Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration

Chapter 194 The Secret of the Conqueror Empire

The rest of the galaxy is still living its daily life, and apart from the increasingly fierce online scolding war, there have been no actual fluctuations due to the rise of the war between the two civilizations.

Indigenous civilizations that have not yet completed the unification of the planets will ignore the struggle between the same species, let alone the interstellar civilizations that are farther apart from each other?

The "Empire of the Conquerors" made good use of their vassal civilizations to create a massive public opinion offensive.

A large number of out-of-context video clips and "expert explanations" emerged one after another, the most eye-catching of which was naturally the reagent bottle containing the white powder.

The image of the representative of the vassal civilization holding the small bottle and passing by was widely reprinted, and the rumors of the so-called "weapons of mass destruction" were also wildly circulated.

After all, the crisis of "cordyceps disease" is still one of the painful history of the galaxy, and many families are still torn apart in the spreading fungal spores.

After that crisis, some extremists even had serious prejudice and discrimination against the fungal civilization in the galaxy, thinking that those intelligent fungi would be inspired by the crisis and become a threat to the galaxy one day in the future.

Although this "fungal threat theory" is despised by reasonable people, it can still be seen that the people are afraid of the "imminent threat".

Therefore, when news came out from an authoritative organization such as the "Galaxy Community" that the Fire Alliance was developing a "weapon of mass destruction" that was suspected to be a fungal spore, it was not questioning, but insulting.

There will always be people who only want to see what they want to see, and even if there is 99% evidence that the Tinder Alliance has nothing to do with this matter, that part of the population still only believes the 1% of the evidence.

These people often have an advantage in the public opinion war, because they are more eloquent and have excellent ability to make up stories.

The real wise men are unwilling to argue, which leads to this part of the people looking as if they represent everyone.

But in fact, the civilized government has not undergone any changes because of the "pressure" of these people, and diplomacy is still a game of learning.

The most voiced voice in the galaxy is still "hoping to sit down for peaceful negotiations and resolve disputes through diplomacy."

In the real war, only the Fire Seed Alliance brought their large number of sheltered natives against the "Conqueror Empire" and their vassal civilizations.

The Star Alliance, which has always stood on the same front as the Fire Seed Alliance, failed to intervene. The "Conqueror Empire" used diplomatic means to force some civilizations to put a lot of pressure on the Star Alliance.

Although the Star Alliance declared their neutrality on the surface, they still established a secret supply line for the Fire Alliance in the name of "native relief supplies".

So for a while, the Fire Alliance and the Conqueror Empire, which participated in the war under the pretext of "mediating the war", won and lost each other, but the Conqueror Empire with a stronger foundation won the majority.

This veteran interstellar empire maintains a huge production capacity by absorbing the blood of mediocre civilizations. Even if the Fire Alliance has the support of the Star Alliance, it still seems a bit powerless.

Compared with the serious interstellar civilization vassals under the "Conqueror Empire", it is difficult for the indigenous civilizations sheltered by the Fire Alliance to play a role in this kind of interstellar war.

Among them, the better developed ones can also undertake part of the computing tasks for the Fire Alliance. As for the indigenous civilizations that are still in the steam age or even lower primitive times, there is no hope at all.

A large part of the current Fire Alliance's front is maintained by a franchised race that once accepted their guidance and ascended to the interstellar.

The civilization of this race was accompanied by a huge space behemoth when it was born, and gradually learned how to talk to that space behemoth during the long development.

The space behemoth is called the space dragon, and since its cubs are hatching in the hands of that civilization, it will now follow certain instructions to go to the territory of the Fire Alliance to destroy the invading "Conqueror Empire" warships.

And the powerful combat power of this space dragon can finally allow the Fire Seed Alliance to maintain the stability of the front line, making them temporarily stand up to the "Conqueror Empire".

But everyone knows that this is not a long-term solution. In fact, as long as the Fire Seed Alliance is dragged into the quagmire of war, the goal of the Conqueror Empire will be achieved.

The trapped Tinder Alliance will have no time or ability to take care of the "Galactic Community", and this period of time is enough for the Conqueror Empire to complete their many goals.

So in the absence of the Fire Alliance, another meeting of the "Galaxy Community" was held.

In this meeting, only two of the four "Council Civilizations" came. The representatives of the Tinder Alliance did not come.

"... When the time is up, the remaining absentees are automatically deemed to have abstained from voting in this meeting."

The civilized representative of the Empire of the Conquerors suddenly uttered a sound when the clock pointed to a specific moment, stood up quickly, and walked to the front of the stage.

"According to the duty roster, the host this time should be the Tinder Alliance, but they couldn't come due to well-known reasons, so the host postponed the order according to the procedure."

"Then, on behalf of our great emperor, I would like to announce that the Xinghai Conference has officially begun!"

His words drew a burst of applause. This group of representatives is usually not so active. Perhaps this can prove to some extent what kind of diplomatic strength the Conqueror Empire has in this meeting.

"...They are determined to achieve their goals. I don't know how much diplomatic support they spent. Maybe all the accumulated favors have been used here..."

The representative of the Star Alliance thought to himself, deeply feeling that he had a heavy responsibility this time.

After the applause, the representative of the Conqueror Empire took a long time to perform the supreme etiquette similar to a "pilgrimage", which represented that he was equivalent to being here in person at this moment as the emperor of the empire.

"His Majesty the Emperor has brought his will. He has seen through the nature of the struggle between the stars and found a way to resolve this 'difference'."

"Let the glory of the empire bless the entire galaxy is the best and most useful means. The community is loose and inefficient. Only a single body can help the entire galaxy advance."

"Therefore, my first topic is to abolish the 'Galaxy Community' and establish the 'Galaxy Empire'!"

The blockbuster proposal made by the representative of the Conqueror Empire did not cause a huge commotion. It seems that many civilizations have already colluded with this matter.

And the representative of the Alliance of Stars is also very unbelievable, because the Conqueror Empire skipped the "Star Sea Community Reform" that was once conceived, and directly progressed to the "Star Sea Empire" in one step, which was completely unexpected for him.

What made him even more incomprehensible was why this proposal was endorsed by many civilizations? It stands to reason that no matter how great the favor is, it is impossible for civilizations to give up their civilization sovereignty, right?

The representative of the Alliance of Stars realized instantly that the Empire of Conquerors must have some kind of convincing secret in order to "force" that part of other civilizations to agree with them.

At this time, in the parent galaxy of the Conqueror Empire - a strange barrier planet is revolving around the star as always.

This is one of the "treasures" of the Empire of the Conquerors, and they finally got part of it after spending a long time.

——A weird warship composed of metal structures with irregular geometry.

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