Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 126: I killed it

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

In the lobby, Elder Huang looked at a few people present: "Since you have blood mist on your body, it means that you have some contact with Ono. Since I have blood mist on my body, then I will tell you clearly first. I had contact, but there was no dispute, and I was even less likely to kill him. "

No one will question Elder Huang ’s words. In other words, apart from Elder Huang and Zi Moting, everyone else on the scene understands Ono ’s death.

Elder Huang looked at Zi Moting: "You are the closest to Ono, he is your follower, please tell me."

When asked, Zi Mo Ting couldn't help crying, she said everything, and when she said that Ono used her body to solve her own problems, she couldn't cry.

Elder Huang looked disgusted: "Then you have a reason to kill him, but you said that his cultivation practice is a period of spiritual reunion, so you cannot kill him ..."

Elder Huang's eyes fell on Song Ning, and only Song Ning could kill Ono on the spot. After all, even if other people had that thought, they couldn't beat Ono at all.

Lu Sheng and Mu Xuezhao bowed their heads without saying a word. If they also went to see Song Ning at this moment, Song Ning's suspicion was even greater.


Before Elder Huang asked, Song Ning said: "I killed it."


Several people took a deep breath, but Song Ning admitted it was decisive. He admitted that he really didn't need to check again, but what should Elder Huang do? Song Ning said in one gulp that he killed himself, so he handed over Song Ning?

Song Ning's ability to kill Hong Da means that Song Ning's cultivation practice is also above his Huang Tong. The entire Tianyuan School is afraid that no one is stronger than Song Ning's strength. Condense here, can he still live?

Mu Xuezhao said, and immediately explained: "Ono broke into my room on the same day, and happened to be hit by Song Ning. Song Ning only killed him. Huang Zhangmen, ca n’t hand over Song Ning. Will definitely kill Song Ning! "

Does Huang Tong understand this truth? But if you do n’t let anyone go out, then the person with blood mist will die, but he also has blood mist ...

Lu Sheng was anxious in his heart, although he decided to follow Song Ning, but how could he say such a thing?

Suddenly, only listening to "Poo Tong", Zi Mo Ting knelt on the ground.

"I went to them and said that I killed the man." Zi Moting finished, knocked at Song Ning, then got up and left.

Her resoluteness shocked several people present. What kind of determination did she have to make such a decision?

Song Ning raised his hand and held Zi Moting's shoulder: "No, people killed me, I will go find them tomorrow."

"You killed you, Xiaoye did that kind of thing to me, you killed him, the beast of Hongda ... you killed him, you are my benefactor, I have never been pleased since I was a child, I am jealous of others Better than me, but now ... my body is very dirty, any woman must be cleaner than me, I am also a walking dead, it is better to die. "Zi Mo Ting took Song Ning's hand, step by step out of the hall.

Looking at Zi Moting's figure, Song Ning sighed: "Even if you go, they can't believe it. It's impossible to kill him with your strength."

After sighing, Song Ning looked back at Huang Tong: "You don't need to worry, I will pass by tomorrow."

After talking, Song Ning glanced at Mu Xuezhao and Lu Sheng, then left in a hurry.

Mu Xuezhao pulled his legs to chase, but he could no longer see Song Ning's figure ...

Tianyuan School, among the temporary houses built next to the teleportation array.

Young man Liu surnamed playing with the storage ring in his hand, looking at Elder Lv kneeling on the ground, said lightly: "I can let you go, but you have to do me a favor."

"Please tell me, as long as Lv Mou can do it, it is absolutely unambiguous!" Elder Lv just slapped by Najie Dan and felt like he was almost dead. What is more important in this world than living?

The young man named Liu seemed very proud. He said: "Before, on the Spirit Boat, the woman, there was blood mist on her body just now. You brought her to my room at night, and I will let you go."

Elder Lü swallowed, and he said Mu Xuezhao? Mu Xuezhao and Song Ning have an excellent relationship. If Song Ning knows this ...

"How?" The young man said coldly.

Elder Lv hurriedly explained: "Master Liu, that woman has a very good relationship with the boy in the foundation period before, I slap ..."

"You elders in the middle of foundation building but are afraid of a disciple in the early stage of foundation construction?" The young man sneered: "Waste, tell me, what's that boy's name."

"His name is Song Ning, the origin is unknown, but it does have the strength to kill the peak of the late period of building foundation." Elder Lu said truthfully.

The storage ring in the young man's hand fell to the ground, his brow furrowed, and he seemed to be thinking, his finger flicked: "Go away, if I can't see the girl tonight, then you can't see it Tomorrow's sun. "

Elder Lv kneeled and ran out.

In the room, Monk Nai Dan picked up the storage ring on the ground and sent it to the young man. He bowed his head and said, "Master, will he ... be the Song family?"

The young man slowly shook his head: "The Song family ... all said that the two families of Luoyu Kingdom, but in fact the four families in the east, west, south, and north are very strong, but the families in the east and west directions do not need to guard the gap between the borders, prestige. It ’s not very high, but if you speak of strength, the Song family wo n’t lose the Liu family at all. "

"Song Ning is a bit weird when he is young, mastering swordsmanship, and killing enemies by leapfrogging." Brother Jie Dan analyzed.

The young man hesitated, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his eyes: "Among all the people just now, he belongs to him the most indifferent ... If it is really the Song family ..."

Thinking of this, the young man stood up and pondered for a moment, saying, "Tomorrow I will try. If he is really a member of the Song family, then it doesn't matter if he is irritated, but if he is not a member of the Song family, then don't care. "

"Yes." Monk Jiedan bowed.

The two were talking, and the door rang.

The young man was stunned, thinking that the speed of Elder Lu was really fast, but after opening the door, he realized that it was not Mu Xuezhao, but Zi Moting.

Although Zi Mo Ting is not as watery as Mu Xuezhao, it is also the best among female nuns. For young people, naturally, the comers will not refuse.

"What are you doing here?" The young man looked at Zi Moting with interest.

Zi Moting took two steps forward and bowed to salute: "Little, Zi Zi Ting, Xiaoye, I ... I killed."

The young man raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zi Mo Ting, not to mention how she cultivated, but in terms of courage, she would never be able to commit murder, but when she thought that Mu Xuezhao had n’t come yet, this female practitioner He took the initiative to send him to the door, and the young man's mouth twitched: "You said you killed it? Then I have a way to save you from death."

Zi Mo Ting was overjoyed, excited, raised his head, wiped away his tears, and looked at the young man: "What method?"

The young man spread his legs and leaned his back on the chair: "As a woman, there are some things you should understand?"

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