Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 502: Sun's people are here

Tang Feng had already broken the bun. He saw Lin Mengjia’s surprise, and while eating, he smiled and said, "Look at the price list hanging on the wall over there. A bowl of noodles only costs five yuan. We are so big. A bowl of mutton soup with steamed buns is only ten yuan."

Lin Mengjia only noticed that wall, which occupies half of the wall, was hung with a price list of color printed plastic film. When it was just hung, it should be colorful, but now it has faded so much that the color is almost invisible. Pale colors.

The prices above are all extremely cheap. It seems that this price list has been hanging for at least ten years.

Tang Feng continued: "This price was like the last time I came. It hasn't been raised for many years. The cost of the year was less than half of the current cost. At that time, it was already considered cheap. Now, it’s cheaper."

The little girl and Zhou Wan also glanced at the price list, but they rarely have access to money. The little girl usually goes out with someone and she does not need to ask for the price to buy things. Zhou Wan rarely goes out. , It is quite a bit inhumane, and there is no concept of price at all.

So, the two of them only glanced twice, and didn't see anything, they stretched out their hands, took the bun, broke them and put them in the mutton soup that had already been eaten more than half.

Lin Mengjia usually enters and exits very high-end hotels. A dessert can cost hundreds of yuan. She looked down at the heavy lamb bun in front of her, and whispered to Tang Feng in disbelief: "At such a cheap price, he can earn money?"

"If it weren't for this, how could he just make a living for so many years, without the money to repair the store, and the ability to move?" Tang Feng said lightly, "I guess he was also because he was surrounded by neighborhoods. Sorry to increase the price."

While the two were talking, six or seven men entered the shop one after another. As soon as they entered the door, they shouted: "Old man! Where are the people? Come out!"

This group of men, tall, short, fat and thin, are all sturdy, some with open shirts, some with their shirts lifted to expose their stomachs, some even shirtless, on the exposed shoulders and arms, there are Large-scale tattoos, both in face and demeanor, give people a very uncomfortable feeling.

After they came in, this small storefront immediately appeared crowded. The room that was originally a bit sultry was filled with an unpleasant smell of sweat from the body.

Seeing these people, Lin Mengjia frowned unnoticeably, immediately guessed their origin, and looked towards Tang Feng.

Tang Feng was still eating the lamb bun with a calm complexion. He couldn't see anything unusual, but he showed a faint smile at Lin Mengjia, as if "I understand".

The little girl and Zhou Wan were eating big mouthfuls. They didn't talk about how to eat more delicious. Seeing these people enter the door, they stopped at the same time and looked at them.

There is so noisy here, the old man Yang in the back kitchen naturally heard the noise and ran out, his face suddenly changed when he saw these people.

Seeing Old Man Yang's reaction, Tang Feng was even more certain. The group of guys in front of him who were obviously not good people were definitely the minions of Sun Dapao mentioned by the fat man and the old man.

With ill-intentioned smiles on their faces, the people who were familiar with the road sat at several tables, occupying the entire table in the small shop, showing that they didn't want Old Man Yang to continue doing business.

The little girl frowned slightly, her mouth pursed, her face was full of displeasure, Zhou Wan also gently put down her chopsticks, and gently shook her head.

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng, but saw that he seemed to be okay, still eating slowly, as if he hadn't seen these people at all.

Seeing Tang Feng like this, the corner of Lin Mengjia's mouth showed a smile.

As long as this man is there, she feels extremely at ease at all times.

A person as powerful as Wu Xiu can be easily dealt with. What's more, just a few gangsters?

One of the men looked at the two tables that hadn't had time to clean up, then looked at Tang Feng and the others, and leaned at the old man Yang and said: "Oh, yes, old man, there are still a few tables of guests, the sun today Did you come out from the west? Anyone who has the courage to enter your shop?"

The other one, sitting at the table where the old man was eating noodles, took the 20 yuan from under the bowl, and said with a teasing expression: "I will give you some cash for meals? Is this a lottery in the store? Can’t tell, old man, your store is going to be closed, do you still have a leisure time to do this?

"It's because the store is closing that I have to think of a way to attract customers, isn't it? Could it be that these few people are also here for the lottery?" Another person, with a bit of mockery, looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng remained calm and continued to eat.

Seeing Tang Feng's calm look, the corner of Lin Mengjia's mouth smiled even more.

There was only one thought in her mind: These guys are in trouble today, I'm afraid there will be a good show after a while.

The person who took the money continued to smile and said, "Since I'm lucky and won the prize, I'm not welcome." While speaking, he deliberately shook the twenty yuan ticket at Old Man Yang. Then put it in your own pocket.

Old man Yang stood in place. When he first saw a few people, his face was stunned and slightly afraid, but at this time, he gradually became angry and said loudly: "Get out of here!"

"Ye? Long can you? Dare to talk to us like this?" The man slanted his mouth and looked extremely disdainful. "Hurry up and serve us lamb soup, six bowls, no steamed buns, just broth!"

"Put more spicy and more meat, don't be reluctant!"

"A few more bottles of cold beer, your place is very sultry, our brothers, please cool off!"

A few people are chattering, but they really want to come and eat, ordering a meal.

The more they said, the anger on Old Man Yang's face grew a bit more, and he finally couldn't hold it back. He pointed at these people with trembling fingers and shouted: "You, you guys eat for nothing, and slander me!"

When the old man Yang was speaking, his body kept shaking, and he forbeared his great anger.

A very sympathetic expression appeared on the little girl's face, then she turned her gaze to the men, her two small fists were already tightly clenched, and she stared at them a little angrily.

Zhou Wan was also indignant. Although no little girl showed so obvious, she couldn't hide her emotions.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were quite calm. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 502 Sun's people are here) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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