Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 287 The Anger of an Honest Man

"I've made up my mind!"

In the political hall of the Sunstrider King's Court, Anasteria said firmly, "For the continuation of Quel'Thalas, I am determined to send envoys to humans for help."


"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"It is an out-and-out disgrace to seek help from the primitive people, and it is a denial of the civilization of Quel'Thalas!"


Seres, who was sitting in the guest seat, coughed lightly at the right time, and the crying congressmen stopped immediately, and the elder of the Sunstrider turned his malicious eyes on the few congressmen who made the most trouble.

However, what this world lacks most is strong-headed people. One of the councilors stood up impassionedly and pointed at Celes and cursed, "Poison woman! My Morning Star family will never succumb to your despotic power!"

"This is the internal affairs of Quel'Thalas. What qualifications do you, a vicious woman who insults the noble demeanor, have..."


The instant flame blast directly hit the face of this congressman who claimed to be a member of the Morning Star family. If the enchanted necklace he wore on his body hadn't automatically activated the ice shield at the last moment, his face would have been covered in blood by the blast.

Celeste stood up from her seat with a dark face, "What qualifications do you have? Just based on my surname Sunstrider!"

"Is it because the policies of father and brother are too lenient, making you so-called nobles forget to respect the royal power?"


Looking at the silent councilors below, Anasteria coughed lightly and said, "Members, please don't forget the identity of Seres."

"Even if she marries abroad, she will always be a member of the Sunstrider, really have no respect for the kingship of the Sunstrider?"

Anasteria raised the corner of his mouth and sneered, "If you want to rebel and usurp the throne, please be more straightforward. Just today, let us make it clear."

"Whoever of you wants to sit in this position and lead the clansmen out of this disaster and stand up bravely, I want to hear what he has to say."

Looking down at the member of the Chenxing family who was lying on the ground with a face of shame and anger, Anasteria's eyes flashed coldly.

"Morning Star family, so despise the kingship of the Sunstrider, do you want to overthrow me?"

"No... dare not."

Although he felt very aggrieved, under the sneering and gloating gazes of the surrounding councilors, the tough-headed Morning Star councilor hastily bowed his head and confessed.

Once the charge of treason and usurpation is confirmed, he will not be the only one affected, the entire Morning Star family and the forces under its command will suffer a devastating blow.

The thinking mode of the high elf nobles is that only a family can make a country. Once he remembered that he suffered a catastrophe due to his own reasons, the morning star councilor didn't know how to face his own people.


With a cold snort, Anasteria said proudly, "Please remember your identities clearly. The Silver Moon Council was established by King Dath'Remar to commemorate your ancestors' achievements in establishing Quel'Thalas."

"You do have the right to supervise and advise the king, but that's all. When did the Sun King have to obtain the permission of the Silver Moon Council to issue an order?"

"You all want to rebel?"

As soon as the hat was buttoned down, the faces of the congressmen changed color, and they hurriedly stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Don't dare!"

"The Sun King is serious."

"This is just the arbitrariness of the morning star councilor, and has nothing to do with us."

Mr. Chen Xing's nose was crooked, that's not what the nonsense said last night.



Anasterian slapped the throne heavily, "Guards! Drag him down, and strictly investigate the Morning Star family."

Glancing meaningfully at the pale-faced member present, Anasteria said quietly, "I hope everyone can also adjust their positions and control their mouths. You know... disaster comes from your mouth."

"No! This is against the rules!"

Two lawbreaker guards stepped up to support the morning star councilor. He was still struggling when he was carried away by the magic power in the sealed body, shouting loudly in an attempt to arouse the emotions of other councilors.

"Are you just letting this dictator mess around like this! This is an insult to the aristocratic system... eh!"

The law-breakers are all die-hard supporters of the Sunstrider royal family. Seeing that this guy was going to speak out, one of the law-breakers couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly punched the morning star councilor in the chest.

The morning star councilor whose magic power and magic props were sealed was just a typical weak mage physique. He rolled his eyes and passed out immediately after being hit hard.

Anasterian glanced expressionlessly at the fidgeting councilors below, "Now start voting, the proposal to send envoys to humans for help, who is in favor and who is against?"


"So, some people are just born cheap."

Andrea leaned against the back garden of the Sunstrider Royal Court where countless flowers bloomed, and said to Onyxia amusedly, "If you keep treating them with a gentle attitude, these white-eyed wolves will not know what gratitude is for a long time. "

"Knocking them once in a while will help you maintain your authority more effectively, and prevent some people from developing delusions that they shouldn't have."

The Black Dragon Princess deeply agreed, "You can't be soft on this kind of person, and if you clean it up properly, you can just make an example of them."

The Chenxing family has been completely ruined. Few of the nobles who can reach the level of councilors have clean buttocks.

Once you make up your mind to investigate, you can easily find a bunch of evidence that convinces the people of Silvermoon City and stigmatize them.

There is an old Chinese saying that a gentleman deceives an honest person by means of common sense.

Andrea had a lot of intersections with Dath'Remar. The founding king of Quel'Thalas was an out-and-out good guy, even his son Danas was no better.

It has been passed down to the Anasterian generation, although they have developed some imperial minds over the long years, but the family education they have cultivated since childhood makes it difficult for them to take a tough attitude towards the Silvermoon Council.

Anasteria smiled wryly and said, "My attack this time can only be regarded as a false prestige. I don't know if the members of the council will rebound sharply after Seres leaves."

"No, don't worry."

Andrea explained with a smile, "As long as Quel'Thalas can win the war against the forest trolls under your leadership, your prestige will be in full swing, and those councilors will never dare to jump out again." Be a demon."

"I hope so."

The envoy sent by Anasteria to ask for help has already set off by boat. He looked at the clear sky above Eversong Forest and sighed, "Quel'Thalas, which King Dath'Remar worked so hard to build, must not be destroyed by my generation. Trolls devour."

"Even if I have to bow to humans, I still want to keep this country and our people."

Andrea smiled and patted the young Sun King's shoulder. "Having this kind of thinking proves that you are a qualified king. Just wait patiently. The troll won't be complacent for long."

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