Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 709 The Hope of the Prosperous Age

Li Xin could clearly sense that Meng Jiao's attitude towards him was completely different from before. Seeing that the heat was almost ready, he said again: "But frankly speaking, it's better for Mr. Meng not to have too high expectations for this book."

"Why?" Meng Jiao asked strangely.

Li Xin shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Most of the book that the old man left me is just a few words, not systematic. For example, the word 'gene' appears repeatedly, and he never said it from the beginning to the end. What is the nature of things? If we want to discover the mysteries of living beings, I am afraid that more research is needed."

Meng Jiao didn't know what Li Xin wanted to say at first, but after hearing this, he said indifferently: "So what? The improvement of learning is the result of the hard work of generations. That old man can propose This kind of thinking has already saved a lot of energy for future generations, so is it possible that he should directly tell me the truth of the world?"

Li Xin said with an open-minded attitude: "In fact, the younger generation also thinks the same way. The reason why I strongly promote the establishment of the Ministry of Science is that I hope to use the power of the imperial court to continue to delve into these knowledge and benefit the Great Tang."

Only then did Meng Jiao realize what Li Xin wanted to express, and realized that he had fallen into a language trap, so he shook his head helplessly.

The two were silent for a while.

"His Royal Highness Chu, I have a question." Meng Jiao asked, "I heard a few days ago that you sent people to the sky. Is it true?"

Li Xin smiled and asked back: "What do you think?"

Meng Jiao didn't answer.

Indeed, at the beginning, he firmly believed that Li Xin must have played some tricks to deceive so many people. However, after hearing him talk about this genetic theory, he was a little confused.

From the conversation with Li Xin just now, he didn't dare to say how much he knew Li Xin, but at least he didn't think that this young man would be a person who would fool all the officials and even His Majesty. Moreover, he also began to wonder about one thing: Are His Majesty and court officials really so easily fooled?

It was precisely because he began to feel that maybe people could really fly with the help of some kind of power that Meng Jiao couldn't help asking Li Xin.

Li Xin finally nodded and said, "It's true. Actually, it's not difficult to fly."

Then, he briefly explained the principles of buoyancy, thermal expansion and cold contraction to Meng Jiao. These simple physical principles can be observed by Meng Jiao usually, so it is even easier for him to understand than the genetic theory.

"His Royal Highness is pedantic about heaven and man. I admire you." Meng Jiao bowed his hands again. This time, he was sincerely convinced.

Li Xin waved his hands nonchalantly, and said: "The road of learning is endless. No one can know all the truths in the world. Therefore, the best way is to establish a system that can continuously discover truths, and It’s passed on. That’s the original intention of the Ministry of Science.”

He said with a smile: "Imagine boldly, if in the future we or our descendants, they mastered the mysteries of genes, they would grow rice wherever they wanted it to grow; , it bears as big ears of wheat."

"That day, there will be no more worries about famine in the world. My Tang Dynasty can be regarded as truly entering the prosperous age!" Meng Jiao said with emotion.

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