Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 503: Little girl's anger

When the group heard Old Man Yang's accusation, they immediately exploded.

"You old man, don't talk nonsense! It is obvious that there are cockroaches in your soup. Do you dare to ask for money if you give this kind of food to the guests?"

"That's it, not only there are cockroaches, but there are also mouse dung, which is really disgusting."

"It's all polite if you don't smash your shop!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, how did your store open? If you give us any more problematic broth today, we will report you!"

These people you said each sentence and I said each sentence. Everyone had a mocking look on their faces. When they saw Old Man Yang, under their malicious slander, he appeared extremely painful, happier, and became more ridiculous. .

"Since you think the food in this store is unhygienic, why do you come to eat it?"

A childish voice abruptly sounded in the noisy laughter of these men.

The little girl looked at these people with a pair of shiny eyes, her voice was a little childish, but her expression was extremely serious, she finally couldn't hold it back, stood up, and addressed those people's dissatisfaction.

There was a momentary silence in the atmosphere in the small shop.

These people, in this small shop, almost every few days, they will find troubles, and often meet customers, but everyone sees a group of strong men deliberately looking for faults. , Will immediately check out and leave, so as not to be affected.

Most of the guests who come here are tourists, except for the fat old man who lives nearby. Who would dare to provoke these local snakes in a strange city?

These people have been unscrupulous for so long. No one has ever been able to stand up and speak up. This is the first person, and she is still a little girl who looks less than ten years old, which makes them a little unexpected. Up.

Someone stepped forward, this group of guys, of course, are not afraid.

All of them are strong and strong. Just standing here and doing nothing is enough to make an adult man scared, and naturally they won't take a child's questioning to heart.

Everyone's eyes fell on the little girl's face at the same time.

When Lin Mengjia heard the little girl talking, she looked at her for the first time. Her face did not have the slightest worry, but with a faint smile, she nodded at the little girl, as if encouraging.

If it were placed before, Lin Mengjia would have left with the little girl in such a situation.

It's not that she is timid, but as a mother, the safety of her children is the most important thing. She is not sure about the negative energy of the people she is facing. It is the most sensible way to avoid it. In order to be a little brave, and do things that threaten the little girl.

But now, it is different.

Now that Tang Feng is there, she is not afraid of anything.

The little girl dared to face an opponent who was obviously much stronger than her on this occasion, and being able to stand up to fight the injustice gave Lin Mengjia a faint relief in her heart.

Tang Feng also smiled and looked at the little girl.

"You little girl, dare to be nosy?"

After a moment of silence, one of the men stood up, seeming to be the leader, bald, dark-faced, full of flesh, slanted eyebrows, staring at the little girl, and then, with a cold gaze, swept Tang Feng. And Lin Mengjia.

In the eyes of this bald head, the little girl is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Sometimes, children are more daring to speak than adults, but this child is not afraid of them, presumably the parents must be afraid. He thought that he could see This didn't know that the parents of the tall and thick little Mao children would go up and stop them, and would apologize to themselves.

But unexpectedly, the two parents, as if they didn't know how much trouble their children had caused, just smiled and watched, which made the bald head a little angry.

The little girl stared at the bald head without fear, and her voice was still crisp: "The people of the world, take care of the affairs of the world, you are so unreasonable, everyone can take care of it, how can it be called nosy?"

Zhou Wan also said: "Anyone who encounters this kind of injustice can reason with you. What you did is really contemptuous."

"Two little babies, dare to speak hard!"

Among these few people, the bald head, who can be regarded as the little boss, was even taught by the two little girls under the eyes of everyone. Of course, he felt extremely embarrassed. In order to find face, he had to rush in their direction.

This small shop is inherently small. The bald head can reach out to catch the little girl with only two steps forward. Tang Feng's eyes are slightly narrowed, and the hand holding the chopsticks has already moved. As long as the bald head dares to face the little girl and Zhou If you do it, he will make him regret it.

But at this moment, the old man Yang, who was between the bald head and the little girl, suddenly stepped forward and blocked the front of the bald head.

"Old guy, you're looking for death!" As soon as the bald head stretched out his hand, he grabbed the chest of the old man Yang's vest.

In his Chinese language, Mr. Yang pleaded a little, and said, "These two little babies are here to play. They are not sensible. Don't care about them. I will bring you broth. No money. You think. Eat as much as you want, do whatever you want, don’t hurt them."

Lin Mengjia saw that Old Man Yang was quite hard-hearted at these people before, but now she begged them for the little girl, the expression on her face moved slightly, and she immediately looked towards Tang Feng.

Tang Feng nodded to Lin Mengjia, but didn't do anything, still watching the development of the situation.

The bald head said angrily: "Who rares a few bowls of broth? Old man, you are willing to sell this house to your grandson. The business of the group will be wiped out. If you want to be stubborn, I will be here to teach these two things. A little boy!"

Hearing the bald head saying this, the men who were sitting and watching the excitement all stood up with a ferocious expression on their faces.

"I want to teach my daughter, have you asked her father's opinion?"

Tang Feng's cold voice rang.

Everyone, at this moment, has a moment of sluggishness.

They seemed to feel that, with this cold voice, the dull and hot air in this little shop had cooled down in an instant, and it was so cold that they couldn't help fighting a cold war.

At this moment, they only noticed the young man sitting at the table who didn't look amazing.

Judging by his age, he was only in his early twenties. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't seem to have a child of this age, but he claimed to be the father of the child.

The bald head looked at Tang Feng, and when his eyes met him, there was a tremor in his heart, he involuntarily let go of Old Man Yang, and took a step back. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 503 Little Girl’s Wrath) reading record, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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