Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 21 Betrayal (1)

"You mean, Zhang Yuan had a good life in prison?"

When the guard nodded in agreement, George waved him away and turned around to pour a cup of coffee. He felt that he needed to re-examine his two younger brothers. This incident was almost completely under their control, and they had even considered their own response! Two hours, two damn hours!

When he thought of this, George felt like he had been fooled, and he violently swallowed the coffee cup in his hand!

During this period of time, Bruce refused to give in, and Reinhardt remained silent, relying entirely on himself to continue sending people to investigate. However, the investigation into the file Bruce forged was in trouble again. The witness from the Bureau of Investigation disappeared after Fatty was imprisoned.

Although he knew clearly that it was Bruce who hid him and even killed him, he had no choice but to do it. After all, Bruce was also a prince and would not be questioned by the royal court so casually. And Zhang Yuan's record is too simple. This wandering child who is out of people's sight does have many gaps in time.

A wandering child who has not passed immigration clearance travels around various countries through illegal immigration, hanging out in slums full of gangsters and beggars, obtaining food and travel expenses by working or even stealing. Such a living situation leaves a lot of time. Blank, how can it be explained clearly?

If Bruce asked someone to torture Zhang Yuan in prison, he could find an excuse to reason with him, but now, what the other party did made him feel like a dog biting a hedgehog. What is the problem with all this?

In this completely private study room of his own, George slowly sat on the chair in front of the desk and closed his eyes. This was a chair that was exactly the same as the chair in his father James' study room. Every time he sat on it, Everyone will have a wonderful feeling, as if this chair can help them see further, think more clearly, and get closer to their goals.

The door to the study room opened, and George knew that it was his teacher Philip who came in without opening his eyes. Only he is qualified to walk into this room without knocking, and only he can walk without making a sound, like a cat walking in the dark.

"Still haven't figured it out yet?" Philip's voice sounded in George's ears.

George opened his eyes and looked at Philip standing quietly in front of him. There was no need for greetings or politeness between him and Philip. They both knew their place, now and in the future.

Philip walked to the side of the desk and sat down on a large and comfortable chair. He looked at the remaining coffee stains and cups on the precious handmade silk carpet in front of the desk and frowned: "Get angry and solve it." No problem, don’t make yourself look like Stephen.”

George sighed, walked to the carpet himself, picked up the cup from the floor, put it on the table, and said softly: "It seems that I have indeed underestimated my two smart brothers."

Philip nodded with satisfaction and said: "As a prince who can compete for the throne, would you believe it if I said that no one was giving them advice behind their backs? This time, it's not that you underestimated them, but that they saw through it. you."

George poured a cup of coffee himself and placed it in front of Philip. He stood quietly, like a student receiving instruction from his teacher, respectful and obedient.

"You, like your father and your brothers, are too eager for quick success." Philip picked up the coffee and took a sip. His tone was indifferent. When he talked about the emperor and the royal family, there was no respectful tone at all: "Knowing the Rhineland Why did Hart remain silent and leave you alone?"

George didn't speak. At this time, there was no need for him to express any opinions. Philip would analyze everything clearly for him. This had been the case since Philip became his teacher.

"Originally, you have done well during this period, and your relationship with the Mythical Legion has become increasingly close. In the aristocratic circle, many people have noticed it, and some families who originally turned to Stephen have begun to wait and think again. And on our side, Man, before this happened, I had full confidence in you.”

"But!" Philip's voice sounded sharp to George's ears: "Your eagerness for quick success and greed have destroyed the initial trust established between you and Reinhardt!"

"When the mechanic was arrested, you who got the news immediately should have appeared at the investigation bureau immediately, but you didn't. You wanted to use this opportunity to completely break up Reinhardt and Stephen!" Philip's sharp eyes Staring hard at George's face made George feel like he was sitting on pins and needles. He clenched his fists tightly for two hours, two damn hours!

"Who gave you the news? Christina or your bodyguard? When did you get the news? Wouldn't Reinhard know it? You are so smart!" Philip's tone became more severe: "Your delay , although it intensified the conflict, but you never expected that Stephen would jump out and stage a public break with Bruce! You also didn’t expect that you would be self-defeating, and what could have been easily solved turned out to be Your tool to force Reinhardt to express his stance!"

"You have to be clear, whose Mythical Legion belongs to you? It's not yours, not Stephen's, not even Reinhard's. This is the royal force controlled by His Majesty himself! Under your father's eyes, what did you ask Reinhardt to do? To blatantly come together with you to fight against your two younger brothers?"

"Stupid!" Philip's scolding made George's face livid with shame and shame.

"The Mecha design of the Mythical Legion has reached a critical point. Without this mechanical genius who has been in charge of the design, do you think Reinhardt will not be angry? Wouldn't he want to get his own people back from Bruce? He? Why don't you stand up and instead try your best to suppress the anger of the research room and several group leaders? Why? Let me tell you, this is all because of you!"

"Because of your participation, this matter has turned into a fight between you and your two brothers. You allowed Zhang Yuan to be sent to Abnosk Prison, and then jumped out to fight with your brothers. , Reinhardt has no choice at all, he can only remain silent! Do you think he will choose someone to drag him down or will he jump out and destroy the balancing game your father is playing? "

George was completely silent. In fact, he had already realized what Philip said. However, the mistake had been made. What was important now was how to remedy it and how to save the situation. As the current leader of the military, and as an arrogant and proud leader of the Mythical Legion, Reinhardt can hardly tolerate someone making small moves behind his back, even if this person is the first heir to the Gacharin throne! .

Remaining silent in front of Philip was George's long-term experience, because usually after Philip scolded him, he would give a solution to the problem. This teacher is really a person who knows how to teach. He usually develops a certain habit in front of his students and sticks to it without leaving the students at a loss.

Sure enough, Philip took out two portable encrypted folders from his arms and placed them on the desk in front of George: "Since your two brothers have already taken action, if you still only focus on their superficial actions, it would be too underestimated for us. Yes." He pointed at one of the red documents and said, "You take a look at this document first."

Phillip's hands were shaking a little, and his voice was indescribably solemn. George opened the folder suspiciously.

"This is not true!" George jumped up, his face twisted, showing how shocked he was at this time.

Anyone who knows that his two younger brothers will murder his father will probably have a similar reaction. George couldn't believe his eyes. How could such a plan be made by two younger brothers against their biological father!

"Does father know something?" After the shock, George's eyes flashed with excitement. If this document is true, then as long as he hands it to James, no one can shake his confidence from now on. Location!

Phillip took a deep breath, turned his head and said calmly: "I don't know."

"Then..." George was eager to give it a try, and finally couldn't restrain his excitement and walked towards the door, "Thank you, my dear teacher, I want to hand this document to my father personally!"

George strode towards the door, his steps brisk and hurried. Just when his hand was already on the doorknob, Philip's cold voice came from behind him: "If I were you, I would Make a decision after reading another document.”

George stopped and turned around to look at Philip in confusion. He didn't understand that at this time, there was anything more important than the final victory that was easily within reach.

Phillip looked at George with deep eyes, and then fell on the crimson folder lying quietly on the desk.

George seemed to realize something. He walked back to the desk and glanced at Philip again. From Philip's face, he noticed something unusual. The folder was opened, and the contents on it made George stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Crazy, he's crazy!" George felt weak all over. He held the desk as if sleepwalking, walked behind the desk, fell down on the chair, and muttered to himself: "Crazy, crazy..." .

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