Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 20 Prison Escape Preparations

The doctor's curiosity also saved them. Because the card was found in the computer, the authorities were unable to determine whether there was a backup left in the hands of others or hidden somewhere on the Internet. Kill these two people. If If problems arise in the future, the person and organization responsible for the secret will be judged to have leaked it. Therefore, the two unlucky guys finally saved their lives and were thrown into Abnosk Prison, where they can never have contact with the outside world. Before these two guys went to prison, someone had warned them that as long as the secrets on the card were leaked, whether outside or inside, they would be sentenced to death and shot immediately.

Every time he said this, Fatty found that the doctor was a little uneasy. Although he denied that he had ever seen the confidential information and made backup copies, Fatty could be sure from his expression that this guy definitely knew something. .

Other people also have their own experiences. Although they are different, they have one thing in common, that is, these guys are all a bunch of unlucky people. Including Rex, this guy accidentally killed someone during a fight and was caught at the scene. He was sentenced to forty years in prison. He was originally sent to another prison, but because of a riot in that prison, Rex was sent to another prison. He was sent to the nearest prison, Abnosk, and he has not been moved away until now. He actually took root here.

The fat man felt very relieved. It turned out that he was not the only unlucky one. In this prison, there were many guys more unlucky than him. Each of these unlucky men had ten thousand reasons not to be thrown into this terrifying prison, but they were thrown here anyway. Therefore, in the prison, the most discussed topic was freedom.

This topic is discussed in various ways, usually through memories, such as Tou'er and Rex, recalling the turbulent years; while Dr. PHS and others are looking forward to the day when the Gacharin Empire will completely win. war, and then the emperor announced an amnesty; the most pessimistic thing is the big plane. This guy who was imprisoned for killing a noble in a car accident estimated that the federation would eventually occupy Tanvir, and before the occupying forces arrived, everyone would be executed together and gain absolute freedom. free.

Another way to freedom that almost every prisoner has imagined is to escape from prison.

Prison escape is not a taboo topic for prisoners. On the contrary, this topic always leads to heated discussions, and everyone will express their own opinions on this technical work. After all, no one has ever successfully escaped from Abnosk Prison since the founding of the Gacharin Empire. If you can become the first person to escape from Abnosk Prison, even if you are beaten to death in the end, This opportunity to go down in history is still of great interest to these desperadoes, whose average sentence is more than eighty years.

Every two or three years, someone will always try to escape from Abnosk Prison in various ways. The most successful guy is a former Army Engineer who lives at the bottom of the prison. He used his professional skills to dig a one-kilometer-long tunnel from under the toilet toilet. The scale of the project is so vast and delicate that it can be called a masterpiece in the history of human tunnel digging by a single person! Thousands of pieces of earth were moistened with water and then squeezed bit by bit into the soil next to the tunnel that could only be accessed by one person. It was both strong and beautiful. As a result, when he and three other people in the cell finally passed through the tunnel and dug up the ground, they discovered that the prison had installed a new power grid in front of the tunnel.

If a biological signal appears within the protective net, it will be immediately captured by the bioradar. Therefore, this unlucky engineer failed to make history. Before the guards arrived, he frantically rushed onto the power grid and burned himself to char. Despite this, this Jiao Tan is still the person closest to successfully escaping from jail, so he has always been ranked first in the prison's jailbreak rankings. The prison sent more than 20 workers to fill in the tunnel he left behind, which took a long time.

And a guy at the bottom of the prison escape list saw the prison door open and a group of transport vehicles coming in when he was out for a walk. This guy who yearned for freedom rushed directly to the door. Unfortunately, he was shot dead as soon as he crossed the cordon. He was considered the bravest, craziest and stupidest of all the prison escapees.

For these desperadoes in Abnosk Prison who are unable to escape from prison, even if they cannot escape from prison, it is still a very pleasant thing to talk about and discuss the feasibility. It's like doing a math problem or logical reasoning problem with countless solutions. The result is not important. What you enjoy is the process of thinking about the solution.

Even when he is having fun on weekdays, Andre will express some opinions on the topic of prison escape. Overall, in Abnosk Prison, jailbreak is a good topic for everyone to pass the time and spark discussion and even debate.

However, no one knew that right under their noses, a group of people, led by a fat man pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, were quietly conducting an unprecedented prison break.

Abnosk Prison is a highly information-based prison. However, after all, it is an old-fashioned prison built six hundred years ago. Although due to its geographical location, it was designated as a special prison under royal jurisdiction by the Morton family that ruled Gacharin. , but the structure of the prison has not undergone any major changes. The only changes are the newly built watchtowers and peripheral factories around the prison. The interior layout of the prison basically follows the previous design. On this basis, additional control systems and surveillance systems, as well as new sanitation facilities and autonomous patrol weapons.

Tian Xingjian had already seen through these system drawings of the prison when he was at the Freedom Front base. In response to the designs on these drawings, Fatty racked his brains to design several plans, and the one being implemented now is the first plan, which is the most certain one. The main means of escape in this plan is to control the prison's automatic systems, including automatic doors, sensors, monitors, automatic patrol weapons, lighting, and defense systems outside the prison, identification systems, communication systems, etc.

It was obviously too difficult for Fatty to control these things alone. Therefore, when preparing before going to jail, Fatty conducted countless attack drills with the technical staff of the Freedom Front base. In addition to the original tools of the Freedom Front, the main equipment and means of attack also include the Federation's top battleship-level micro-electronic attack system installed by Milan on [Logic]. As the attack techniques become more and more proficient, the attack strategies are gradually improved. Under the circumstances, Fat Man took advantage of the four attacks launched by the Freedom Front and the chaos that followed to conduct actual electronic attacks and achieved satisfactory results. .

With the cooperation of the Freedom Front, jailbreak is no longer a lone struggle of a defenseless man. Fatty, who regarded life-saving as his first principle in life, designed the entire jailbreak plan into a large-scale attack operation to minimize his own risk.

The entire prison escape idea was all in Tian Xingjian's mind. No one except him knew the specific action procedures. Both the freedom front and the freedom fighters lurking in the prison were required to be responsible for only part of the specific work. Thirty-three freedom fighters who entered Abnosk Prison through various channels are Fat Man's general reserve team and will be responsible for violent actions when the plan is implemented. The nobles and the military were required to remain silent and calm, and to deliver what the fat man needed through their special channels in prison and the outside world.

The things the fat man needs are all kinds of weird, including parts from various household appliances, a game controller, some phone lines and wireless transmission devices, powerful tension springs, drill bits, iron barrels, gears of different sizes, silencer rubber sheets, and small pieces of metal. and some tools. No one knows what Fatty wants to do with these things.

The fat man has been sleep deprived recently. Anyone who only sleeps three hours a day will feel sleep deprived, especially if this person is a fat man.

Fatty's job every night now is to dig a hole as big as a loach.

Ever since he and the doctor changed beds because the guards were too noisy during rounds, the fat man had been sleeping in the innermost part of the cell, against the wall. In this position, in the corner of the bed, 20 centimeters diagonally downward, you could dig out the fire alarm. And the control line of the sprinkler device, this line is the fat man's goal. Because in addition to controlling fire alarms and automatic fire hydrants, it also controls automatic door alarms.

Since getting the parts from Elliot, Fatty has made an artificial drill using tension springs, drill bits, iron sheets, gears and silencer rubber. Shake it for several hours every night. If you encounter pebbles, you just need to pull up the pull rod of the drill hard, let the drill bit retract and tighten, and then release it, the drill bit will hit the concrete wall in high-speed rotation. Although the force of such high-speed rotation is very small, only a few turns at a time, as long as it is done dozens of times, there will be no problem in breaking through the pebbles.


Time passed day by day, and while Tian Xingjian was nervously making preparations for his escape, the action plan to assassinate Emperor James of the Gacharin Empire in a life-and-death battle in Abnosk Prison had also been completed. It finally took shape.

This world is always full of all kinds of accidents, including accidents in time, accidents in action, and most importantly, accidents in people's hearts. The deepest thing in this world is not the sea, but the human heart.

"December 2061, it was a stormy day." Reinhardt looked at the report in his hand, smiled slightly, and cast his eyes on the map of Abnosk Prison. .

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