"The situation of oasis civilization is still very complicated. Without industrialization, there is no way to break through the upper limit. If we can build a few railways in the desert, or directly develop ecological zones in the desert and connect them directly, there may be a unified approach. . Otherwise, living according to the Old Testament is their best choice." Duran said that in the fragmented oasis, no one can really form an advantage and can only consider the stock.

"I'm afraid they don't want to unify, and they have no idea of ​​helping each other. Unless it's a big expansion, there will be no way to cooperate."

Why did Persia attack ancient Greece? Because it needs to expand, if it doesn’t expand, the oases inside will have to go their own way. As a result, both Persian-Greek wars failed, and Persia was eventually bulldozed by Alexander.

There were many times in history when oasis civilizations expanded together, such as during the Saladin period. If the expansion is successful, they can cooperate for a period of time, but if it fails, they will continue to fight among themselves.

In short, oasis civilization is difficult to establish. In the Central Plains, it can be said that development is used to solve problems. Everyone enclosures the land. Whoever has more land has stronger control. But in the oasis civilization, everyone's strength is about the same, and they can't develop. They can only wait for God to show his power and bring natural disasters.

Of course, there are also many sufferings in the Central Plains. During the period of weakness, we encountered various challenges. It was during this era that various new ideas were put forward.

Therefore, the history of the prosperous times is certainly beautiful, but the prosperous times are only possible because the things that should be done are done during the decline. In times of decline, the problems encountered and the solutions proposed are what really matter. The history of decline is indeed frustrating to watch because there are many problems and tragedies.

Luffy defeated the Sand Crocodile and continued out to sea. But Weiwei is left to deal with a mess. Although it has rained, it will still take a long time until the harvest is harvested.

All of Sand Crocodile's funds were also robbed by the navy. Farming seeds and agricultural tools all need to be purchased again. All of them cost money. What should I do?

I can only borrow it.

Weiwei went to the World Conference on behalf of her father to borrow money.

If they could borrow money, Alabasta could still survive. If they couldn't, their royal family would be doomed.

Fortunately, the world government does not want ancient Alabasta to be overthrown, and still hopes that they will persevere. If Alabasta falls, it will be like a signal that will definitely trigger a series of reactions.

Weiwei's bet is that all Tianlong people don't want the world to be in chaos, because they have too many Baileys. If there is a chaos and Bailey becomes useless paper, who will be responsible?

Chaos is okay, but they have to wait until they turn Bailey into assets such as land, equipment, precious metals, etc. before causing chaos.

Why is there land annexation in every dynasty? Because land is a reservoir, if you want to preserve the value of your money, investing in land is the best choice.

Bailey, this global currency is too big to fail.

Everyone has Baileys in their hands. Even if they know that the world government is not strong enough, they cannot dump them immediately, because everyone needs time to dump the massive Baileys and reduce their losses.

No one wants the Bailey in their hands to become useless paper, so everyone needs to dump Bailey. As a result, land annexation and asset monopoly have led to the accumulation of assets in the hands of a few people.

Just wait for the day when Bailey becomes useless paper, and the Tianlong people who control the land will come out to help the world and the people.

Weiwei knew very well that the royal family had lost in the previous game, but fortunately they were still in a bigger game. Although Weiwei was weak, she could at least use the bigger game to win a little bit and maintain the royal family. The stability is still acceptable.

As for development, she has no hope, as long as people don't starve to death.

"The alliance between the Tianlong people can be maintained for the time being. We still need time." Dulan said: "Dragon's transformation has a long way to go. What he is fighting is not the world government or the world navy, but the entire world. Just At his level, several lifetimes will not be enough."

"Weiwei is very smart. Although she lost a round, she immediately went to place another bet. But in her situation, she is no different from the previous king. She just maintains her own stability and cannot give a way out. The future of Alabasta We still have to proceed according to the previous Oasis game, and we can only hope that others will encounter natural disasters."

"Now Weiwei can get money and restore her life. But the power of the royal family is already weaker than that of the port oasis. They can launch a Renaissance and fight against the king's taxes. Moreover, they control the port trade and can continue to support the pirate game. , Destroying the king's income. Even if the king can maintain his life, he is no longer able to build a navy. The world's navy cannot provide any help, and the royal family is already in danger." Dulan said: "I don't think Weiwei can be a princess anymore, she has no future at all. , might as well be a pirate."

"How are you prepared?"

"Find port cities to cooperate, overthrow the royal family, unify the oasis, and become the whip of God. Expand directly to the outside world and establish unparalleled achievements." Duran said.

"Rebellion?" Dinisha explained Duran's plan in two words: "Don't you want to take care of things?"

"It doesn't matter, we just do damage and provide help for natural disasters."


The development space of the port oasis is also limited, but because of the previous civil strife that led to the migration of clothes to the south, the port has become the most lively place, with a large number of wealthy and skilled people gathering here, forming a thriving scene.

At this time, Duran found the person in charge of the port and asked him to build an army and prepare to sweep across Alabasta.

The person in charge said nervously: "That money?"

"Didn't the princess get a sum of money? If you beat her, you will definitely have money."

"After the fight is over, will the Navy target us?"

"Keep fighting. Alabasta is just the beginning. After conquering all the oases, we will conquer all the islands and become a prairie fire."

"Uh." Obviously the person in charge didn't believe it at all. What if Dulan ran away halfway? They didn't have the power to fight the navy, so he didn't believe Duran's words at all.

Although it was his first time to meet Duran, the reputation of Moving Natural Disaster was well known to him. He was notoriously evil and always made trouble for others. What's even more frightening is that the other person does things not for money or fame, and is completely incomprehensible. When he was targeted, there was only two words: unlucky.

This is the drawback of natural freedom. It is difficult to gain the trust of others if you do whatever you want.

Duran is now serious about making Alabasta the Scourge of God, but they don't believe it at all.

"It's true that mud can't hold up the wall. If God doesn't take advantage of it, he will suffer the consequences. Don't you think this is an opportunity?"

The person in charge thinks that if you target the royal family now, you will target yourself next time. Did he know that mobile natural disasters always target the rich and powerful? If the royal family falls, he will also be unlucky.

"If it's just for the royal family, of course I'm willing, but not for others." He didn't want to expand it.

Dulan thought it was okay, so he said: "Since you gave up such a good development plan, then as you said, only target the royal family and not be the whip of God. Anyway, it is you who will suffer the loss. You prepare the army , a natural disaster will occur in the royal capital soon."

"I'll get ready right away."

Weiwei finally came back with money. As soon as she and her father discussed how to use the money to resume production, she heard the guard report: "A natural disaster, a natural disaster!"

When the father and daughter came to the rooftop of the palace, they saw two huge monsters approaching slowly from the edge of the city. Then they saw the monsters exhaling atomic breath. The high temperature turned the desert into glass and shattered the rocks.

The residents were frightened and fled, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Moving natural disaster?!" Weiwei was desperate. She didn't expect them to come back again. But her despair did not last long. She immediately rode her duck and rushed towards the mobile natural disaster. She must not let the monster enter the city.

"Here we come." Dinisha was very satisfied when she saw Weiwei's brave appearance: "Your courage is commendable."

"Stop." Weiwei said. He had just borrowed money and was preparing to resume production. He must not let others destroy it again: "Don't destroy our city anymore."

She stood in front of the two Godzillas, using her arms as a chariot.

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