Broad World

Chapter 377 Explanation

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Henry didn't know the consequences of killing Bodhi, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much. After all, the enemy he will face in the future is likely to be a real god, and just a divine vampire is nothing at all. The most troublesome thing for him now is how to explain this matter to his evil and suspicious teammates, especially Viconia, whose eyes are full of doubts. Obviously, Shar did not tell the truth to his pastor.

"Hey! Don't you think we should explain what happened just now? We are all participants and have the right to know the truth." Edwin couldn't help jumping out first. His patience has never been very good, otherwise he would not have been kicked out of Sale.

Although Korgan and Feid didn't speak, it could be judged from the expressions on their faces that they were all waiting for an answer. As for Viconia, she had put her arms around her chest a long time ago, and she seemed to be determined not to give up until she reached her goal. Henry knew he had to say something, or these men wouldn't have moved on at all. He pretended to hesitate, and finally took out the cloak in his hand.

"Well, this cloak is an explanation, as long as you identify it. Especially Viconia, the goddess you believe in has just come. She not only saved everyone's life, but also gave me this cloak as a reward."

"Saar!" The Queen of Poison Tongue was so excited that she couldn't control herself. She took the cloak with trembling hands, and instantly felt the pure power of darkness. That's right, this is the power that belongs to the goddess. The shadow that never reflects light flows in the silk thread. Anyone who wears it can get the shelter of the shadow.

After Edwin checked the properties of the cloak, a greedy expression appeared on his face. His two eyes were about to fall to the top. If he was not afraid that the direct robbing would attract the revenge of a powerful deity, he would have directly robbed and fled. Fede and Korgan just looked at it and ignored it. As unbelievers, the two of them are not very interested in the things of Shendi.

Viconia knelt and prayed for a few minutes before handing back the cloak. "This is a treasure bestowed on you by the goddess. I am afraid that there will not be a few treasures that can surpass it on the main material plane. So please use it carefully."

"I'm going to let you wear this cloak. After all, as the priest of the Goddess of the Night, you are the most suitable candidate, aren't you?" Henry waved his hands with a smile on his face. He knew that this was a trap set by Shar for himself, if he was tempted by the powerful attributes above. Soon you will become a veritable slave.

Viconia was too shocked to speak. It's hard to imagine anyone giving up such an unrivaled item. Although the two had an "in-depth" exchange, it was not far from this level of intimacy. But as a dark elf, she obviously wouldn't miss this opportunity, and took off the original cloak without hesitation, and put it on directly.

While watching the Queen of Poison Tongue fiddling with her new cloak, Henry secretly wondered if Shar would be mad now. The well-prepared trap was stepped on by his priest, while the target who originally needed to be monitored stood aside and watched the joke. For several minutes, nothing happened. Perhaps the Goddess of the Night's scheming was relatively deep, and she didn't show it right away.

After trying the hiding ability on the cloak a few times, Viconia came over with a smile on her face and said seductively by Henry's ear, "I'm very...very...very satisfied with this gift. As a surface male, you have won my favor. The next time you have an intimate contact, I will allow you to take the initiative, and it doesn't matter what you do..." After she finished speaking, she licked her earlobe, and even other people could see the teasing in her eyes.

"Thank you! Very good proposal, I will consider it carefully. But now we have to continue on the road. The Netheril scroll and the Book of Kasa are still waiting to be discovered in the depths of the tomb." After speaking, Henry took the lead along the road. No one noticed that his two hands kept releasing magic tricks in his sleeves, intending to use this to exercise his control over the form and power of spells.

Viconia followed behind and licked her own lips, let out a slight moan and muttered in a low voice: "Oh! I like men who are strong and know how to please others. This feeling just makes me (desire) high, and I can't wait to find a male to vent."

"Uh...if you need...I can be that male anytime." Edwin suddenly appeared and interjected. In fact, his purpose is mainly for the cloak, few mages can resist the temptation of powerful magic items.

"Go away! Low (cheap) male! Your obscene eyes make me sick! Even if I really need to (desire) desire. I would rather find a strong dwarf than you, a skinny stalk." The Queen of Tongue is worthy of being the Queen of Tongue. One sentence made Edwin's face flushed with anger, and he couldn't utter a word.

Korgan laughed and wiped his beard. Although the dark elf's words were a bit discriminatory, but for the sake of dealing with the red-robed mage, he didn't make much rebuttal. Fei De covered his mouth and smiled secretly, and the originally depressing atmosphere disappeared in an instant. Everyone is very happy. Except, of course, for Edwin who was cursing under his breath in his native dialect.

Going straight along the tunnel, it didn't take long for them to see bridges made of spider silk mixed with mud. They extend in all directions, some can reach the huge lair in the middle, and some lead to other directions of the maze. Henry stepped on it and tried it. I found that except for shaking a little bit, there is no problem with the toughness and load-bearing capacity.

He turned his head and said to the people behind him: "According to the marks on the map, the underground burial complex is in the southern tunnel not far ahead. But I suggest that you better go to the spider lair on the opposite side, maybe there will be unexpected gains inside. After all, these spiders have lived here for so long, and they will collect some valuable things more or less, and there must be one or two magic items among them."

"Haha! I think this is a good idea. Anyway, the monsters are basically killed, so it's not dangerous to go and have a look." After speaking, Korgan was the first to jump up and crawl forward cautiously. Although he is not afraid of heights like most dwarves, it is still difficult to walk upright in such a narrow place due to his poor sense of balance.

"You are the head. I always like to obey orders." Speaking of Fei De, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and jumped onto another suspension bridge. As a thief, her movements were very light, and she was already standing at the entrance of the lair after ten seconds.

Viconia came over with her slender waist twisting and kissed Henry's face, and then ran over quickly. The dark elf's natural agility had no pressure on the shaking suspension bridge. The last two mages obviously didn't need to worry. Henry directly used the third-level magic "flying spell", while Edwin chose "spider walk", for which he swallowed a spider as a casting material.

The huge lair was full of corpses, some were killed by vampires and thrown here to feed spiders, and some were grave robbers who were accidentally caught. Although there are still a small number of female spiders and cubs left behind, they can't make any waves in front of the heavily armed and brutal dwarves.

Here, Korgan fully vented his dissatisfaction just now. The ground was full of corpses of spiders that were seen to be in pieces. The smaller ones were crushed to death one by one under his feet, and it seemed that he really liked to hear the sound of "puff, puff, puff" when they were crushed. After a few minutes of searching, everyone found two magic scrolls that could still be used and a light green gem full of magic power.

Edwin did not hesitate to take the two scrolls of the fourth-level magic "Spider Breeding" and the fifth-level magic "Spell Immunity" for himself, while Henry got the gem. After secretly laughing at the short-sightedness of the other party, he conducted some identification and soon got specific information.


Light Green Io Stone:

Before dying, the aged hero Riga Trueblood made one last request of his fellow mage Spectorio: that his skill and tenacity live on as a warrior. Despite knowing that his friend's Warrior Soul would lack these, the friend reluctantly obliged and transferred these attributes to the item. This light green Io stone possesses these essences, granting the owner the health and skills of true blood.

special power:

Protection against fatal blows

Increases the wearer's hit rate

Strengthens the wearer's vitality by a percentage


Obviously, this gem is best suited for melee personnel who cannot use helmets. Henry took out a gold coin and melted it with a spell, then embedded gemstones in it, and finally tied ribbons on both sides, so that a headband was completed. He handed the just-crafted magic item to the only assassin in the team, and it happened that Fede's head was not equipped with anything.

After sweeping, they briefly identified the direction, and everyone walked along the suspension bridge leading to the south. Ten minutes later, they stood in front of a huge stone, which smelled of decay constantly. Judging from the newly carved marks on the wall, it should be here.

After Henry took the map and checked again and again that no problems were found, he smiled and said to several teammates: "Are you all ready? It has a history of thousands of years, so it wouldn't be surprising if a lich popped out of it."

"Damn it, let's go, I can't wait to hold the Netheril scroll in my hand and interpret it, to see what kind of great magical knowledge is recorded on it." Edwin blushed when he spoke, looking very excited.

Korgan waved the ax in his hand and replied with a smile: "I have always been fully prepared. If those skeletons dare to make trouble, they will all be split in half with the ax."

"In that case, let's go, I believe the treasure inside will not disappoint us." After speaking, Henry was the first to get in.

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