Devil Fruit of the City

Chapter 240: Tang Aiguo's Bodyguard

"So, Dad, you are planning to go to Stone City this time to negotiate with those restaurant owners in the city?" Tang Tianyou looked at Tang Aiguo.

Tang Aiguo nodded and said, "That's right, even if there are no reporters harassing you today, your mother and I will go to the city to discuss these matters in a few days. The development of a company is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. "

Tang Tianyou lowered his head, pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "Father, then you have to be careful this time, so as not to be hurt by some young people again."

"Don't worry, I brought a dozen bodyguards with me this time. All of them are tall and powerful, and their strength is extraordinary. Even if someone wants to trouble us, they have to weigh it." Tang Aiguo said confidently.

Jiang Han also nodded in agreement, obviously she was also very assured of the strength of these bodyguards.  Urban Devil Fruit 240

Tang Tianyou smiled. Now the bodyguards next to his father are all sent by himself. They can be regarded as a relatively strong group of elites trained by the "dark" organization, possessing the strength of a private second-class soldier in the navy.

Originally, his father's bodyguards were not from this group, but a group of professional bodyguards found by Fatty's father, Chen Jun, in the city. They were found only a few days after his father was discharged from the hospital.

It is said that these bodyguards are elite soldiers retired from a certain army. They are very capable and have protected many dignitaries and dignitaries. They are very famous.

However, Tang Tianyou didn't like it.

Although the strength of these professional bodyguards is good, they are only very good in the eyes of ordinary people. Compared with real warriors, they are still far behind, and they will be killed in an instant.

Therefore, Tang Tianyou wanted his father to replace another batch of bodyguards with elite thugs trained by his own organization, so that father and mother could be better protected, but he couldn't explain why he knew such a person.

After all, it is impossible for him to tell his father, Dad, your son is now in the underworld and is secretly the godfather of the gang. These bodyguards are all your son's subordinates, and they are sent here to protect you now, so don't worry.

If I really said that, my father would definitely slap me to death. Pooh, don't worry? Let your sister go! A dignified number one in the college entrance examination, a future pillar of society, the heir to Master Tang's fast food restaurant, a person with a bright future, unexpectedly went to the underworld, did he think his life was too good? !

Next, it must be a horrible meal of mixed doubles! However, this is often called by my father: the education of love, as the saying goes, jade cannot be carved without carving.

Therefore, Tang Tianyou had no choice but to think of another way. Since there is no way to come, I will come secretly. He first asked Brother Hu to register a security company in the city, so that his subordinates could become real bodyguards. Being famous can also make a little money by the way.

Of course, this was just the first step. After all, it was impossible for my father to fire those bodyguards for no reason, no matter how powerful his subordinates were.

Therefore, Tang Tianyou carefully planned a "hero to save the uncle" action. After learning that his father would go out for a certain period of time, he sent his men to pretend to be gangsters to intercept him halfway. At the same time, Tang Tianyou also sent another part of his men to pretend to pass by there unintentionally.

Then the next thing was a matter of course. It turned out that the group of bodyguards were beaten to the ground by the pretended gangsters.

At such a dangerous moment, another group of subordinates 'just' passed by, punched and kicked, drove away the gangsters, and easily rescued Tang Aiguo who was in 'danger'.

Tang Aiguo, who was so grateful, invited these men who saved him to have a meal. After drinking for three rounds, in a warm atmosphere, the group of men revealed their backgrounds. The employees of the company happened to come to h county to do business.

Tang Aiguo was overjoyed. He really just wanted to sleep, so he brought a pillow and asked quickly if he could hire them to be his bodyguards. The price was definitely not a problem.

After being almost kidnapped by the "bandits" just now, Tang Aiguo knew deeply that the group of bodyguards around him were unreliable at all, and they were beaten to the ground by the "bandits" with three punches and two kicks. Dangerous, isn't his little life thinner than paper? !

That group of men were also masters of acting, although they were overjoyed, they still kept their expressions on their faces. After he thought twice, and then Tang Aiguo pleaded again and again, the men looked embarrassed and felt sorry, so he had to reluctantly agree.

Therefore, the original bodyguards were dismissed by Tang Aiguo with a few words, and replaced by this group of more powerful bodyguards.  Urban Devil Fruit 240

However, they did not disappoint Tang Aiguo. The group of men were all over 1.9 meters tall, and standing there was a tall city wall. Their power alone could scare away many young people.

And they are not flashy characters. Tang Aiguo has seen this group of fierce men with his own eyes. During daily exercise, he once twisted a steel pipe with a diameter of 2 cm into a twist with his bare hands. He almost scared him to death on the spot. Nima, is this still human? Such a hard steel pipe is twisted like noodles, it's too scary.

After various deeds, investigations, and verifications, Tang Aiguo finally felt at ease. If such a powerful bodyguard could not protect him, then there would be no one in the world who could protect him.

This level of power, even Zhongnanhai's bodyguards, is nothing more than that, Tang Aiguo sighed.

Thinking that such a powerful bodyguard was actually protecting him, Tang Aiguo felt that he was extremely safe. He felt that the world was so big that he could go anywhere, and all ghosts and snakes were just floating clouds.

Mother Jiang Han has also seen the strength of these bodyguards before, and she feels the same way, so she is not worried about this trip to Stone City at all.

"Is that so? If Dad, you bring those bodyguards with you, then I can rest assured." Tang Tianyou nodded, thinking to himself, what would happen to him if his father knew that these bodyguards were actually his subordinates? Presumably the expression on his face must be very exciting.

"Okay, without further ado, wife, let's sneak away now. If those difficult reporters find out, we will suffer." Tang Aiguo said in a low voice.

Jiang Han nodded.

"Dad, Mom, you are all gone, what should we do then?" Tang Tianyou said with a bitter face.

Tang Xiying at the side raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and said, "It's not us? It's you. I'm going to participate in the summer camp held by the school tomorrow, and I have to participate in it for a month."

"What?!" Tang Tianyou was taken aback, "Didn't you still take the final exam? Why did you participate in that summer camp?"

"Hmph, I won the first place in the English competition in the province, and was invited by the organizer to participate in this event, so I was specially approved by the teacher not to take this final exam." Tang Xiying raised her mouth proudly.

"Then what should I do? Do you have the heart to abandon me here and face so many hungry wolves alone?" Tang Tianyou cried out sadly.

"Cut, who cares about you." Tang Xiying said gloatingly with the corners of her lips curled up, and then walked back to her bedroom with her hands behind her back, humming a song, as if she was in a good mood.

At this time, the two unconscionable parents had already sneaked away through the back door.

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