Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 311: The Cavalry Enters the Arena

If most people didn't trust Li Xin when they first entered the camp, then at the end of the training, no one doubted Li Xin's ability. From any point of view, the thousand or so people in the camp at this moment are much stronger than before the training.

This kind of strength is not only the physical strength brought about by advanced and systematic physical training, but also the strength of consciousness brought about by Li Xin's new training mode. In a sense, the latter is even more important than the former.

Compared with the vast majority of ordinary people, the situations that soldiers have to face on the battlefield are too many times extreme, and it is absolutely difficult to persevere without a will of steel. Li Xin's usual training seems mechanical, but it is twisting the spirit of the soldiers together, and everyone's will can get support and support from his comrades.

In this way, no one is supported by their own willpower alone, and the fighting will of the army is several times stronger than before. Perhaps the honorable young masters didn't feel much about this, but the other soldiers who had been in contact with the battlefield did have a deep understanding. They secretly compared Li Xin and Li Ji, such famous veteran generals.

Of course, Li Xin himself quite scoffed at this view.

In his opinion, these soldiers are too young and have never fought against an old monster like Li Ji, so they treat him so ignorantly as a rare general. Li Ji, a veteran general, has made great military exploits, which Li Xin can't even catch up with in his lifetime. Their amazing intuition and experience in the way of using soldiers are the precious wealth of the entire Tang Dynasty.

For example, if the army is compared to a sword, then veterans such as Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and Li Jing are legendary peerless swordsmen. They use soldiers just like swordsmen wield their swords, and their sword moves are so brilliant that Li Xin can't match them. He can only be regarded as a half-baked swordsmith at best, practicing in the barracks and talking about soldiers on paper by the way, he should not show his timidity. But if he really came to the battlefield, it would be hard to say what kind of bird he would fight the battle.

Li Xin is very self-aware.

All in all, regardless of his reputation, Li Xin already has some prestige among the sergeants under his command. Especially the group of honorable children, there is a great momentum to recognize him as the eldest brother.

It turned out that ever since Fang Yiai failed to lead people to attack Li Xin, the gangsters' attitude towards Li Xin had quietly changed a little. Not only did they no longer express their dissatisfaction with Li Xin, but sometimes they heard others say that Li Xin Turn your face and stare at people when you say bad things. In addition, during this period of time, the results of Li Xin's military training can indeed be seen with the naked eye - don't you see that the fat on Cheng Chumo's stomach has lost two circles, and the whole person has become leaner and stronger, and the whole person looks like a self-propelled weapon. This group of young masters who naturally worship the strong are naturally convinced by Li Xin.

Therefore, when Li Xin asked everyone to perform well in the military exercise, everyone showed their fists with great ambition. They didn't know that Li Xin was tossing so many things in order to compete with Chen Xiao, otherwise, they didn't know how he would feel.

The next day was the auspicious day for the zodiac set by Qin Tianjian.

Before the sun rose, the two teams of city guards had already swept the Zhuque Avenue in the center of Chang'an City three times, making it spotless. When the first ray of morning light in the east shines on the sky above Chang'an, the low-pitched trumpet sounded, full of majesty, like the suppressed roar from the throat of some giant beast.

Li Shimin rarely put on the crown dress, and boarded the Chengtian Gate surrounded by a team of guards. Following him were Li Ji and Li Jing. Cheng Yaojin hid quietly in the crowd, as if he didn't really want to show his face on such an occasion. This may also be one of the strategies of the old fox to hide his strength and bide his time. If you seldom show your face in front of people, it will be easy for people to ignore it when they are calculating.

Li Shimin delivered a not-too-short speech to the ministers around him. Generally speaking, it was a summary of the gains and losses of the past year. Compared with the speech on the day of the junior high court meeting, the difference may be that he focused on In looking forward to the future, the northern border and the diplomatic affairs with the Turkic side are particularly emphasized, and the hints in it are not subtle.

His Majesty Li Er's plan to mobilize troops against the Turks has not yet been made public, and only the top military officials know about it. But after today's speech, it is not difficult for those who are interested in contacting today's parade ceremony to figure out what they want. It is conceivable that in the future, there should be more memorials denouncing the Turks as a foreshadowing.

"The auspicious time has come!" the master of ceremonies of Qin Tianjian suddenly raised the order flag in his hand.

Li Shimin waved his hand lightly and said, "Then let's start."

Accompanied by the understatement of the most powerful person in the Tang Dynasty, the Kaiyuan Gate and Tonghua Gate on the east and west sides of Chang'an City slowly opened. Two teams of Tang cavalry galloped in from two city gates, Anfu Gate and Yanxi Gate were opened one after another, allowing the cavalry to drive straight in, rolling straight to Chengtian Gate like the thunderous sound of horseshoes.

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