Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 710: The Next Dean

"So, join the Agricultural College." Li Xin said with a smile, "This college was set up for this purpose. One more mouthful of food can live one more life, which is a good thing with immeasurable merit. However, I have to tell you the truth. Judging from the lifespan of the two of us, I'm afraid we won't be able to see these things in our lifetime."

Meng Jiao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, and finally said, "Thanks to Mr. Zhongshuling's recommendation, and thanks to His Highness King Chu for his love. I will be the dean of the Agricultural College."

Only then did Li Xin heave a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Next time, remember to put the important content first. I saw you shaking your head like this, and thought you were still stubbornly refusing to agree to me. I wasted so much saliva .”

Meng Jiao couldn't help laughing.

"Okay. Let's clean it up, Mr. Meng, don't mess with these peas." Li Xin patted the dust on his body, and said, "Go back and rest for a few days before getting ready to take office. What we have to do is a big deal!"

While speaking, he turned and walked out without staying.

Meng Jiao blinked, looking at Li Xin's back, he couldn't help feeling a little confused: How come the effort of making a cup of tea is like changing a different person? Just now, he was a good young man who worried about the country and the people, why suddenly he is acting like a playboy?

He couldn't help feeling a little worried: If you hang out with such a guy, there won't be any problems in the future, right?

However, worry is nothing but worry, and he has no turning back.

Among other things, even if it was just for the book that Li Xin promised, the book that recorded the genetic theory, it is impossible for him, Meng Jiao, to go back on saying that he was not the dean of the Agricultural College—yes, Li Xin did not say It used to be that Meng Jiao had to become the dean of the Agricultural College to give him this book, but if he regrets it now, do you think Li Xin will obediently give him the book again?

Oops, it's too hot today, I don't want to write. next time.

Oh, it's too cloudy today, I have a headache and can't write. next time.

Anyway, Li Xin can make up as many reasons as those later writers who procrastinate have.

In addition, Meng Jiao's heart that had been silent for a long time was indeed fluctuated again because of the beautiful scene described by Li Xin.

He is almost forty years old this year. Hide in this Si Nong Temple and have a few days of leisure and good life? In the end, he turned into a piece of unknown loess. Could it be the ending of his life that he wanted?

The first dean of the Agricultural College of Datang Science Department.

Meng Jiao mumbled it in his heart, and couldn't help straightening his back a little.

Li Xin left Sinong Temple, returned to Chu Palace, and added Meng Jiao's name to the planning of the Ministry of Science. The four major departments of science, engineering, agriculture and medicine, the College of Science and the College of Agriculture have been settled, and the rest are the College of Engineering and the College of Medicine.

There is no need to talk about Chen Xinheng's side. Li Xin had already entrusted Chen Youlan to negotiate with Chen Xinheng. Presumably there will be no difficulty. Because Li Xin knew that Chen Xinheng was also a deviant person. Although he doesn't like being an official, if he joins in the unprecedented excitement of the Science Department, he will definitely not refuse.

The last thing that needs to be finalized, then, is medical school.

Although Xu Jingchen, a medical idiot, probably wouldn't refuse such a good job, Li Xin still decided to meet this young man in person and listen to his thoughts.

So Li Xin went to the imperial medical office to look for Xu Jingchen the next day.

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