DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 292 Not a liar or a dark wizard, but a werewolf~

Looking at Lupine who was deeply asleep, Carl sighed softly. He took out a blanket from the storage space that he opened up and covered him, and the chat with Naiyali became much quieter.

As time went by, there were more and more little wizards on the train, and they all found their own places.

"Dirty dirty ~..."

The loud buzzing of the siren echoed in Karl's ears, and with the shaking of the carriage, the still scenery outside the window began to move backwards, and the train gradually picked up speed and headed towards Hogwarts.

Carl flipped it over, and activated the transformation technique to turn the tablecloth into a wizard chess set. He looked at Niyali with interest and said:

"The train is just starting now, and it will take seven or eight hours to reach Hogwarts, come to play chess?"

"Then come on, let's see how many rounds you can survive in my hands~..."

The silver-haired girl laughed, and stretched out a hand to take the white chess piece, looking very interested.

In the silent carriage, the two played chess quietly, only the faint sound of chess pieces hitting the board.

Such a peaceful scene did not last long. After a while, there was a conversation outside the door, accompanied by two meows, and then the door of the compartment was pushed open.

Ron came in sullenly with his mouse in his hand, Hermione followed closely behind him, Crookshanks was purring comfortably in her arms, but she also seemed to be living stuffy. And Harry was sandwiched between the two, looking helpless...

The door of the compartment was closed by Harry, and Scabbers in Ron's hand immediately noticed Lupine curled up sleeping in the corner. It had been two months since he had seen him, and he had obviously gained a lot of weight due to his trip to Egypt. Seeing an old acquaintance in this place, it quickly twisted its fat body and burrowed into Ron's pocket without making a sound.

"Carl, Nayari? It's you!"

When Ron saw his good friend who had been away for a long summer vacation, he finally smiled again.

"Why do you two look sullen? Is something wrong?"

Karl put down the queen chess piece in his hand and looked up, and noticed the ugly expressions on their faces at a glance.

"It's not Hermione's little monster! Look, Scabbers doesn't dare to show his face now!

I warn you, Hermione! Don't let that brute get near Scabbers again, or I'll turn her into a balloon just like Harry inflated his aunt! "

Ron walked to Carl and sat down, touching Scabbers who was terrified through his pocket. It seemed that because of his bad mood, he didn't even notice his favorite wizard chess on the table.

"Crookshanks is just a cat, Ron... what else can you call it? A cat's natural instinct is to catch mice!"

Hermione sat down next to the curled up Lupine angrily, stroked Crookshanks in her arms, and said in a low voice as much as possible.

"Is it a cat?! It's almost like a hairy pig!"

And the thorny Ron obviously selectively ignored Lupine who had no sense of presence in the corner, and couldn't help but said loudly.

"That rat of yours is as ugly as a stinky shoe brush, yet you still have the nerve to criticize others! I've never seen such a brazen person!" Hermione couldn't help it now, and directly sneered at Zhuge Liang, At the same time, he comforted the restless cat in his arms. "Don't be afraid, Crookshanks, don't pay attention to this little villain, he dare not do anything to you~..."

"How can you say that to Scabbers?!"

Ron's eyes widened, his whole body trembling with cold hands and feet on a hot day.

"Okay, stop arguing, both of you! Don't say a few words, don't you see that someone is taking a nap?"

Harry took a deep breath, he couldn't take it anymore. Along the way, Hermione and Ron quarreled over this issue from meeting to now.

Hermione snorted arrogantly, just stroking her new pet, ignoring Ron. And Ron also turned his head, also not wanting to see her and her very nasty cat.

"By the way, who is he? Shouldn't there be only students on the Hogwarts Express?"

After a while, Ron found Lupine curled up in a corner, and asked curiously. After all, adult wizards shouldn't be here at this time.

"He's Remus Lupine, supposed to be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year. He looks like he's asleep, so you better keep your voices down, especially you, Ron! What you just said The voice almost deafened my ears!"

Hermione didn't seem to miss any chance to scold Ron, and immediately issued a warning after he finished asking.

"How do you know? Hey, Harry, Carl! Miss Know-It-All always knows everything!"

Ron muttered, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"It only takes a little reverse thinking and careful observation to easily come to this conclusion, but it's a pity that you don't have both!"

Hearing Ron calling herself Miss Know-It-All, Hermione gave him a provocative look and said. After two years of growing up at Hogwarts, she is no longer the glass-hearted girl she used to be. One day she doesn't hate Ron, she will feel that the sun is coming out of the west.

Ron curled his lips and said nothing, just glanced at Carl.

As if sensing Ron's gaze, Carl laid down the pawn leisurely and gave him an affirmative answer: "Hermione guessed right, Ron, you've got something to do~..."

However, after getting an affirmative answer from Carl. However, Ron suddenly restrained the expression he threw at Hermione, straightened his back, and seemed to be refreshed. He leaned closer and waved his hands to signal everyone to get closer, and then carefully glanced at Lupine who was curled up from the corner of his eye. This posture was like the secret meeting of secret agents during the war.

It wasn't until the last few people gathered around that he said in an extremely low voice: "Karl, you have sent away two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, take a closer look. Is this Professor Lupine a dark wizard, or an old man like Lockhart?" Liar~..."

Carl was stunned by Ron's eccentric words, and his face became a little brighter. He couldn't help wondering if Ron had secretly asked Snape about language magic.

"No no no, boy. You guessed it wrong, how did Professor Dumbledore fall over the same pit twice?

So this time he is neither a dark wizard nor a liar, he played a new trick, he is a werewolf~, the kind of werewolf who is a little more than a ruthless person~...』

Carl grinned and said secretly in his heart. Of course, these words cannot be said out loud, otherwise Lupine would probably have to slap his ass and leave on the spot, and Old Deng wouldn't kill him...

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