Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 125: The Liu Family-Ono

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Was n’t this just the two of them on the reef boat they met on the way back to the Tianyuan School?

Was it because of the Spirit Boat?

Song Ning and Tang Yue stared at each other, and slowly stepped back to prevent the two from seeing. Since they belong to the Liu family, they should not offend easily. If they are not here to seek revenge, there should be no chance to meet. .

After the Liu family Jiedan monk finished speaking, several elders sent by Tianyuan and the head of the agent came out, and the first one was the head of the elder Huang.

As soon as they saw this monk, they immediately bowed to salute: "I have seen Senior Liu's family.

Monk Naidan glanced at everyone, and then bowed to the young man beside him respectfully, took a step back, and stood behind the young man.

At this moment, everyone in the Tianyuan School understands that this young man should be an important figure of the Liu family. If not, it is impossible for a monk prince to be so polite to him.

The young man glanced at the many monks in front of him and saw Elder Lu wearing a green robe.

"Yo, coincidence, we exploded our Spirit Boat before. I didn't expect to meet here today." The young man raised his mouth and pointed at Elder Lu: "You, come out."

Elder Lv's face was the same color as his robe at the moment. He stepped forward and bowed his fists at the young man: "I offended and offended, I don't know it was Master Liu's family. If I knew it was Master Liu's family, I wouldn't dare to lend me ten guts. "

"My spirit boat exploded. What do you say? The spirit boat is not expensive. You can pay me 20,000 spirit stones. This is fine." The youth looked at Elder Lu with interest.

Two thousand spirit stones? !

Everyone present was shocked. A spirit boat had 20,000 spirit stones. For them, this was simply an astronomical figure. But in the eyes of this young Liu family, it seemed nothing.

Elder Lu is embarrassed: "Master Liu, this ... twenty thousand spirit stones, how can I have so much money?"

The young man narrowed his eyes and looked at Elder Lv, the smile on his lips was stronger: "It's okay, I'm here to have some serious business to do, and our account will be calculated slowly"

Hearing the young man ’s words, Elder Lu ’s heart was raised. What did the Liu family come to Tianyuan to do? And he said to settle accounts slowly, what exactly does he want?

Elder Huang is now the head of the agency. He took a step forward and bowed down and said, "Master Liu, I don't know if you have anything to order this time?"

Young surnamed Liu snorted: "It's not a big deal. Someone from the Liu family died in your Tianyuan School before. I came to find the murderer."


Will the Liu family come to the Tianyuan School?

Did the Liu family die in the Tianyuan School?

All of a sudden, everyone was inexplicable. Why did the people of the Liu family come to the Tianyuan School, and why did they die in the Tianyuan School?

Hearing this, Song Ning narrowed his eyes. The Tianyuan faction had indeed died before, one was Hongda, the other was Ono, and these two people ... were killed by him. He cares most about Liu Yi, and Liu Yi's surname Liu was also killed by his own ...

Elder Huang heard the words and hurriedly explained: "I don't know when the people of the Liu family came here, what is their name, so that I can search for the cause of death for Master Liu."

Although Elder Huang said so, at the moment in everyone's mind, the first reaction was 'Liu Yi'. Liu Yi's death also caused a lot of trouble among the martial arts just because the demon killed it. So it calmed down within a few days, but did not expect that Liu Yi turned out to be Liu's family!

The young man raised his hand: "No need, you are not needed."

Between his speeches, he lifted a ball. There was a drop of blood in the ball. Under the impulse of spiritual force, the drop of blood flew out of the ball, turned into a blood mist, and flew away in different directions.

After a moment, blood mist was wrapped around several people. This blood mist had no binding effect, but it seemed to be a magic weapon for searching.

"People with blood mist beside them, get out!" The young man shouted.

Tang Yue was taken aback by the sound. She turned to look at Song Ning and found that there was also blood mist beside Song Ning. Song Ning just took the step to go, Tang Yue grabbed Song Ning's hand and slowly shook her head, her eyes. It was full of fear.

"It's okay." Song Ning took Tang Yue's hand away, patted it gently, and then walked towards the youth.

At the same time, several people came out from different directions. These were Zi Moting, Mu Xuezhao, Elder Huang, Lu Sheng, and several disciples of Baihuyuan.

As soon as a few people stood firm, the young man pointed to several disciples of the White Tiger Academy: "You go back."

Those people hurriedly bowed to salute, thanked the young man named Liu, and hurried back to the crowd.

Now the people standing in front of this young man are more heavily **** beside them.

He looked at these people, the corners of his mouth were getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't help laughing: "Interesting, interesting!"

As he said, he pointed to Song Ning, Mu Xuezhao, and Lu Sheng: "The three of you are the three of you, and I will calculate the bills for my soul boat with you."

At the end of the conversation, he compared the concentration of blood mist on several people in front of him, and finally set his sights on Song Ning and Zi Moting.

Zi Mo Ting shivered, she didn't even know what was going on, but was looked at by a monk in the foundation period, she was cold and pale.

The young man pointed to Song Ning and Zi Moting: "My Liu family went out and changed their name to Ono. Can you two know each other?"

Ono? !

Hearing these two words, Tang Yue and Li Qingling in the distance were relieved, but Lu Sheng and Mu Xuezhao were tense, almost crying out, Zi Mo Ting even cried, apparently terrified.

The reactions of these people were quite large, and they deserved it, but only the reactions of Song Ning and Elder Huang at the moment were very indifferent, and they even attracted the attention of the young man.

It ’s just that Elder Huang ’s blood mist is not heavy, so the youth ’s eyes fall on Song Ning: “You killed him?”

"Is this Tianyuan faction dead, it was me who killed it?" Song Ning asked back.

The young man snorted, and did not speak to Song Ningduo, but said loudly: "I will give you the murderer within a day, otherwise, all the people with blood mist will die!"

After he finished speaking, he gave a glance to the monk monk behind him. The monk monk took out a house from the storage ring, and the two lived directly in it, jammed by the teleportation circle.

The cold voice of the young man came from the room: "Whoever dared to leave the Tianyuan School and who died before the matter was resolved! That old thing with a green hat, come in for me!"

The Tianyuan School fell into silence again, and Elder Lv hesitated and walked towards the house.

Elder Huang looked at a few people around him, frowning: "A few of you will follow me, and you need to investigate things about Ono. If not, our Tianyuan School might be in trouble this time."

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