There was a press conference on the morning of the final. At the press conference, Santos told everyone what happened to him and his team early this morning. He expressed his anger at the unsporting behavior of French fans.

However, the French local media did not mention this matter at all, while the Portuguese media criticized it, believing that France had done whatever it took to win.

It was obviously intentional that the police took an hour and a half to arrive. It was early in the morning, and there was absolutely no way that there was a traffic jam and it took an hour and a half to arrive late, right?

"Obviously, those policemen are French fans. They hope that Portugal will suffer more interference, so that when the Portuguese players are not well-rested, they will not be able to perform at their normal level during the game, and the French team will naturally win! This approach is immoral! If the French team needs to rely on this approach to defeat the Portuguese team, isn’t this French team worthy of our sorrow?”

Later, officials from the French Football Federation condemned the fans' behavior, but denied that the French team should bear responsibility: "The fans are free to decide what to do, and of course we do not support them in doing so, but the team is innocent. We really have no way to restrain and discipline what a group of fans did at two o'clock in the morning..."

This is nothing more than shirking responsibility.

But now is not the time for a war of words, the game between the two teams is already very close.

"In this game, we should hold firm from the beginning..."

"...Some riots have just occurred, adding more flavor to this game. The game Portugal faces will become increasingly difficult. There are various signs that it is impossible for Portugal to win the game at the Stade de France!"

It is true that the Portuguese team has won the two warm-up matches in the past two years, but everyone knows that the results of the warm-up matches cannot be used to consider major matches such as the European Cup finals. Comparability.

"If you ask me to predict this game, I cannot give an accurate result, but I think it is a high probability that the French team will win the game! But there is no logic in things on the football field..."


After dinner and a short rest, the Portuguese team rushed to the Stade de France to prepare for the game in the evening.

Others are taking the time to rest, even if they can sleep for an extra fifteen minutes.

Because of what the French fans did in the early morning, a small conflict broke out between fans from both sides outside the stadium. The two sides started from quarreling to fighting, and soon they were fighting each other.

First, the Portuguese fans complained about their team and slandered the French fans. Then the French fans rushed up and beat the Portuguese fans.

The assistant coach shouted to them: "I know you are not energetic right now, but the more this happens, the harder you need to warm up! Otherwise, if you are injured on the field, our team doctors will not be able to save you, no matter how good they are!"

They really need to boost their morale at this time, because what happened early this morning really damaged their morale.

How can a team that doesn't rest well or eat well still have fighting ability?

But other than saying that, what else could he do?

This time, the French police did not wait another hour and a half to arrive at the scene. They quickly rushed into the fighting group, waving batons and shields, and dispersed the rioting crowd. At the same time, they also arrested more than a dozen people who participated in the riot. Fans from both sides.


On the way to the stadium, there were players who were yawning constantly. They really didn't have a good rest.


In fact, Bruno felt even more uneasy, because in his memory, not long after the game started, something would happen that would affect the Portuguese team's ability even more: captain Ronaldo was injured early in the game and had to be replaced!

Despite him, Ronaldo's captain's influence on the Portuguese team is still very critical.

The words of experts have made more people doubt Portugal's prospects of challenging France. The betting company adjusted the odds before the game, and Portugal is further not favored.

The host on TV is analyzing the game that will be held later.

The players changed into their training clothes one after another, walked out of the locker room, and ran onto the court to warm up.

Bruno shot a ball. In order to warm up Patricio, his shot had no power and the angle was not biased. The main purpose was to let Patricio feel it. Who would have thought that Patricio would save the ball from such an ordinary shot!

The French team was generally considered to be stronger than the Portuguese team. However, the night before the final, the Portuguese players were woken up again and couldn't fall asleep for more than two hours. Many of them are still drowsy.

"F**K...encountering such a game at such a critical time. Don't let those French bastards let me encounter it in Portugal..."

Everyone was still aggrieved by the treatment they received early this morning. They had no idea that French fans would play such dirty tricks, which made them unable to sleep well.

In order to allow the players to have enough energy to participate in the evening game, Santos and the coaching staff had to cancel the restorative training arranged by the team in the afternoon to allow the players to continue to rest and recover.

This is why the game is scheduled for 9pm, otherwise there is really nothing we can do.

Due to the existence of the system, he quickly fell asleep again after those French fans left, so the impact was relatively small.

This was already the third yawn in a row from the Portuguese captain within a minute, and tears were squeezed out.

Before, he was very ambitious and wanted to defeat the French team at the Stade de France and win the first Delaunay Cup in Portuguese history. Now it has been temporarily modified to a draw.

However, judging from the color of the jerseys worn by the arrested fans, Portuguese fans account for the majority...

Santos himself didn't believe it, so he said it very weakly. Because he knows that it is definitely not the ninety-minute performance that determines the outcome of a football match. The preparation before the match is very important.


After such a comparison between the two sides, naturally many people are not optimistic about Portugal.

After yawning, he quickly cursed: "Damn it!"


"This is good news for Deschamps' French team. Portugal performed very well in this European Cup and put a lot of pressure on Deschamps..."

"This morning, Santos said in an interview that his team was harassed by a group of French fans in the early hours of this morning. The players did not sleep at all for two hours. This gave Portugal a chance to travel to the European Cup finals. It casts a shadow. Everyone knows that the French team is the favorite to win this European Cup. This game will definitely not be easy and peaceful. So how can Portugal cope with France at the Stade de France if they have not yet rested well. ?”

Ronaldo yawned again, and his answer became feeble: "Okay..."

Of all the players, he seems to have the best spirit.

"Warm up! Warm up!" Bruno also clapped his hands and shouted to his teammates.

French fans chased their bus along the way and made many provocative gestures to them, such as giving them the middle finger. This is an internationally accepted gesture...

"I think it's a blessing that they didn't fall behind in the first half..." said the expert interviewed by phone.

The crowds who clashed were dispersed, but the soiled flags, jerseys, scarves, lost shoes, and some "committing tools" on the ground could still tell others what happened here.

"I think we should also take revenge on them and let the fans make a fuss when we play at home!"

After the players came back from warming up on the court, they sat in the locker room and listened to the head coach say some words of encouragement.

What's even more terrible is that he immediately made a second reaction and went to save the ball, but he missed it again!

"Ah... I'm sorry, Bruno..." Patricio, who missed the ball twice in a row, also felt very embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a while.

His mistake suddenly made the players who were warming up and the Portuguese coaches instantly nervous.

"Forget all those messy things!" Santos said to everyone, "The football game depends on the performance of these ninety minutes, not the things off the field..."


With the starting goalkeeper in such a state, can the Portuguese team really come out of the Stade de France intact?

Many people think that Portugal would be good as long as they lose a few fewer goals.

It's normal for everyone to think so, because even Portugal's own people think this game is difficult to play.

If you don't get enough rest, you will naturally lose your fighting power.

"Ha-yeah-I still want to sleep now, what should I do..." Ronaldo said after yawning.

After getting off the bus, the Portuguese team players entered the visiting team's locker room.

What about France? They are sitting at home, waiting to work, resting well, the team has no injuries, and the lineup is complete.

Looking around, the stands were filled with a sea of ​​blue. French fans kept singing and shouting. Some supported France, but most of them insulted Portugal.

In general, after this series of twists and turns, no one is optimistic that Portugal can win at the Stade de France.

When the Portuguese bus arrived outside the Stade de France, the riot had long ended, and the team's bus did not pass near the incident site. They had no idea that fans from both sides were already outside the stadium in order to support their respective teams. There was a fierce battle.

As long as they don't lose and drag the game into overtime or even a penalty shootout, they can always find a way.

Finally, Santos said to the players: "As long as you don't concede the ball, the opponent will become impatient!"

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