Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 326: Who is an idiot?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Ghost worry followed closely behind the carriage, showing great patience and was not in a hurry to start. In the city, the movement is too great, even if it does not disturb Xu Wenchuan, it will also be discovered by the soldiers who patrol the night. In case Luo Xiao fled the chaos, he would cry without tears.

He had been out of the cloud city for a while, and then he was relieved, no longer hiding his figure, and with a roar, he flew up, and his speed doubled instantly. The carriage, which was silently galloping, seemed to perceive him, and the speed was also raised. Two horses, eight iron hooves, stepped on quickly, and in the sound of ‘getting’, drove straight into the depths of the night.

"You are surnamed Luo, your death is over, you can't escape!" Ghost worry roared, his palms split one after another, several powerful palms, like a cannonball, chased the carriage, kept on. The explosion exploded, shaking the carriage quake, but it was awkward.

"Hahaha ..." At this time, the ghosts and griefs had regarded themselves as a cat playing with mice, and they kept sending a series of violent laughs, seeming to find endless fun from it.

Finally, the wagon of the carriage was trapped in a deep hole dug out of ghosts, the front hooves of the two horses were raised at the same time, and Hiss roared continuously in the mouth, but the carriage was still, Helplessly stopped.

Ghost worry flew by, and the right palm was shot like a fan, only to hear the bang, the carriage hood, which turned into debris in the sky, splashed away, revealing Luo Xiao with a sneering face.

Seeing that Luo Xiao was sitting in the carriage, the smile on the ghostly face was even stronger, and after a few days of hard work, it was finally in vain.

"Ghost worry, you are really chasing!" Looking at the ghost worry, Luo Xiao said coldly.

Luo Xiao was slightly disappointed. Luo Xiao, who was already in desperation, did not show even a hint of fear. This made him feel proud and immediately discounted.

Pretend to be calm! There was a sneer in the ghost's heart and a grinning expression on his face, "Of course! If you were not sent to reunite with your poor parents sooner, my heart was guilty!"

After all, Guixue turned to look at the driver who was standing there, lowering his head, as if frightened, and sneered, saying, "You are really unlucky. Today I am afraid to be with the surname Luo, and die together! "

"Oh ..." Ghost worry thought, saying this, the driver had to pee his pants without fear, and then kneeled down to beg him for mercy, but the fact was far beyond his expectation, and the driver laughed at this moment. Came out.

Ghost worry could not help but stunned, thought secretly, this driver is not a fool? It ’s not a fool, why did he die when he died?

"Hey, you idiot, what's laughing?" Ghost worry frowned.

The driver suddenly raised his head, his eyes gleamed like a flash of lightning into the ghost's grief, and he was shocked by the ghost's heart. He took a step back subconsciously and shouted in surprise in his voice, "Yes You! Xu Yaoting !? "

Wan Dong suddenly burst out laughing, "Who did you just say idiot?"

The ghost's sorrowful complexion changed several times and shouted, "Is this a trap !?"

Roaring, the ghost sorrow hurriedly searched all around, his nervous hair all erected, as if there were countless masters, rushing out of the darkness in all directions.

Looking at his horrified expression, Wan Dong sneered and said, "Don't be nervous, here are the three of us! To deal with your clutter, you don't need to set up an ambush!"

Ghost worry did not believe in Wandong, but after a careful inspection, it was found that there were indeed no other masters ambushing around. Only then was the heart grasped hard and slowly relaxed.

"Xu Yaoting, are you too crazy? You don't think you can stay with me alone?"

Wan Dong's mouth flicked up, and said lightly, "Can you know, just try it."

"Fuck!" Wan Dong's scornful expression immediately lit a anger in the ghost's heart. Contempt by a ru stupid kid like this, for the first time.

But Ghost Worry did not happen immediately, and Qiu Wanli's warning to him was still in his ears.

"Mr. Xu, the surname Luo is now a waste person. Why do you take risks for him? We can actually be friends."

Wan Dong sneered and said, "If before you go to my Dingshan Mansion to kill, maybe I can consider what you said, but now, everything is late! You must die!"

Emotionally embarrassed, he touched his chin and said, "Master Xu, then ... that was just an accident."


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