Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1766: We are here to stand guard

Li Qi is still presiding over his own "Hero Club". At exactly 10 a.m. local time, all the'heroes' were here.

However, when Li Qi just announced the start of the meeting, some of his subordinates came quickly, "Chairman, it's not good, there is a policeman at the door!"

"What!" Li Qi frowned, faintly rolling in anger, "How many policemen? Is it the Xinggang Road Police Station?"

"It's not from the police station. It's the armed police. The a hundred people."

"Armed police? So many!" Li Qi's complexion was even more ugly. He turned on the phone and found the phone number of'Zhang Gao, Director of Xinggang Road Police Station'. However, Zhang Gao was not the person who answered the call.

"Are you... Li Qi?" A majestic voice came across.

Li Qi snapped the phone. Then he strode out of the venue. This venue is Li Qi’s industry, and the members of the “Hero Club” are all meeting here.

When Li Qi came outside, he saw an armed police officer in battle armor standing in front of the door quietly.

The Armed Police Force of the Dayang Group is separated from the military; in fact, it is a branch of the military. However, the military is external and the armed police is internal.

To put it bluntly, the two are basically the same. It's just that it doesn't sound good to use the name "army" internally. In the subconscious, the army is to defend the home and the country, and it is impossible to turn the gun on the inside. So it is called the ‘Armed Police’.

In fact, the armed police and the army of the Dayang Group have exactly the same military ranks. It's just that the epaulettes and military uniforms have changed a little. But that's all.

Li Qi is not an ordinary person. He strode forward to the officer and said calmly, "This sir, I don't know what he can do?"

The officer looked at Li Qi, but just smiled: "It's nothing, we will stand guard for you. Prevent people from rushing in and disturbing you.

You just need to continue the meeting. Don't worry, it's okay. "

rest assured? I rely on, the armed police came to help us stand guard, it's only strange to be able to rest assured!

It's just that Li Qi didn't know what the other party wanted, and the director of the police station he knew was obviously detained, which made Li Qi a little more anxious. Although he was a sage clone, he had limited understanding of Dayang Group for the time being. If he was detained by the Dayang Group again, it would really be a shame.

What made Li Qi the most anxious, or perhaps angry, was that he was on the side of the Dayang Group, even deflated again and again.

I can't say that Li Qi couldn't help but replied hard: "This sir is too much, we didn't invite you over, and nothing happened here."

The officer said with a smile: "We don't know what happened here. We only know that there are orders. Don't worry, we protect the legal property of the people and don't do anything to rip off.

You can have a meeting, and we will stand here. "

Li Qi still couldn't figure it out, but he asked his subordinates to bring in a parasol. Unfortunately, I was rejected. Everyone is a cultivator, are you afraid of the sun?

Anyway, the armed police were standing guard outside, and a group of gangsters had a meeting inside... It's strange that this meeting went on. The meeting was dissolved. It was only at the beginning, everyone was trembling, afraid to step out of the door.

Still Li Qi snorted: "I really want to catch you, it's useless to hide in the house."

Then someone walked out of the gate and found that the armed police were really just standing guard. Everyone just dispersed like this, and then... ran away. For a time, cars, speed cars, airplanes, flying swords, magic weapons, etc. scattered all around.

Only the armed police stood at the gate. Stand guard for the gang for free.

Two days later, Li Qi finally sorted things out: throughout the Dayang Group, in all illegal areas and even gray areas, armed police were on guard. But from beginning to end, the armed police did not move anything. Just stand guard.

It's just that although the armed police did not move, each of the bigwigs was worried. I don't know what Dayang Group means. Faced with this weird state, everyone can only wait and see.

However, day after day passed, and the armed police of the Dayang Group became more and more reckless. After get off work, they ate hot pot at the door.

All kinds of news flew around the Internet for a while. Just as everything was boiling, the armed police retreated like a tide. The whole process takes only half a month.

During the whole process, no one was investigated, and no one was arrested-the officials under investigation are not included here.

In short, all the "Boss" are safe and sound. Some people huddled in the basement in fear for half a month, and no armed police rushed in.

Now it's withdrawing quietly again, some people say it is anticlimactic on the Internet. But only the ‘bosses’ know the taste best. Half a month's time is enough for these people to carefully ponder the taste.

Mr. Zhang is back, please be honest with everyone, don't come out to cause trouble. But more importantly: on the premise of maintaining social stability, beat these bosses.

As the exploration and interaction of the Carp Nebula officially begins, the entire Tianyuanxing civilization needs to be stabilized.

The identities of the ‘bosses’ are often more complicated. Many people are stepping on the edge of the law, but they have not surpassed the law. To put it simply, these people are walking in a gray area, and it is really inconvenient to use the current laws to sanction these people.

If sanctions must be imposed, it is okay, but it will inevitably cause social fluctuations. But the current Tianyuanxing civilization needs stability.

Also, many ‘boss’ are very careful in doing things. Those who are specifically in contact with matters are all subordinates; and they themselves are ‘innocent’.

If it's just to knock out these subordinates, it actually doesn't make much sense.

Therefore, Dayang Group’s approach is to directly take away the inferior officials and umbrellas for investigation; the removal of officials will not have a great impact on social stability, and even promote social stability-this is really an irony. .

As for those ‘bosses’, those who are already frantically testing the edge of the law, please warn first.

The next time I get caught, it will be Thunder's means.

Of course, for some guys who have a clear handle, are inferior, and completely trample on the law, they will not be soft. But it was not the armed police who took these people away. Instead, the local police came forward after the armed police left.

However, ordinary people will never know: The biggest reason for the deployment of the armed police this time is actually collecting data! Yes, check the data of all the bosses, then enter it into the database, and supervise and track all criminals involved.

All people on the watch list will lose their eligibility to apply for the Carp Nebula. Even immediate family members are under observation.

However, after the armed police were dispatched once, the entire social order changed.

Seeing that the Dayang Group is like this, the members of the Tianyuanxing Civilization have also followed suit. Afterwards, a large amount of data was collected to the United Nations. The United Nations gathered the power of the entire Tianyuanxing civilization, including the power of the Ocean Group, to jointly create an intelligent big data network.

Through the online supervision of the entire civilization, all criminals involved and those who actively apply for immigration are supervised.

Of course, the network is still under construction; but the existing big data network is already powerful enough. Adding a few patches for now is barely enough.

But Zhang Hao came back not only to scare these bosses, in fact, these people are not enough for Zhang Hao's attention at all, even at a glance. If it were not for social stability and the overall consideration, Zhang Hao wouldn't mind cleaning up all these bastards.

And Zhang Hao came back this time with a more important goal: practice.

To be precise, it is to concentrate on training and breaking through the Golden Immortal level masters.

Prior to this, Zhang Hao received two third-turn Tongtian pills, one for Huang Mingshan and one for Li Wei. Among them, to give Li Wei's integrity, there was also a piece of golden fairy soul crystal fragment.

However, although this kind of three-turn Tongtian Pill is precious, it will take a hundred years to be able to exert its effects little by little. What's more, because the people on the Dayang Group practiced the cultivation technique of the magic-modified version, the effect of the Third Transformation Tongtian Pill was even worse.

And this time Zhang Hao will rely on a more complete version of "Zhou Tiangong" and the life technology studied by Zhou Xueyao.

Because of the appearance of the Demon Sage Virus, Zhou Xueyao was given new ideas. It is completely possible to inject the inactivated Quasi-Sage gene into the human body and induce it through scientific means!

Even after simply transforming the stem cells, they are returned to the human body, and then high-precision medical methods are used to assist the stimulation.

Currently, this technology has matured.

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