Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 3563 Oasis Civilization

Ancient Egypt, Persia, and Ancient Greece all had their glory days, but they all fell silent. Instead, a group of wanderers who came out of Egypt and were imprisoned in Babylon wrote the Bible and spread it, causing a stir.

These ancient countries are all in the same circle, and the wanderer has a very vicious vision. He chose the middle point of this area to establish a country and occupied the crossroads. The advantage is that no matter which civilization passes through the crossroads, the disadvantage is that they usually carry weapons when passing by.

This is the same as the Central Plains. Why compete in the Central Plains? Because the Central Plains is a crossroads, occupying the Central Plains, whether it is going east or west, or conquering the south or the north, you can do it. Therefore, those who conquer the Central Plains conquer the world since ancient times.

The wanderers also chose the crossroads, but they were more unlucky. Instead of marching eastward and westward, and fighting south and north, they were constantly bulldozed, and finally became a wandering people for thousands of years, and wrote the "Bible Old Testament" . The Old Testament is about protecting a closed circle, cursing the outside world, and silently waiting for the savior. It is a culture that teaches everyone to wait for the tide.

The God in the Old Testament was prone to launching natural disasters and was not merciful at all. But in ancient times, natural disasters were commonplace, and famine, plague, war, and death were commonplace. But with the mysterious God, people can abide by it. If you believe in God, you will have a promised land flowing with honey and milk. If you don't believe it, there will be natural disasters.

With such a foundation and faith in our hearts, we can wait for natural disasters. Once natural disasters come, the wave will come.

The Old Testament teaches patience and revenge, which are of universal value, and the outcry arose. Because most people are waiting for the wave, but those waiting for the wave also need their own theoretical system.

Why are you waiting? What are you waiting for? The Old Testament tells everyone that waiting is because of God's arrangement. What you are waiting for is natural disasters. When natural disasters come, opportunities come.

When Egypt suffered natural disasters, there was the Exodus. When Babylon was destroyed by war, the complete Old Testament system came into existence.

Others' disasters are opportunities for believers.

Therefore, many Westerners praise the power of suffering, because only when they encounter suffering can they seek change. It can be said that when you are poor, you want to change.

If you don't encounter suffering, you won't seek change. For example, in ancient Greece, when Athens encountered the Persian threat, they initiated changes and won the first Persian War. For example, ancient Rome, when they kept losing battles, also started changes and moved towards the civil era.

Times of suffering are the times to seek innovation and change. The new wave comes from it.

Of course, what we really want to praise is not suffering, but the way of breaking through suffering and the state of coping with difficulties.

In the Central Plains, there are also teachings such as "it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years," but the Central Plains does not wait for war, famine, or plague, but waits for flaws, and even takes the initiative to create flaws for the enemy, divide the enemy, and fight against each other.

The reason is also very simple, because no force in ancient Greece, Persia, or ancient Greece could establish a management system, because they could only develop in oases.

For example, Persia introduced a provincial system very early, but even if it sent a governor to control a new oasis. But as soon as the Persian king weakened, the governor immediately rebelled.

Because the king is also an oasis of control, the power is so great. When times are good, a king can be powerful. Once a natural disaster occurs, the king's oasis will be weak and unable to control other oases.

Oasis civilization is fragmented, and no one can really control anyone. As long as you master the energy of one oasis, you can just wait for the other oases to weaken.

No oasis can develop towards its surroundings and form absolute dominance. It cannot be developed because it is surrounded by the Gobi Desert. The area that can be developed is only so large and the upper limit is so high.

Therefore, ancient Egypt, Persia, and ancient Greece were unable to increase their upper limit. Once they declined, it would be difficult to revive. The Old Testament summarizes the survival rules of oasis civilization and waits for natural disasters. The oasis civilization has been living according to the laws of the oasis. Although it has suffered many hardships and cannot be revived, it has always been alive.

Many civilizations don't even have the opportunity to record suffering, because they just disappear when they encounter suffering.

Being able to record suffering again and again shows that he is still alive and has not been defeated by suffering.

The central principle is different. A tribe may be small at the beginning, but there is developable land around it, so the tribe can continue to develop and form an advantage over surrounding tribes.

Other tribes do not have to wait for natural disasters to happen to the big tribes. Instead, they learn from the big tribes and develop the land to improve themselves. In the end, an enclosure was formed, just like Go. The important thing is not to eliminate the opponent, but to see who occupies more land and who gains the advantage first.

Because these lands are developable, they can be controlled by occupying them.

As the land becomes larger and larger, a question arises: how to manage it? So we moved towards the idea of ​​​​unification.

In fact, this is the different thinking of the two civilization circles. The oasis civilization has less land to develop, and everyone's power has an upper limit. No one can eat the other. There is no good way except waiting for the enemy to encounter natural and man-made disasters. This is a stock worldview.

There is a lot of developable land in the Central Plains. If nothing is done, the enemy will only get stronger and stronger. Therefore, we have to develop ourselves, and at the same time we have to create difficulties for our enemies, and we also have to find ways to manage the developed land to make our territory bigger and bigger. This is an incremental worldview.

Different geographical locations lead to different ideas.

Because it is an oasis, it has a limited population. Our people are humans and our enemies are demons. Just kill them all. Because if the enemy drinks more water, your own people will drink less water.

In the desert area, there are old rules such as not keeping prisoners of war, not rescuing lost people, and killing anyone who comes near one's water source. This is because there are too few areas that can be developed, and the enemy can only be killed.

At the same time, the oasis also has a great demand for trade, because trade is an external input and can increase the upper limit of the oasis. Control trade routes and you have control.

In short, oasis civilization has the characteristics of an oasis. Alabasta is also an oasis civilization country. Most of the country is desert and only a few oases can develop. The king relied on the navy to suppress the oasis, but it was difficult to unite the oasis.

On Earth, some oases will also use outsiders. For example, the Persians used foreign Turks and Mongols to suppress multiple oases, and even carried out Turkification. But there is still no single oasis that can truly manage the entire region.

Because after external forces took control of the oasis, they also turned into princes and became a fragment.

The king relied on the navy to suppress the oasis, and now he can no longer suppress it. The characteristic of oasis civilization is to wait for natural disasters. The king has experienced three years of drought, and now even if it rains, his strength is weakened.

This was further weakened by the fact that everyone pretended to be pirates and disrupted the king's transportation.

However, the pirate world is still different from the earth. The pirate world has a world government and a financial system. The king of Alabasta can also borrow money.

Bailey could buy things, and the king could still support himself as long as he could borrow money. After all, he had been king for eight hundred years, so he still had some collateral.

Therefore, each oases still need to wait for the next natural disaster. When the time comes, all the kings, princesses, priests, and craftsmen will be captured and made slaves.

The king and princess may not be able to write the Old Testament by then.

Luffy couldn't help them because his goal was the end of the Grand Line and he couldn't be the princess's external force. In fact, even if Luffy stayed, nothing would change the situation, because once he gained control of an oasis, he would naturally wait for other oases to suffer natural disasters.

Just like Sand Crocodile, once you master the oasis, the next step is not to develop it, because if you can't develop it, there is nothing to develop. The next step is to wait for disaster to happen to others, and then take advantage of the illness and kill them to start the next cycle.

This is the survival rule of the desert oasis, wait patiently. It's just that Sand Crocodile is an outsider after all, so he didn't hold back in the end.

ps: I wish everyone good luck in the Year of the Dragon and good luck in getting rich.

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