Broad World

Chapter 376 Conquering Divinity

On the second floor of the Arcatraz on Brinroe Island, Joan Irenicus was conducting brutal experiments on Aberdare. His eyes were always glowing, and his spirits seemed ecstatic, as he had found a way to tear divinity from his soul. In contrast, the Son of Baal was much miserable. Not only was his whole body covered with scars, but his soul had already entered a half-dead state because his soul had been pulled repeatedly.

Suddenly, a portal opened in the air, and a woman wrapped in a black cloak walked out. As soon as she appeared, she shouted hurriedly: "It's terrible! Mistress... Mistress, she was killed by a young mage!"

"What's going on, Weilan. Calm down and tell me slowly, how did my depraved sister die." Joan Irenicas frowned and asked. Although he doesn't care much about Bodhi's life or death, if a powerful helper is suddenly missing, it will be a little difficult to carry out the follow-up plan.

The woman named Vilan took off her hood, revealing her pale skin and slightly red eyes. It turned out to be a young vampire descendant. She lowered her head in fear and said in a trembling voice: "The hostess ambushed an adventure team that went deep into the catacombs a few hours ago, but one of them, a mage named Henry, seemed special. He used a power that I had never seen before. Not only did the hostess suck into a mummy, but the other vampires were basically ground into a pulp."

"A power that has never been seen before?" Joan Irenicas muttered in a low voice, and immediately began to cast prophecy magic in order to obtain more information through divination. He knew very well that Bodhi's combat effectiveness was not bad, especially the strong survivability brought by the vampire physique, unless the opponent cast a legendary spell. Otherwise, it is a serious injury to many.

Aberdare, who was locked in a cage, heard Henry's name. Both eyes lighted up slightly. Then it dimmed again. He has been tortured to the point of insanity now, if it wasn't for Jaxila's insistence on using divine magic to treat him, his body would have collapsed long ago. After all, even divinity has its limit, and this kind of experiment regardless of day and night has already exceeded its maximum endurance.

His heart is now full of hatred and the desire to kill, and he believes that as long as he has a chance, he will definitely tear the mage who is tormenting him in front of him to pieces. It is this kind of negative emotion that has been stimulating and strengthening the divinity. As long as this state is maintained, it will not take a month to become a powerful demigod.

But Joan Irenicas obviously won't just sit back and watch the test product get out of control, so every once in a while, he will forcibly extract part of it and store it. Prepare to slowly absorb it after you gain divinity. It has to be said that the equipment left by the masked mages helped a lot, otherwise his progress would not have been so fast.

As time passed little by little, the number of divinations was also increasing. Half an hour later, Joan Irenicas stopped casting spells with a livid face. He was disturbed by strong hallucinations, and the images he saw in each divination were completely different. You must know that this is a prophecy magic cast by a legendary mage. Unless the person who interferes has more than double the spellcasting level, he will get some useful information to some extent.

The question is, are there any spellcasters over level 60 on the main material plane? Even fools know that there must be no, so only gods, demon lords and devil dukes have such abilities. Now he finally understands why his sister was killed, the other party must have a lot of background. Considering that the revenge plan will not be long before it will be implemented, it is best not to cause other troubles at this time.

Joan Irenicus had no intention of revenge. In his eyes, Bodhi is just a pawn, a pet, an object to vent (desire), a powerful thug, nothing more. If it weren't for the serious lack of helpers now, I'm afraid I wouldn't even ask about this matter.

Think about it for a few minutes. He drew a test tube from the table and handed it to Veran, containing the divine blood of the Son of Baal. "Here, drink it right now."

"Of order, the mistress is gone, and you are my new master." The young vampire knelt on the ground, took the test tube with both hands and gulped it down. She didn't think about the consequences of doing so at all, and she didn't even have the slightest sense of resistance.

In the first few seconds, Vilan only felt an unprecedented energy rushing through his body with his blood. But not long after, this force seemed to lose control and began to run wild in the body, and the blood vessels were squeezed and swollen. She finally couldn't help letting out a miserable cry, her face looked extremely hideous, and her eyes were bloodshot with scarlet.

"Use your will to resist! To control! Don't give up, or you will be blown up by this powerful energy in the next second." Joan Irenicas reminded without expression. With his character, he doesn't care about the life and death of a newborn vampire at all. It's best if he can survive, and if he can't, he can get some experimental data.

Aberdell looked at everything in front of him with hatred. He has seen many experiments like this these days, and all of them were blown to pieces without exception. Although vampires have a strong recovery ability, it's hard to say whether they can withstand the baptism of divinity.

Joan Irenicus pointed to Vilan who was struggling desperately on the ground and said to the son of Baal: "See, this is the power conceived in your blood and soul. How wonderful! How powerful! But you can't make good use of it. What a shameful waste."

Aberdell sneered and replied, "I'd rather it be wasted like this than be taken away by scum like you."

"I'm afraid it's up to you in this matter. The experiment has entered the final stage, and the entire ceremony will be perfected in at most two months. I will finally seize your destiny and embark on the path of becoming a god." After speaking, Joan Irenicus ignored the son of Baal and focused on observing the situation of Vilan.

The body of this young vampire descendant has swelled up, and it looks like a huge meat ball that was blown up. Many blood vessels burst because they exceeded their maximum capacity, and blood splattered everywhere. Her consciousness has begun to become less clear, but she still persists in refusing to faint.

It has to be said that it is not easy to survive to this level. Whether it is will or endurance, it can be called one in a million. Normally, as long as a creature's internal bleeding reaches a certain level, it will immediately fall into a protective coma. Unless you have a very strong sense of survival, it is possible to stay awake and seek help in this situation.

Facts have proved that fate favors those who are a little silly, but very stubborn. Ten minutes later, Weilan's body began to shrink rapidly, returning to normal almost in the blink of an eye. A blood-red aura enveloped the surroundings, quickly repairing all injured internal organs, blood vessels and skin.

She conquered the divinity of killing with her own will, and transformed it into a part of herself. This is something that even the legendary mage failed to do, and now it is done by a humble young vampire descendant who doesn't even know how to live without his master. The other two people in the room could clearly feel the divinity flowing in their blood vessels and soul. Its attribute is no longer killing, but blood and death.

Joan Irenicas looked at the newborn Vilan with a complicated expression. After a few minutes of silence, he said, "From today onwards, you are Bodhi. All previous names are discarded. Now go back to Askatla and continue to create descendants to attack the shadow thieves. They must not be idle. As for the mage, don't provoke them."

"Obey, master. I'll do it now." Weilan bowed deeply, opened the portal and disappeared in place.

Although she is still somewhat immature in terms of thinking and combat experience, her strength is already worthy of the name of a vampire queen. Once the divine and vampire abilities are perfectly combined, she will surpass the dead Buddy to become a terrifying vampire demigod.

Aberdell suddenly laughed and mocked without any warning: "Hahahahahahahaha! You are scared! You are actually scared! I thought there would never be an expression of fear on your face. It is so ridiculous, the powerful legendary mage Joan Irenicus was surpassed by a newborn vampire! Hahahahaha!"

"Shut up! Shut up right now! Otherwise, one of your partners will die immediately. Remember, don't provoke my patience, it has never been very good."

Seeing the angry appearance of the other party, Aberdell suddenly felt a lot more comfortable. However, he was very wise and did not make any further stimulus, otherwise Minsk and Jasila would very likely become the victims of the momentary quickness. This price was obviously too high, especially in the recent period, he could feel that the relationship between himself and Jasila was a little different. It is no longer pure friendship and family affection, and there is a vague special affection for each other.

"Since your spirit is so good and you still have the strength to play tricks, then continue our experiment." Joan Irenicas began to chant a spell, and a minute later, the screams of the Son of Baal resounded through the second floor again. This time his behavior was extraordinarily rough, and it looked like he was retaliating for the irony just now.

Obviously, he does have some concerns about Veran's potential. It is important to know that once an intelligent creature obtains divine power, its overall strength will improve very quickly. Especially vampires, as long as they desperately suck the blood of powerful beings or high-level professionals, they will have terrifying combat power in a very short period of time.

Although it seems that everything is under control at the moment, in fact, once Vilan awakens his independent will, it is very likely that he will immediately rebel. Divine beings cannot be long-term servants, and almost every knowledgeable person knows this very well.

Joan Irenicus knew that the time left was running out, and he had to race against time to mend the broken soul before this happened. Only when you become a god, can you have the power to continue to control this chess piece. When he thought of this, his mood became a little urgent, and he didn't care about Aberdell's life or death at all.


Bow down and thank the book friends of Wasteman s, Deep Sea Mud Beast, Listening to Fengyin, and Shanyu Panpan for their monthly votes, and at the same time thank 901217wwy book friends for their evaluation votes. (To be continued..)

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