Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 538 The Birth of Long Hui II

Xiu Yin was surprised that Yianna saw his plan.

"Why are you surprised, sir? Now you have divided almost half of the population of Starlight Kingdom in one go. If you behave in a way that makes the king worried, it may not be what you want, so Ianna thinks that she will be with you." A territory name that is closer to the kingdom would be better.”


This is what Xiuyin thinks in his heart, including tearing down the walls of Navaran City, all in order to make that guy Trogg worry about him. Otherwise, he will always be remembered by the people in the royal capital, and Xiuyin will be even more uneasy. , so what Yianna said makes sense. If Xiuyin wants to change his name, he should get close to the Xinghui royal family.

It's not that he despises Ianna, it's that Ianna grew up in an environment where she almost never left the mansion. As for things like politics, she shouldn't even understand it.

However, in Xiuyin's memory, his predecessor had played very much with Yianna since he was a child. He felt that there was no obstacle in his communication with Yianna, and when he was studying with his tutor, Yianna would also Listening on the sidelines, the teacher even stepped over Ianna with some questions.

"Then... Sir, have you thought of a new name for me?" Ianna had already packed away the tableware used by Xiu Yin and asked out of curiosity before leaving.

Regarding the name of the territory, Xiu Yin actually had an idea for a long time. He even had a good name before the Morrowind Territory was established.

But at that time, he didn't know much about the taboos about names in this world, or whether people in the Kingdom of Starlight had any taboos about these.

As Xiu Yin becomes more and more prosperous in this world, he has learned that this world does not care much about a word, or that it is not a name that can only be used by a powerful force.


Xiuyin didn't know if this name was too vulgar in Ianna's eyes. After a slight pause, he said, "Longhui! Dragonhui collar, how about it?"


Ianna's body, which had been walking out, suddenly trembled, and her steps froze in place.

"What's wrong? Is it a bit like that?"

Dragons are indeed synonymous with power in this world. Dragons are a race that existed in ancient times, much older than the elves. The dragons were once the rulers of the continent. However, due to the limited breeding ability of the dragons, For thousands of years, the dragon clan's footprints have only remained in legends. At least in the past hundred years, no one has seen the dragon clan appear on the mainland. As for some older rumors, they are not so reliable.

There used to be a trend in the mainland, that is, no matter the name of a child, the name of a shop or a powerful group, the word "dragon" was used, but the area used was too large, and in the end it was used by the upper-class nobles. People thought that they were all unpopular and vulgar names, lacking the support of the upper class nobles. This trend faded as quickly as it came, so in Xiuyin's era, names with dragons were considered very vulgar. Performance.

"Hey, as expected..."

Seeing Yianna's reaction, Xiuyin knew that she thought so too.

However, the dragon in Xiu Yin's mind was not the dragon clan on this continent, but the dragon from the original world where he lived.

The transformed dragon form of the dragon clan in the war world is like a lizard with large wings, while the dragon in Xiuyin's original world is more complex, with a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, ears like a cow, and a neck like a cow. The snake has a belly like a mirage, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, and palms like a tiger. It is an even more peculiar legendary spiritual creature.

Therefore, the meaning of Longhui not only means getting closer to the royal family of the Starlight Kingdom, but more importantly, it is the expression of Xiuyin's longing for his hometown.

"Ianna, are you okay? Although the name is a bit rustic, hehe, it's really a good name, ah, hahaha!" Xiuyin touched his head in embarrassment and laughed.

Xiu Yin didn't notice the expression on Ianna's back to him. Ianna felt her heart beating faster. She had something to say, but she quickly calmed down.

"No, no, the name Lord Xiuyin mentioned...it seems that no one has used the name Long for a long time."

"That's right." Of course Xiu Yin had no way to explain that this was a spiritual thing in his original world, and it was also Xiu Yin's biggest secret, so Xiu Yin then said perfunctorily, "When I was with my father, Shuke once said that dragons were the existence that he longed for when he was a child, so the name of this leader also means mourning his father."

Xiu Yin said casually, and Ianna didn't ask any more questions. She asked Xiu Yin to pay attention to his body and get some rest before leaving. Xiu Yin was left alone in the meeting hall...

"Huh? Longhui?!"

"Sir, don't you think about this?"

"I haven't heard the name Youlong for a long time. The last time I heard it was when I was a kid, a Dragon Gate Hotel opened in my hometown. In the end, the business was bleak!"

"Lord, please think twice!"

"Lord, please think twice..."

Facing the almost overwhelming opposition from the ministers, Xiuyin realized that this name seemed to be a bit unsatisfactory.

However... Xiu Yin can make concessions on many things, but on this matter, he will not make any concessions.

Xiu Yin doesn’t know if he can leave this world in the future. If he leaves, it would be good to leave a history of his existence here. Long Hui’s glory may not last forever on this continent, but as a person who has existed Footprints, Xiuyin also has a little vanity.

And if he can never leave this world, then he has to consider some of his own family. Of course, he doesn't have it yet, and he doesn't rule out that there will be many descendants... Thinking of these cultivation factors, he finally realized what it means to be a father. Duty, even though he has no descendants yet...

Xiu Yin looked at Hans and Irwin. They had been following Xiu Yin for the longest time. Xiu Yin needed some voices of approval.

Of course, the two of them also looked shocked. Xiuyin had never told them before, and the leader's new name was indeed a bit too...

The two knew that they wanted to be on the side of Xiu Yin, but even Hans felt that giving such a name would be a bit too sorry for the Morrowind Territory that had developed to what it is today.

The name "Morning Breeze" is still good, but Xiu Yin has already hinted to them before that the morning breeze will eventually stop, and the fresh air accompanying the morning breeze will finally become turbid.

"No, I support your lord's proposal!"

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