Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 310: The Eve of the Review

A gust of cool night wind blew by, and several people clearly felt the cold and sticky backs. Only then did they realize that they had already broken out in a cold sweat at some point.

This time it was a narrow escape.

Such thoughts appeared in everyone's minds.

An unknown wild bird flitted across the night sky, drawing a smooth arc without making any sound.

"Let's go quickly. Don't be seen by the night watchman." The leader stood up reluctantly, clutching his chest, and said in a low voice, obviously the place where he was kicked just now still hurts badly.

The other people also nodded upon hearing the words, struggled to get up, supported each other, and walked cautiously to the residence.

Although this period of time was just for military training, it can be seen from Li Xin's urgency to gather in the middle of the night every now and then that all the regulations here are the same as those of a real military camp. Some are even stricter than real military camps, for example, you must take a bath, wash your hair and clothes frequently, and everything in the dormitory must be placed in the specified place, etc. Naturally, such a major event as arranging soldiers to patrol the night every day will not be missing.

Several people walked through the grass carefully, discarded the masks on their faces, pretended to be returning from the night, and gently pushed open the door of the dormitory.

It was dark in the dormitory, and the air was filled with loud snoring one after another, making people wonder whether they were in a pigsty if they were not careful. Fortunately, the camp rules are strict, and it is stipulated that the dormitory should be cleaned every day, otherwise, if it smells bad, it will really be like a pigsty.

"Fang Yiai, are you back?"

Just when the leader was about to get into the bed quietly, the figure in the bed next to him moved a little, asking a little question. The other party's tone was very steady, without the slightest hint of sleepiness, obviously still awake.

Fang Yiai was taken aback, and stopped the movements of his hands, and even Du He, Wei Shuwan, and lawyer Pei seemed to have been stabbed. That's right, the four who attacked Li Xin tonight were the sons of Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng and Pei Ji.

But the person who made the sound chuckled and turned over to sit up. It was Niu Jianhu.

"How? Are you venting your anger?" he asked.

"You want to take care of it?" Fang Yiai responded angrily.

"I told you a long time ago that this kind of kid's tricks won't work. The King of Chu is a first-class smart man." Niu Jianhu said.

Fang Yiai rolled her eyes, and wanted to say something harsh, but the words Li Xin said when she let the four of them go repeatedly appeared in her mind. As a result, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't say anything to slander Li Xin for a long time, so he could only snort unwillingly, feeling very complicated.

After this night, the pranks against Li Xin suddenly disappeared, and Wangcai's life and health and the safety of the dog were finally guaranteed, which is really gratifying.

Of course, these are all things that happened in the first half of training. By the halfway point of the race, most people had already adapted to the rhythm of the barracks. Whether it was exhausting physical training or the tormenting sudden assembly of large drills anytime, anywhere, they were able to handle it with ease. Such a change can be called a complete rebirth for them who were extremely slack before training.

Clearly feeling the changes in himself and the people around him, people's dissatisfaction with Li Xin naturally gradually diminished. This may be what people usually call "the time sees people's hearts".

At the same time, in a certain hall in the palace, Li Shimin was silently watching the situation in the camps on both sides of Li Xin and Chen Xiao under the lamp.

After briefly scanning the report from Chen Xiao, His Majesty Li Er nodded.

Chen Xiao is worthy of being Runde's son, he really has Runde's demeanor in his actions, he is mature and prudent in leading troops and training, and he is also impeccable. He will probably be a qualified general in the future.

As for Li Xin's side? Li Shimin couldn't understand it. Whether it is military posture, turning training or push-ups and other novel physical training, he has never heard of it, so naturally he does not know how effective it is. However, due to the nature of human beings to be conservative and tend to recognize familiar things, he is not so optimistic about Li Xin.

But, according to Li Xin, this is a method of training soldiers from the immortals. This makes Li Shimin a little hesitant.

After struggling for a while, Li Shimin suddenly smiled and shook his head, and put the two reports aside.

There is nothing to worry about, anyway, in a few days, it is time to make an appointment to review, and you will know the true or false by seeing the effect at that time.

Time went smoothly to the last day of training. The campers thought that on the last day, even a devil like Li Xin would give everyone a holiday or something, but Li Xin told them with actions that there is no most devil, only more devil - today's training will continue as usual.

Everyone immediately mourned.

"You think it's gone after the training is over, so you can slack off? Let me tell you, if anyone dares to let me off the hook in the next military exercise, watch your ass!" Li Xin said with staring eyes.

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