom had a lot of good news this summer. The nephew of the Grand Duke of the Rhine also announced his submission to the Starlight Royal Family. At this point, the entire Starlight Kingdom not only returned to the control of the royal family. Among them, and also owns a large area of ​​land in the northern part of the Navarrean Kingdom, and even controls the access to the sea.

This is a prosperous time for the royal family that has rarely happened since the founding of the Xinghui Kingdom in the past hundred years.

A hundred years ago, the Xinghui Kingdom, which was still a small city-state, had a piece of land in the southern part of the mainland that could be established through years of conquests. However, a large number of meritorious families also obtained large tracts of land. The Xinghui royal family can almost only be said to be one. Like the larger lords.

This time the civil strife in the royal family may be an opportunity. Many ministers have seen the current Xinghui. In the past hundred years, no royal family has truly had control over the entire Xinghui. Moreover, there is an equally powerful subsidiary like the Longhui Leader. In addition to the newly defeated Luo Lan, who has little fighting strength, who else in the southeast of the mainland can compete with Xinghui?

What's more beneficial to Xinghui is not just this. The Qiyao family's repressive policy has allowed Qiyao's country to reap all the benefits on the mainland. This made some of the gangs who originally had some history on the mainland dissatisfied, and finally broke out The war against the Qiyao family started in the east-central part of the continent. The first one to bear the brunt was the Bibo Kingdom, the weakest kingdom in the Qiyao family.

The city-states that opposed the Qiyao family's rule formed the Holy Alliance and even captured the capital of the Bibo Kingdom.

The war is still going on, but every minister of Xinghui maintains an extremely optimistic attitude, that is, Xinghui's opportunity is also approaching, and the chaos outside is getting better...

At the end of summer, the cool autumn is coming, but the Navaran region, which has been dusty for several months, is even more anxious.

"It's getting a little cold."

Xiu Yin looked down at the entire Navaran from the top floor of his mansion.

The city of Navaran is no longer there, replaced by the region of Navaran, which is the official name for the place.

Due to its huge population base, the area of ​​Navaran region has expanded several times compared to the previous city of Navaran.

According to Xiuyin's instructions, the entire Navaran area was first divided into four parts, namely the North District, the South District, the West District and the East District. Xiuyin emphasized one point, that is, the houses can be built slightly later, but the roads must be built. Be smooth.

The entire Navarrean area is composed of dozens of "field"-shaped areas, with roads crisscrossing each other. When people truly understood the benefits of planning the city in this way, everyone was amazed that Lord Xiu was not just a magician. .

The dwarf Malphite is one of Xiuyin’s admirers. He even compared Xiuyin with his dwarf leader, the King of the Hill. “Well, let me tell you, the lord not only has a novel mind, He also has wisdom that you can’t even imagine. Yes, this is an even more outstanding wisdom than the great King of the Hill I have seen!”

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