Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1765: Big Data

Zhang Hao's return to Tianyuanxing is relatively high-profile. The Ocean Group used the Legion Fleet to line up in the starry sky, extending from the exit of the Interstellar Expressway to Tianyuanxing.

The first thing Zhang Hao returned to Tianyuanxing was to guide the entire Tianyuanxing civilization to the next development plan: the era of intelligent big data.

It should be said that the entire Uranus civilization has already entered the era of big data. But big data in the past is not'intelligent'. The amount of data that big data needs to process is beyond imagination, and traditional methods are already overwhelming.

The era of intelligent big data is imperative, and the corresponding technology has also matured. A lot of work can be given to the computer.

However, it must be emphasized that this kind of work handed over to the computer is not handed over to intelligent life such as eternity. At present, within the Ocean Group, it has begun to build the top artificial intelligence system, but not the life of artificial intelligence.

Life is always life, and life itself is full of changes and cannot be completely controlled.

Eternal is still on the side of the Ocean Group, but as a huge group, it is impossible to put everything on the issue of ‘believe’. Especially all the "smart lives" around eternity are considered eternal avatars!

Everything in the Ocean Group must be built on absolute technology. This is true of the Ocean Group, as is the entire Tianyuanxing civilization.

It's just that in the past everyone has been developing silently, with relatively mild and natural means. However, the official start of the exploration of the Carp Nebula forced Zhang Hao to actively accelerate this change.

With the start of the Carp Nebula work, it is foreseeable that the entire Uranus civilization will usher in a new explosion point. Those who can qualify for immigration to the Carp Nebula must be absolutely trustworthy. However, the current Uranus civilization has long been infiltrated by thousands of holes.

To screen out reliable people thoroughly, it is not enough to rely on manual screening. Big data must be used, and it is a new generation of big data technology.

Through big data analysis, each person's information is screened. As for whether this will involve privacy issues... this is nonsense, which involves the life and death of the entire Uranus civilization. We who want privacy also respect you, so stay here!

But Zhang Hao is domineering. After today, the news of the Ocean Group, the United Nations, and the official website have published relevant information: citizen screening.

In order to ensure the continuation of the Uranus civilization and the purity of the Uranus civilization, we will start selecting suitable citizens from today.

First of all, if you want to immigrate, please take the initiative to submit your application; then... wait for the screening. The specific conditions will be mentioned when submitting the application.


A group of people are gathering near Tianyuanxing, Dayang Group headquarters and Chengtian Mansion. The leader of this group is "Li Qi".

Li Qi is the avatar left by Tianji Xingjun.

After all, Li Qi is a quasi-Saint doppelganger, even if it shows a little bit, now he has the cultivation practice of the early stage of the virtual realm-in fact, as a quasi-Saint doppelganger, it can itself achieve the perfection of the Da Luo Jinxian, and can borrow the power of the quasi-Saint. .

However, in the Ocean Group, it is already shocking enough to show that it is still in the early stage of the virtual realm. Although there are millions of virtual realms in the Ocean Group and the entire Uranus civilization, most of the virtual realms are in the military and high-level, and there are still not many people.

Li Qi has obtained the Temporary Resident Certificate for more than five years since he came to the Ocean Group. Because of his outstanding performance and strength, many groups, mercenaries, and business groups have sent letters of intent on their own initiative.

However, Li Qi did not accept it, but called a considerable number of ‘temporary residents’ etc. to form a ‘temporary residents’ mutual aid association’.

The vast majority of temporary residents were smuggled from outside and their identity was unknown, but they were initially recognized by the Ocean Group.

However, after several years of exploration, especially secretly listening, etc., Li Qi has fully understood that this so-called recognition is only superficial. All unidentified stowaways are always under the supervision of Dayang Group. Once out of monitoring, it will be on the blacklist.

Afterwards, some stowaways who perform well will inexplicably lose their jobs or even fail to find a job until the temporary resident card becomes invalid, in fact, it is because they have not passed the monitoring.

Li Qi came to the Ocean Group, not only to learn, but also to explore the Ocean Group in depth. And in order to probe more deeply, then disruption is a good measure.

So Li Qi started this mutual aid association. As for saying that he would be concerned by the Ocean Group, Li Qi didn't care. Five years, enough to toss yourself.

In fact, the current mutual aid association has formed a large-scale influence, and even involved in smuggling, underground factories and other industries. Li Qi itself also faintly became a godfather.

In the past few days, Li Qi is preparing to convene an "Underworld Heroes' Conference". He does not want Zhang Hao to return. Zhang Hao's return to Tianyuanxing is definitely a major event. Therefore, Li Qi had to temporarily stop the hero meeting.

But it is not just a few days later that the Ocean Group, or even the United Nations, the Uranus Civilization, issued such major news. For a time the entire Uranus civilization was boiling.

And Li Qi immediately reconvened the'Underworld Heroes' Conference. Because of Zhang Hao's series of actions, this meeting has not yet started, and those who have arrived will start a heated discussion.

Immigration Carp Nebula! This information was already very popular when the Liyu Office was just established. Now it's finally determined, there are countless cheers for a while.

It's just that for some people, the news is like cold water.

The news is not detailed, but those who want to apply for immigration status are stimulated by the above series of provisions.

I want to immigrate to the Carp Nebula, of course. But first you have to go through the organization's inspection, and the first step is to allow supervision of privacy, and then let you enumerate ten remote trips in a year-less than 10 is better. After that, the system will make the first inquiry.

If the query can be matched, the detailed inquiry will be continued; if it is not possible, the second and third opportunities will be given, but the qualification for the second application will be reduced to'B grade' and the qualification for the third application will be reduced to ' Grade C'; three times wrong, disqualified. Once disqualified, it is permanent.

After the first step is passed, it will enter the detailed review stage, and there will even be manual services at critical moments. Only after everything is passed will a temporary ‘boat ticket’ be obtained.

After that, it will be a long observation period. Until immigration officially begins. However, the Carp Office also released a countdown here: 10 years.

According to the plan, if successful, the'Tianyuan Fleet' will sail in the void for about 5 years.

The Tianyuan Fleet was on the voyage of "Tianshe Constellation-Tianji Constellation" because of the gravitational string, the speed could reach 2800 light-years per month. This distance is about 11,000 light years.

However, there are about 20,000 light-years after leaving Tianji constellation until Zhou Tian's large array covers the edge. Here the aura began to thin out. The formation support in the fleet will also gradually fail.

During this period, the speed of the fleet will be reduced to 2200 light-years per month after breaking away from the gravitational string; when it finally leaves the range of the Sunday array, the aura will gradually become thinner and the speed will be reduced to 1700 light-years per month.

After that, the fleet will be completely out of the range of Zhou Tian's array, so far there is no gravitational string to borrow, and there is no aura to assist. The overall forward speed of the fleet will remain at 1500 to 1600 light years per month.

When it is out of the range of Zhoutian Great Array, it will be affected by the gravity of Zhoutian Great Array and the speed will be reduced. When approaching the Carp Nebula, the speed will increase slightly due to the gravitational pull of the Carp Nebula.

The overall theoretical voyage time is about 4.5 years. However, considering the complex and unfamiliar environment in the interstellar, considering the fleet may need to stop and rest, etc., the tentative one-way sailing time is 5 years.

After the fleet arrives, it will take a little investigation and wait for the signal to be sent back to the Uranus civilization.

In this regard, it is also necessary for the fleet to move forward while leaving signal relay base stations along the road. Otherwise, the communication problem is completely broken.

Fortunately, the current Western Vietnam Empire has been completely destroyed and will not have any impact on the voyage. After passing the West Vietnam Empire, it will reach the edge of the Zhoutian Great Formation. There will be no countries or organizations that can embarrass the fleet.

But no matter how good the propaganda is, it is a dead end before Li Qi and other'unidentified' people.

However, Li Qi and others do not know that at the high level of Tianyuanxing civilization, a brand-new artificial intelligence technology revolution has begun. By then, all evil will be invisible!

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