Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 327: Wandong VS Ghost Worry!

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Looking at Ghost's shocked expression, Wan Dong sneered and asked, "Do you still think people are idiots now?"

"Impossible! How could you cultivate so much in such a short time? There must be ghosts in it!"

"I don't see anything in the coffin and no tears!" Wan Dong snorted coldly and moved with his feet. The whole person stood like a fierce tiger out of the cage, and rushed towards the ghost and launched an offensive.

The splendid golden light, the broad and noble palms, and the ghostly eyes squinted into a line, almost subconsciously, and brought the true energy of the whole body together, and pushed out the palms together.

The energy of the two collided violently in the air, and the slamming thud was like a dense thunder. Sha Yangshi walked, the thick tree at the mouth of the bowl, the work in the blink of an eye, was broken by the roots, and then turned into debris in the wind, and swayed in the sky, like a heavy rain of wood chips, it was amazing!

Wan Dong shook his body and took three steps backwards, while Ghost Worry took two steps back. In the end, the true energy is ninefold, and the ghostly true energy is still thicker than Wandong. But even this is enough to make the ghosts stunned and their eyes popped.

This is a real collision, no fancy, no ghosts! Ghost worry had to believe that Wan Dong did have the strength to match him. This made the ghosts feel even more horrified, and they couldn't imagine how far Wandong will grow once time has passed. When the time comes, he may be easily killed by raising his hand.

Guixu has always believed that Qiu Yunchong is the real genius. But now, the ghosts are completely shaken. Comparing Qiu Yunchong with Wan Dong, it's hardly a scum!

"You must die!" After a moment of silence, a pair of ghostly eyes were suddenly rounded, filled with monstrous murderous intentions.

No matter how stupid he is, he can understand that once Wandong is fully grown up, not only will he be difficult to live, but he will not be able to cope even with his father and son. Such a big threat can only sit back and relax only by eradicating it in the cradle period.

"Coincidentally, this is exactly what I want to say to you!" Wan Dong replied coldly.

Ghost worry's face was sharp, and a violent roar came suddenly from his throat. Immediately, Ghost Worry turned into a phantom, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Wandong.

Let's not talk about the fierce murderousness of the sky, let's talk about it, like a gust of wind sweeping the palms of Shino, as if to tear Wan Dong alive, let Luo Xiao watching the battle, his heart almost jumped from his throat. come out.

A true Qi nine master, once taken seriously, the lethal power it explodes is not only as amazing as it is simple, it is simply described by Shi Baotian, and it is not an exaggeration.

Just when Luo Xiao was shocked and somewhat at a loss, Wandong was better, with a long figure, not only did he not step back, but also greeted the sorrowful edge, and rushed forward.

It was another hard collision, the world was eclipsed and wild. Wan Dong's figure was like being pushed by a bulldozer, and he stepped back and forth uncontrollably. It looked slightly embarrassed.

"Boy, you are indeed very strong, but in front of this seat, you still have to wait a little bit!" Wan Wandong retreated, roaring with haunting smiles.

Wan Dong was silent, his figure had just stabilized, and he didn't want to gasp. His entire body, like a sharp arrow off the string, shot again towards the ghost.

"Your kid's bones are still pretty hard!" Ghostly expression immediately showed a look of consternation, raised his eyebrows, saw Wandong's situation, and cracked hard.

Wan Dong's palms shone with golden light, and his eyes were resolute, without fear. The surging surging qi was like a fierce beast that was suddenly awakened. Suddenly, the mouth of the blood basin was widened, and only one bite swallowed most of the ghost's sadness.

The vigorous and domineering palm power instantly turned into a pure Dao Qi, which was integrated into Wandong's body, which directly aroused Wandong's expression.

It is worthy of being a master of true qi and nine weights. The true qi in the body is far more pure than that of ordinary warriors. For Wan Dong, it is definitely a superior supplement.

The rest of the future could be swallowed by Wan Dong ’s qi, and his power was greatly reduced. Wan Dong could easily beat it with a single shot, and he did not retreat under his feet.

"What !?" Unexpectedly, before being backed up by his own bi repeatedly, Wan Dong was very embarrassed, in a blink of an eye, he could break his palm positively, and his face did not change color. The happy, sorrowful eyes were immediately rounded and shivered involuntarily.

Wandong can't because of

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