Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 539 The Birth of Long Hui III

The voice did not come from Hans and Irwin, but from Rebbe.

Hearing that Reby supported him, Xiuyin really didn't expect that because of Reby's upright knight style, Lewandoff, Paro, etc., Xiuyin did not consider them to be able to support him in naming the new leader this time. Those in favor.

"I agree with the Lord Lord's new naming of the collar!"

Reby stood up at this time. The recent ministers were all too familiar with Reby.

Maybe some people really didn't understand Reby originally, but recently Reby participated in the purge of some people who did not agree with the leadership of Morrowind. There was no mercy at all. He was simply pushed to the stake by Reby's escorts. There were no less than a hundred people there, and they were given the title of butcher.

Rebby's eyes swept around the meeting hall. Except for the military attache, no one else dared to look directly into Rebby's eyes.

Xiuyin was a little surprised that Reby came forward, but Xiuyin smiled happily when he saw him. With Reby joining in, it seemed that the influence on the ministers was not small.

"The naming of the leader by the lord is where our glory lies. Do we still question and object to the words of the lord who can give us glory!"

Now Reby has completely become a fanatical follower of Xiu Yin, and Xiu Yin's image in his mind has now unsafely replaced his former idol, Mr. Dulav, the Prime Minister of the Left.

No one dared to accept Rebby's words, but Reby's killing made his words even more intimidating at this time.

"Morrowind will eventually come to an end, and now Longhui is a new beginning!"

Lei Bi said more and more words. These words were all mentioned by Xiu Yin. At this time, Lei Bi said them again, and they were even more effective than Xiu Yin. Some timid people even began to say yes. …

Hans and Irwin looked at each other, it was their turn to appear.

As the Minister of Internal Affairs, Paro has the highest authority in the entire Navarrean City except for Xiu Yin. At this age, he was originally unwilling to get involved in this name dispute.

Almost all the military attachés are on Xiuyin's side, that is, these people who are more knowledgeable feel that this name is really...

Forget it, Paro is opposed in his heart, but under the current circumstances, if Paro continues to take the lead in opposing, it will only embarrass Lord Xiuyin.

"Long Hui's name is...well, it's not that big of a deal. I'm just asking, sir, does this name have any metaphorical meaning?"

Paro hoped that the lord could find more reasonable explanations, so that the ministers would no longer object and the lord could continue to insist on his opinions.


Of course Xiuyin would not say that it was because of the dragon in his original world, so he expressed his desire to get closer to Xinghui.

But this can only explain the "Hui" statement, but what about the dragon?

Nowadays, the common view in the mainland is that only the weak will give themselves a powerful name. For the age of knights where glory is paramount, this is vanity and a way that knights are ashamed of.

Xiu Yin really needs to find a more perfect explanation.

"Everyone listen to me."

Drawing everyone's attention to him, Xiu Yin simultaneously motioned for Reby, Hans and Irwin to sit back.

"The meaning of dragon is indeed not a positive name on the mainland today, but now our situation is obvious to all. Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered in Navaran City and the new territory. Road resources are also being sent here day and night, what will the royal family think of us?"

Everyone knows the truth about Xiu Yin's words, and everyone has expressed them in an extremely vague way before, because this may involve the struggle between royal power and local power. This is an extremely rebellious topic, regardless of whether it is against the Morrowind leader. , or for the Kingdom of Starlight, things have developed to this point. The Morrowind Territory will not be destroyed by a surprise attack by the Knights like the Yunlai Town Autonomous Territory. The break between the two parties will only cause the complete collapse of a kingdom.

Xiuyin demolished the city wall and used this new name to express his weakness and closeness to the royal family.

Everything can be said to be for the survival and self-retribution of the new collar.

Xiu Yin showed a little helplessness, and he immediately made the ministers feel that the name of the lord was inappropriate, but for the sake of this lord, the lord went all out to give such a vulgar name. As Xiu Yin, subordinates, what else can they say.

As a result, the Longhui Territory was officially named, and a report was also sent to the royal capital. Xiuyin Neumann's new territory, Xiuyin's new beginning.

The one-month transfer time limit has passed, and Xiuyin only has the right to dominate Navaran City and the southern region of the original Navaran City Kingdom.

The territory's area is naturally incomparable with those established by Xiu Yin, but it is larger than the original Morrowind Territory plus Hydel Plains. Otherwise, the royal family's unilateral transfer of a lord with outstanding merits will only cause more problems. After all, the current Xiuyin Neumann is different from the past. The Neumann family is destined to become the most shining star in the Star Kingdom in this period.

He has lost all territorial rights except this place. Fortunately, the migration of the people who supported him has basically ended. However, it also means that a large number of people have lost their original homes and a large number of daily necessities cannot be taken away and are left behind in their original places. .

In the end, the number of citizens under the city of Navarre reached 600,000. Originally, they went straight to one million. Xiuyin listened to the opinions of some ministers and dispersed to the surrounding areas. At the same time, there was also an important place to repair. Because I almost ignored it.

That's Kehal Mountain Road.

The western mountain road exit of Keha Mountain Road is near Gumu City. The entire southern part of Navarre is under the control of Xiuyin's new territory, so this Keha Mountain Road is naturally also under Xiuyin's control.

But this is the only way to the sea from the Kingdom of Starlight, and it is also obtained through the power of self-cultivation.

It is obviously extremely excessive for the royal family to directly go here, and it will also be blocked by the Xiuyin territory, and development and transportation are also somewhat difficult, so Trogg simply dispatched a tax official representing the royal family to Gumu City. The royal family's tribute can be settled directly with the tax officials. Ancient Wood City will be the permanent residence of the tax officials. At the same time, for Keha Mountain Road, Trogg's request is that the royal family also participate in the joint development.

Xiu Yin would not refuse, but said that he would directly provide a large amount of manpower, and the royal family would only need to contribute part of the money.

Regarding Keha Mountain Road, Xiuyin had already explored its entire terrain when he returned from Loland. Although he unexpectedly did not find any mineral veins, Xiuyin had to use a lot of manpower to find the mysterious location full of A energy. development, and the swampy areas simply cannot be worked on.

But this is an opportunity for Xiuyin to send manpower there blatantly without being suspected!

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