"Stop pretending to be innocent, Tinder Alliance!"

When the representative of the Fire Alliance was called, he was stunned.

Although his civilization is indeed coveting the lost heritage, after all, who wouldn't want to try the technology of the lost empire?

But the entire galactic civilization has almost the same attitude. Everyone sees through each other but doesn't tell the truth. Why did they suddenly find fault today?

The anger of the Fire Alliance representative flashed away, and then quickly calmed down.

Those who can come to the "Galaxy Community" to participate in the meeting are top figures from various civilizations. Each of them represents their civilization here, and there will definitely not be a temporary situation.

At the same time, every word said here is also worth pondering.

Of course, the representative of the Fire Alliance did not think that the other party was joking. On the contrary, he smelled an extremely dangerous signal from it.

The other party raised his head in a grand manner at the meeting, presumably he must have been prepared.

"The civilization behind him... I remember it was a vassal of the 'Empire of the Conqueror', that damn authoritarian tyrant hasn't given up on the idea of ​​monopolizing the lost inheritance?"

The representative of the Tinder Alliance immediately thought of another "council civilization" that they had always disliked each other - the Conqueror Empire.

This veteran power, which has a vague tendency to become the leader of the galaxy civilization, has had many confrontations with the Fire Seed Alliance in the Interstellar Council, and each has won or lost.

I thought that the "diplomatic playing house" would just go on like this, but the current Empire of Conquerors seems to be no longer prepared to go on like this, and they want to advance this process.

And their primary goal is naturally the "Lost Legacy Rotational Utilization Plan" that has been rejected many times.

"So... what about the evidence? Empty words have no proof. You don't want to convict a civilization just by talking, do you?" the representative of the Fire Alliance calmed down and said sarcastically.

Now that the other party has come to the door, he will take it one by one by any means.

However, the representative who slandered him smiled and showed a meaningful expression: "...what's wrong with that?"

But he directly called up a projection, placed a large number of documents recording the action plan in front of everyone, and then talked freely:

"...This is the 'top secret document' stolen from the office of the leader of the Spark Alliance by our brave warriors, which records a complete plan on how to trigger turmoil in the galaxy and then seize the opportunity to take over the lost legacy..."

"Not only that, we also found evidence that the Fire Alliance is developing weapons of mass destruction, everyone, please see..."

As he spoke, he took out a bottle of reagent from his pocket, which contained a white powder of unknown composition.

He flicked this thing away, then put it back into his pocket, and immediately said righteously:

"This is a fungal spore similar to 'cordyceps disease'. It was found in a laboratory of the Tinder Alliance. Once it spreads, it will be unimaginable."

"Who would have thought that the Fire Alliance's camouflage is so good that it can fool all of us?"

The representative was still telling about the misdeeds of the Tinder Alliance. It seemed that such things had happened, even saying that "the Tinder Alliance destroyed the indigenous civilization for the sake of experimentation".

This kind of groundless and not evidence at all naturally made the representative of the Fire Alliance scoff. He felt that anyone with a little brain would not think that what the representative said was true.

He who can come to this kind of meeting can be regarded as a high-level person who can get in touch with most of the secrets in the Fire Alliance.

He had never heard of those "slanders", and the evidence presented by that representative was full of loopholes.

Take those so-called "galactic unrest" proposals, the text used on them is not even from the Tinder Alliance.

And the powdered "spore weapon of mass destruction" that was hastily displayed looked more like something called "washing powder" that some indigenous civilizations would use.

These one-eye fakes are the reason for the confidence that the Tinder Alliance represents.

However, following the impassioned speech of the representative, the expression of the representative of the Fire Seed Alliance gradually changed from the previous disdain to solemnity. He had already begun to send a message to the home planet in a corner that was invisible to everyone.

It's not that he has seen convincing evidence, but that he has a keen political sense and has realized what the "Empire of Conquerors" wants to do.

"...To sum up, I think the suspicion of the Pyro Alliance is very serious. I propose to temporarily suspend its duties as the 'Galaxy Council', and let the community organize a team of experts to investigate..."

After the representative denounced the Tinder Alliance, he proposed such a motion that would be "vetoed by one vote".

So it was no surprise that it was indeed overruled by representatives of the Fire Alliance.

But this seems to have been expected.

After waiting quietly for the bill to be repealed, the representative suddenly began to stamp his feet and beat his chest, and said sadly:

"The council is unfair! Even a normal request cannot be responded to, and instead, it is used for personal gain and fraud. Is there any law for this council?"

After all, he took out the "Exit Application" that he had prepared in advance, threw it into the air, and let it turn into paper pages flying all over the sky.

This situation, coupled with his angry expression, looks like a scene where a representative who has been treated unfairly leaves angrily.

"On behalf of my civilization, I now announce that I am leaving the 'Galaxy Council', a place that hides all filth!" After saying this, he turned around and left in a cool manner, leaving behind a group of representatives who had finished watching the "performance".

Even the dullest person can see in this flawed performance what this civilization, or the civilization behind it, probably wants to do.

The representative of the Pyro Alliance was not surprised by this, and quickly left here and returned to report.

After that, the era of peace under the rule of the "Galaxy Community" finally ushered in the end.

A civilization has declared war, and the declared war target is one of the member civilizations of the "Galaxy Council" - the Tinder Alliance.

After experiencing the crisis of "Civilization Annihilator", the "Galaxy Community" formulated a plan to recuperate, the most important of which is that member civilizations are not allowed to attack each other.

This plan, which is expected to last for more than two hundred years, is still performing its function until now, preventing the escalation of friction between civilizations.

But someone broke this constraint, they are a vassal civilization of the "Conqueror Empire".

Because they are no longer a member of the community, their declaration of war has become unlimited, and the "conqueror empire" as their suzerain civilization has also found a good "excuse for participating in war".

Nominally, the Conqueror Empire is mediating, but in fact it is colluding, trying to directly defeat the Fire Seed Alliance completely, so that they can no longer hinder them in the community.

This is part of the conqueror empire's plan. They will weaken their opponents through various "intervention in vassal wars" until they turn the "galactic community" into one.

And their emperor will be the first emperor of the "Star Sea Empire".

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