DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 291 Do you want a drink?

"It turns out that Professor Lu Ping is the speaker of this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It's already here, so don't leave! It's not easy to find a new box~ There are only two of us, and there are still a few more seats~... "

Carl smiled innocently, as if he didn't care about Lupine's rash intrusion just now, and even invited him in. And Naiyali also understood what Karl meant, she immediately stood up and sat next to Karl, and with a light wave, the door of the compartment was immediately closed.

Lupine was a little confused, how did this little wizard know his name? What is the operation of closing the door with one hand? Lupine became a little interested in these strange things.

But even so, he still tried his best to sit in the corner, looked at Carl who was looking at the sky outside the window, and was a little curious, so he asked aloud:

"Could you tell me which college you're from? And how did you know I'm the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

"My name is Carl, Carl Harris, from Ravenclaw College, she is my sister, Niyari. As for your identity, um~, I noticed it on your suitcase just now." Carl smiled Pointing to the suitcase on the ground, it should be to prevent losing his name on it.

After all, what was in that box was probably the only thing Lupine had left over the years. If he lost it, he would really have to sleep on the street.

"As for your identity, it's better to guess! As we all know, since the mysterious person applied for the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and was rejected by Professor Dumbledore, the professor of this course will be changed every year due to irresistible factors.

And I have also stayed at Hogwarts for two years. Although I haven't touched the electives yet, every professor will appear at the dinner. And you are a new face, so I think you should be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year! "Carl talked eloquently, and his analysis was well-founded.

Besides, he sent the first two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors away with his own hands. One died and the other was imprisoned for life, tsk tsk... It's exciting to think about it.

"Wonderful and correct guess!" Lupine couldn't help applauding Carl and said very appreciatively. "You are very smart and have a strong mind, worthy of the name of Ravenclaw!"

"Wait, you just said that your name is Karl Harris? You were the one who successfully stopped Lockhart's plot last year and sent him to Azkaban, and killed Quirrell with your own hands the year before last?"

"So you are the killer of the famous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts?" ! Really incontinent and incontinent~...」

Lupine's eyes widened, and his brain turned quickly, realizing all the problems almost instantly.

"If Hogwarts doesn't have a second little wizard named Karl Harris, I think I should be the only one~..."

Carl smiled and said softly.

After hearing Carl's affirmative answer, Lupine suddenly felt a little flustered. I am aware of my own family affairs, he has some problems, but now he bumped into this person as soon as he got in the car, and he broke in by himself. Ominous, ominous!

Now he was considering whether to rush out the door and hand in a resignation to Dumbledore. After all, the fate of the two seniors in front was extremely tragic. One was imprisoned in Azkaban for life, and the other didn't even have ashes left. Although he is in a difficult situation, he can barely maintain his life, and he doesn't want to end up in a tragic end because of some accident.

Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, this position is well-known in the industry. No matter how great a great wizard is, as long as he is not at the level of Dumbledore, he will not survive for a year. This phenomenon began when he was a student.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he was really in a difficult life, and he saw a small advertisement posted by Dumbledore on a telegraph pole, he was fascinated for a while, and he would never come to give away the head.

Thinking of this, Lupine realized the seriousness of the matter. Is it too late for him to run away now?

"It's already here, don't leave~..."

At this time, the first words Karl said when he saw him echoed in his ears, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his neck. Hiss~...

"Professor Lupine, are you not feeling well? Would you like a glass of my special red wine, it's very refreshing~..."

Carl looked at Lupin's face turning blue and turning pale, and couldn't help but said with some doubts. Immediately afterwards, he flipped his wrist, and a bottle of red wine and these goblets appeared on the table that came with the box.

Socia's specially blended red wine, which is specially used to relieve the weak state. The higher the level, the more expensive she sells. In the back, there are 70,000 to 80,000 gold coins a cup, and they are old vampires at the level of Canberia, Kelly, and Krent.

"Thank you~, I didn't expect you to be able to make red wine~, but young wizards should not drink to know..." Lupine suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the red wine on the table exuding a strong wine aroma, and turned to Carl. He smiled and didn't refuse. Now his state does need some adjustments.

"He can make a ghost wine, which is obviously brewed by the proprietress Socia of the Moonlight Tavern~..."

Naiyali glanced at Carl, curled her lips, but did not expose her overnight, but hooked her fingers at the red wine on the table at the right time.

Under the traction of magic power, the wine-red liquid spewed upwards from the wine bottle and flowed into the three goblets, but not even a single drop fell.

"James~... Lily~..."

After drinking Saucia's special red wine, Lupine only felt a warm current flowing through his body, as if all the fatigue had disappeared, and his whole body was warm.

As a poor wandering werewolf, after he decided to accept the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he drove back from a long, far away place, and the journey was tiring.

And after the money arrived in London in a few days, the little savings he had left on him could only be used for food. He really didn't have any extra money to stay in the Leaky Cauldron, so he was staying at the King's Knight Station these days Passengers who pretended to be waiting for the bus passed by on the public bench. Now, after drinking red wine and relaxing, I couldn't hold it anymore.

He needs some rest~…

Lupine curled up in the corner of the box, his cheeks were reddish, he closed his eyes slowly, breathing rhythmically.


Carl couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, Lupine's life is really a bit miserable. Fenrir, the werewolf, bit him in revenge for his parents when he was a child, and the tragedy of his life was established ever since.

A wizard who is bitten by a werewolf is like Oxer who has been infected with a violent virus in Muggle society, discriminated against, extremely serious discrimination.

In the eyes of those normal wizards, they are real heretics!

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