Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 286 Stupid Repeating the Same Mistake

Not only Amani's original loa, maybe this time the Zandalari also specially brought some assistance to their forest troll compatriots.

However, considering the Zandalar's own interests, the loa they brought should not be the real body, but a projection of infused power.

Even so, Quel'Thalas was overwhelmed by the powerful Amani offensive, and recently Anasterian even came to the front line to boost morale.

At this time, the Sun King encouraged the defenders to fight with a passionate tone in the square of Qingfeng Village, but the effect of relying on chicken soup for the soul to fight chicken blood is destined to not last long.

Morale is only one of the factors affecting the battle situation. When the morale of both sides is equally high, the difference in hard power will determine the direction of the war.


Anasteria ran to several frontline villages in a row today. Although the courage and fighting spirit of the soldiers were briefly inspired, the most fundamental problem was still not resolved.

"The total strength of the Amani Empire exceeds 100,000, and there are also a large number of Loa to help out."

"In comparison, even if Quel'Thalas mobilizes the whole country, the army that can be assembled is only 30,000. The gap in strength is too great."

Anasteria rubbed his brows worriedly, "If this continues, even if Amani's offensive can be blocked at the front line, our social order will continue to be affected by the war, and we can't afford it."

After thousands of years of reproduction, the tens of thousands of high elves who traveled eastward expanded their population to about 500,000.

Although still far behind the highly reproductive trolls and humans, their population growth rate is enough to make the night elves feel jealous.

However, in order to win this Great Patriotic War, Quel'Thalas almost devoted all of its power.

If these 30,000 elites were lost, Quel'Thalas would be overwhelmed for at least a thousand years, and it was impossible for the Amani trolls to give them a chance to breathe.

For Quel'Thalas, this war can only be won, not lost. Considering the huge gap in fertility between the two sides, it can't even be delayed.

Andrea said calmly, "You already know the way to break the situation. You are the Sun King of Quel'Thalas. The future of the high elves depends entirely on your judgment."

Anasteria's face changed a little, "Is this really the only way? The night elves can't send reinforcements anyway?"

Celes shook her head and said, "Anasteria, you need to know one thing. Even if Andrea is the speaker, he can't make a decision in the Supreme Council."

"Not to mention how long it takes to transport troops across the sea, the reason for sending troops to aid the high elves alone cannot be passed by the Supreme Council."

Although Quel'Thalas has been established for thousands of years, they have always lived in Eversong Forest and dealt with forest trolls all the year round. Other races on the Eastern Continent have hardly had any contact.

The proud high elves disdain to interact with wild humans, even though they built Sunsail Port and initially developed a navy and maritime trade.

If it weren't for the near-endless situation, Anasteria wouldn't even want to ask the night elves for help.

After all, the high elves left in the first place meant to be exiled... Although they were unwilling to admit it, they insisted that it was Dath'Remar who led the people to leave to seek the future.

Asking for help from former compatriots can barely be accepted by the high elves, but humans...

To put it bluntly, after the high elves established Quel'Thalas, they recreated the once glorious civilization of the high elves, while humans have been playing with mud for thousands of years, and they have only gradually emerged from the wilderness in the last 100 years.

In the minds of most high elves, human beings are no different from primitive people, and asking them for help makes the high elves instinctively unacceptable.

When Anasteria tentatively revealed its intention to ask for help from humans, the Council of Silvermoon resisted strongly. They believed that asking for help from primitive people would bring shame to Quel'Thalas.


Amid internal and external troubles, the frequency of Anasteria's moans and sighs rose sharply.

Seres curled her lips in disdain, "Anasteria, if you are worried about the Silvermoon Council, I can help you deal with them. The key is your own thoughts."

'Get it done...'

The corners of Anasteria's brows twitched, he knew exactly what Celeste meant by "fixed".

If it was not a last resort, the Sun King did not want Celes to help him in this way. The aunt's ruthless hand had been criticized in private by the nobles as insulting and not elegant enough.

...Of course, they only dared to complain in secret, since Seles did leave a very deep impression on them back then.

Andrea saw the tangled expression on Anasteria's face, and said amusedly, "Quel'Thalas is a kingdom, and you are the king who holds the supreme power. Members of the council only have the right to make suggestions to you. Don't be fooled by it." Hands are tied with their shitty elegant theories."

"Is face really that important when a country is at a critical moment of life and death?"

Andrea said with a half-smile, "Believe it or not, once you die in battle or exhaustion for various reasons, those congressmen will immediately ask for help from human beings, and use saving the country as a bargaining chip for them to seek greater rights." .”

Things like nobles have shown many problems as early as the period of the Dark Night Empire.

The generation of high elf meritorious nobles who experienced the War of the Ancients has long since passed away. For thousands of years, the Amani trolls have been relatively peaceful due to civil strife, and Quel'Thalas has also spent a long period of peace.

Once the peace is too long, the longevity nobles will become bored under the perennial enjoyment of life, and start playing political struggles as a way of pastime in their long lives.

This set is left over from the Night Empire's game, but Quel'Thalas, who claims to perfectly inherit the spirit of the Highborne, has just inherited this set of bad habits completely.

Although the nobles of the Silvermoon Council still inherit the family names left by their ancestors, their pioneering spirit has long been obliterated in the long years of peace.

Anasterian gritted his teeth, he was also very annoyed in the face of the aggressive attitude of the Silver Moon Council, these nobles obviously no longer have respect and awe for the royal power in their hearts.

If Celes hadn't hit the door one by one to suppress them back then, their behavior would have been even more extreme at this time.

"I see."

After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the handsome Sun King had already strengthened his will when he opened his eyes again.

"Aunt Celes...Miss."

"I decided to send an envoy to ask for help from humans. If the opposition from the Silver Moon Council is too strong..."

There was a black-bellied smirk on Seles's face, "Leave it to me, I will let them recall the 'good' memories from the past."

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