In the second half, Wales launched a fierce attack on the Portuguese team's penalty area at the beginning of the game. They took advantage of the kick-off opportunity in the second half to organize an attack.

The new David Vaughn passed the football to the left wing. Left midfielder Andy King caught the ball and passed it to forward Bell who was diagonally inserted. After receiving the ball, the Real Madrid forward broke into the penalty area and Portugal's center back Bruno ·Alves quickly pressed forward. Bale saw the Portuguese center back pressing forward. He was anxious and shot directly. As a result, under pressure from Bruno Alves, his left-footed shot went high.

Although no goal was scored, the attack excited the Welsh fans in the stands, who cheered collectively to cheer for their team.

The Wales team advanced to the European Cup finals for the first time. Even though they were not favored, they defeated England and advanced to the knockout rounds as the group leaders. They then eliminated Northern Ireland, which also belongs to England, and then defeated the dark horse Iceland again in the quarter-finals. History Successfully advanced to the semi-finals. This has made Welsh fans extremely confident that their team can beat any opponent.

Trailing by two goals in the first half, during the halftime break everyone agreed that equalizing the score shouldn't be a problem, the key is whether they can turn defeat into victory.

Now seeing the team put on a fierce attack just after the game started, they were even more confident and sang the Welsh national anthem "Land of Our Fathers" in Welsh to cheer for the players on the field.


However, the Portuguese team reached the European Cup final again after 12 years, and tens of thousands of Portuguese fans rushed to Paris to cheer for their team in the final.

Although the Portuguese team has two Ballon d'Or winners, Cristiano Ronaldo and Bruno, it is still not as widely optimistic as the French team.


The French fans didn't just curse with their mouths. They used loudspeakers to make the sound louder and everyone could hear it. Some even moved out searchlights. Once a Portuguese player leaned out of the window, they would shine the dazzling lights. .

"Countries! Don't think that just because you have reached the finals, you can be arrogant in the European Cup! You are different from us! We are a team that has won the championship! You guys can't even dream of having it in your lifetime!!"

The Portuguese players, who had been tossing for more than two hours, returned to bed, but how many others could sleep?

"F**K!" The Portuguese players, who had been awakened from their sleep, were furious and cursed loudly. Some even opened the windows and shouted down.


Bruno knew that his head coach had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "No, no matter how late or how long I sleep, I always get up at seven or eight o'clock. The biological clock has been formed."

Before they arrived, those troublemaking French fans had already fled and could not be found.


Nonetheless, after dawn, the streets below became very noisy and noisy, and not many players could really take a good rest.

"You upstarts! Upstarts!"

With Cristiano Ronaldo scoring twice in the first half, Portugal defeated Wales 2:0 and reached the European Cup final for the second time in history.

Next to him is an angry Cancelo: "K**K OFF! These bastards! So despicable!"

Not everyone can fall back to sleep peacefully two hours after being woken up in the middle of sleep. Some people can fall asleep as soon as they fall on the bed. Some people have difficulty falling asleep and are woken up again after finally falling asleep. Then This unbearable feeling is so uncomfortable that people who have not experienced it are really difficult to understand, so many players endured this torture until almost dawn before falling asleep.

Santos and other members of the coaching staff were also awakened and found out that it was French fans who were causing trouble. Santos was extremely angry and called the police.

Santos said with some surprise: "Ah... this... is really good..."

What made the Portuguese players and coaches very angry was that just ten minutes before the police arrived, the French fans were still playing music with loudspeakers and honking their car horns, showing no signs of retreating.

After being tortured like this, all the Portuguese players couldn't sleep.

As soon as the fans walked ahead, the police arrived behind them. It was hard not to suspect that they were hiding somewhere, waiting for the fans to leave before coming out to clean up the mess.

The police also had a tacit understanding and waited for the French fans to run away before coming.

The other players did not have as much energy as Bruno, and many tried their best to continue sleeping despite the increasingly noisy sounds outside. Some people cover their heads with pillows, some simply shrink into the quilt, and some people fall asleep listening to music with headphones on, but more people are actually in a half-asleep and half-awake state, seeming to be sleeping, but They could clearly hear the various sounds coming from outside...

"I didn't say I had to get up so early today, Bruno. You can continue to rest. I know yesterday..."

Even Bruno was woken up. He walked to the window and frowned at the group of French fans below.

"Well, I know it's very noisy outside right now..." Santos expressed his understanding as he listened to the cars and people coming from outside.

Their purpose is not only to prevent the Portuguese players from having a bad rest, but also to affect the mood of the Portuguese players, making them lose their composure and become irritable. Coupled with the lack of rest, you can imagine their state during the game. .

After advancing to the finals in the first two times, the French team finally won the championship successfully. Now that they have advanced to the finals at home, they have naturally become the most promising team from all walks of life.

But what they did will only make the French fans below even more excited. Not only did they play music and honk their horns, they also chanted various slogans that insulted Portugal.

After daybreak, considering that many people had not had a good rest at night, Santos decided not to ask the players to get up for breakfast, but to let them continue to sleep until as long as they wanted.

Bruno shook his head and said: "I can't sleep."

Just five minutes before the police arrived, they suddenly packed up their things and drove away in their car very quickly. It's like receiving some notice in advance.

As the biggest favorite to win the European Cup this year, the French team did not miss the chance and reached the European Cup final again after 16 years. This is also the third time in their history that they have advanced to the European Cup final.

Bruno got up at eight o'clock anyway, and Cancelo was still tossing and turning on the bed, seemingly asleep.

The Portuguese team also rushed to Paris overnight the night they defeated Wales to prepare for the upcoming European Cup final.

But to the disappointment of Welsh fans, their team has been unable to score.

Santos was surprised to see Bruno.

However, the Portuguese's good mood quickly disappeared.

Generally speaking, the police should arrive five to ten minutes after calling the police. But this time, the French police kept the Portuguese team waiting for an hour and a half before they arrived too late.

Of course, the Portuguese team failed to score in the second half, and the score ultimately stayed at 2:0.

Some players were awakened. They jumped out of bed and went to the window, only to find that several cars had been parked on the road outside the hotel. There was a speaker on the roof of the car, and the French national anthem "Marseillaise" was playing inside. ”, those people are obviously France fans, because they are all wearing French jerseys. In addition, there were several motorcycles shuttling back and forth, and they were responsible for the roar of their engines.

Of course, the French team was even worse. There were only three days between the final and their semi-final.

The Portuguese team's European Cup semi-finals were on the evening of July 6th, local time, and the final was on the evening of July 10th, only 4 days apart.

"We're going to rip your heads off and use them as balls! Haha!"

One day later, the French team also defeated the German team 2:0 at the Marseille Stadium and met the Portuguese team in the final of this European Cup.

Wales fans are one of the most enthusiastic fan groups in this European Cup. In every game played by the Welsh team in this European Cup, many fans came to the stadium wearing red T-shirts representing Wales to cheer for the team. In the interview, Bale called Welsh fans the "red fence" and it was their support that gave Welsh players the power to continue to break through.

Now these die-hard fans are singing loudly at the Stade de Lyon to cheer for their team.


When all the players fell into a deep sleep, a burst of loud music and singing suddenly came from outside the hotel, followed by the sound of car horns and the roar of engines.

It was obvious that this group of people had been carefully planned and organized. They definitely did not come to cause trouble at the last minute after drinking too much. They even started planning and organizing more than a week ago. Otherwise, how could they move out so much professional equipment?

Loud noises, dazzling lights, and a lot of unbearable insults all made the Portuguese players dizzy.

The first three days of preparations for the Portuguese team in Paris went smoothly, but on the night before the final, they encountered harassment from fans of the host country.

In October 2014, Portugal came to France to play a game, but at that time they had not enjoyed such treatment.

The police came around and found no "perpetrator". Instead, they spent half an hour understanding the case with Santos and other members of the coaching staff, which resulted in the Portuguese coaches losing half an hour of rest time.

It wasn't until about 11 o'clock at noon that everyone got up one after another. But looking at their appearance, it was obvious that they had not slept well. I feel weak when I say hello, even after washing up. There are also people who have unsteady steps when walking.

Seeing such a player, Santos frowned even more.

How can such a team challenge the French team?

French fans really tried their best to interfere with the Portuguese team!

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