The sky above is bright with stars, Felix walks on the streets of Cairo, Egypt, and his body changes little by little. He walked into a wizard's tavern, and with his appearance, the crowd that was full of excitement fell silent, and the sense of unease spread from near to far in the crowd like wheat falling in a field.

People were photographed at his notoriety half a century ago, but there was curiosity mixed with fear.

"My brothers, my sisters, my fellow wizards," echoed through the tavern with a hoarse old voice, and Grindelwald opened his arms, "I will end the chaos of this land—"

"In the name of Grindelwald's Code!"


The next day, Harry woke up in a daze from his bed in the Burrow. Dizzy, he fumbled for a long time before finding the glasses in his pocket. After putting them on, he saw through the window that the sky was already bright and the sun was a little dazzling.

He pushed one of Ron's arms away, jumped off the bed, and looked at the time on the old watch on his wrist - a birthday present from Mrs Weasley, originally owned by her bravery in the war deceased brother.

"Noon." Harry uttered a word, feeling his throat dry and a little disgusting, and he guessed it might be because of too much champagne last night. He ambled downstairs, memories of the wedding came back, Harry couldn't help smiling, it was a wonderful night.

From the time Professor Hepp told him that he was going to finish a biography of Dumbledore, the Professor and Hermione left, and then appeared on the dance floor; Harry had been chatting with Elphias Dorje for some time, After remembering the contents of Dorje's obituary, Harry's fondness for him increased greatly.

The two had a good time talking, but when Ginny passed them for the third time, Dorje raised his glass to persuade him to have a good time in time, and Harry listened, and he hurriedly agreed with Dorje on the time for the next meeting, and then Pulling impatient Ginny to dance - what happened after that?

Harry knocked lightly on the head, and as he passed Ginny's room on the second floor, he resisted the temptation to knock on the door and came to the kitchen. He immediately rejoiced at the idea, Ginny sitting at the dining table, languidly eating breakfast (or lunch?).

"Harry, are you awake?" said Mrs. Weasley in high spirits, interrupting the sweet whispers of Bill and Fleur, who were sitting opposite. From Harry's point of view, the married couple seemed to be conjoined, unless the Weasleys' financial situation took a nosedive and they had to share a set of cutlery.

"Yes, Mrs Weasley, I just got up," Harry muttered.

"Ali!" Furong greeted him warmly according to French habits, "We are discussing a vacation location, come and help us take a look."

Harry sat next to Bill and looked down at the picture book handed over, with pictures of all kinds of beautiful scenery printed on it. He turned two pages, pointed to a cliff next to the sea, and said, "This looks good."

"Really," Fleur read the small print at the bottom of the photo with a thoughtful expression, "in Cornwall...I haven't been there, and it says there are wild roses blooming everywhere in summer, what do you think?" She said. Turning to look at Bill.

"Honey, we have plenty of time to go anywhere," Bill said softly.

Mrs. Weasley brought a plate of food to Harry, and the plate made a loud noise against the table. Harry felt that she was not in a good mood, and subconsciously glanced at Ginny, who made a face at him.

"Where's Mr. Weasley?" Harry asked.

"Going to work," Mrs. Weasley said absently. "Percy and Penello didn't stay last night. The place isn't big enough... Am I thinking of building a few more houses around?"

"Mom," Bill said, "even if we move out, Fleur and I will come over every week to see you and Daddy."

Seemingly broken, Mrs Weasley waved the rag in a panic and said, "Oh, yeah, um, I just thought--there are times when the family gets together--like yesterday's occasion, Will definitely use it.”

Harry had a frightening meal, but the atmosphere had already calmed down when Ron came down, munching on omelettes and pies.

"Is there any champagne from yesterday?" Ron asked expectantly.

"No," said Mrs Weasley sternly.

After dinner, Harry, Ron, and Ginny moved to the living room. Bill and Fleur went out for a walk. The three listened to the clinking of the kitchen. It was only then that Ron asked:

"What's wrong with mom?"

Ginny sighed, "Bill and Fleur wanted to move out and live alone. It was already agreed, but Mom wanted to struggle a little more."

Ron made a prayer gesture.

"Merlin bless her."

"By the way," Harry asked Ginny, "why didn't you see Hermione? Isn't she still sleeping?"

Ginny rolled her eyes.

"What are you thinking? She went to Diagon Alley early in the morning, and the radio said that some Muggles were invited to experience the wizarding world up close--a courtesy call. Hermione was on TV some time ago, and I thought she might be able to help. ' she said uncertainly.

Towards evening, Hermione came back in high spirits, and she happily announced to everyone that the day's event was a complete success.

"I've been staring all day and everything is going well except for a freckled woman in the beauty pharmacy who doesn't want to come out and has to try the potions - no runaways from the pet store. The little animals, the books from the Lichen Bookstore didn't bite, the goblins from Gringotts didn't call the wizard a thief, the Quaffle from the Quidditch boutique didn't blow someone's head off..."

Hermione talked about many dangerous projects in one breath, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief, which made Harry wonder if those people went to the same place as he imagined.

"Yeah, they're really lucky," said Ron sarcastically.

Hermione ignored his sarcasm and continued: "I had a chat with one of those people when they were free to move around - you would never have guessed that she's from France! What's even more amazing is that she still knows the professor, but today they Can't see it."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Don't you know?" Hermione gave Harry a surprised look. "The professor has left the UK and headed to the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards."


The headquarters of the International Confederation of Wizards is located in an unmarkable place on the border of northeastern France. The only problem is that getting in and out is cumbersome and a bit behind the times. Felix only went to see it once, and was dazzled by all kinds of bright, nested magical brilliance, and then he was taken to the nearby northeastern city - Strasbourg.

Strasbourg is the largest border city in France. The city is located on the west bank of the Rhine. On the west is the Vosges Mountains; on the east is the German state of Baden-Württemberg across the river, 25 kilometers away from the German Black Forest; on the north is the Agno Forest, and on the south is the Rhine Plain.

Felix and Babajid Agimbad passed through a small patch of medieval wood-truss houses and Baroque sandstone buildings and walked for a while along the scenic river bank before disappearing over a stone bridge.

What caught my eye was the spacious descending golden staircase. The footsteps of the two were constantly refracted and amplified through the walls on both sides, and echoed back to the ears again. Felix scrutinized the various reliefs carved on the walls.

"That was the scene of the first International Congress of the Confederation of Wizards," Agimbad said, pointing to a relief, "the then president -- and the first president, Pierre Bonacourd, was a French Man, he chose this place as the conference venue."

Felix was slightly surprised.

"I thought the meeting was held at the federation headquarters."

"At that time, the headquarters had not been built, and the conditions were very poor, so an open square was temporarily selected. The goblin originally wanted to attend, but was driven away. Oh, Liechtenstein did not participate."

"I think it's because of the trolls?"

"That's right, it's because of the trolls." Agimbad said with certainty: "The wizards there have tensions with some particularly vicious mountain troll tribes. They originally wanted to use the power of the Federation to encircle the trolls, but Pierre Bonacourd refused."

Felix nodded.

Just by looking at the name, you can know that the original definition of this wizarding organization is to promote the cooperation of wizards from various countries in the magical world, and it has nothing to do with other races. The chairman of the federation generally played the role of a mediator to mediate conflicts, with extremely limited power. Until the end of the seventeenth century, the idea of ​​secrecy became more and more the consensus of the wizards at that time. After several weeks of intense discussions, the "Secret Law" came into being.

In practice, this important task was undertaken by the International Federation of Wizards and Wizards. Since then, the Federation has been rapidly expanded and subordinate departments have been established to communicate, liaise and supervise the implementation of the Wizards Secrecy Law in various countries.

“Theoretically it was just an office of the federation,” Agimbad said. “It was later discovered that people preferred to work here, rather than a humid, deserted place, so a certain federation president bought it. Here, the square where the meeting is held is completely sunk underground, and the stairs under our feet are part of the square..."

"The city has gone through several wars and chaos, and the wizards will return to the real headquarters, while letting wizards from nearby countries hide. Of course, we can't control too much, as long as we don't expose the existence of magic."

They pass through a circular hall with a distinctly Roman style, luxurious and magnificent, with a spacious interior. The walls of the circular hall are lined with equally spaced rooms, and the doors of each room seem to face the center of the circle in the center of the hall, as if there are invisible thin lines radiating outward. On both sides of the gate stand tall stone pillars and an arcade roof for decoration.

Along the way, Felix saw only two or three people walking from room to room, looking tired and tired.

"There are a lot of people on the list, but most of them have their own business, and they only get together when they need it. I don't come often myself. The general practice is to pick a place nearby to host the meeting when there is a problem." Arginbad said a little desolately: "A few weeks ago, there were quite a few representatives here to discuss plans; the Auror team responsible for arresting Grindelwald also met here earlier, but now there are fewer people. a lot of……"

Why is this happening?

Because the Federation could not come up with a practical solution, and everyone was too busy to answer the call, the Federation immediately became an empty shell.

"What do you think?" Arginbad asked Felix.

"The first step must be to reunite the prestige of the Federation." Felix said thoughtfully, "I have to travel around the world first, and assign me the title of special envoy, but I may have to stay here for a while first. God, look through the information and learn about the history of the Ministry of Magic in different countries."

Felix stood in the empty hall, looking around, looking smug. Arginbad immediately believed a few points. If he knew Felix's true thoughts at the moment, he would not be so optimistic.

"I can say something about the black market information around the world, but if you ask about the history of these countries - if I knew there would be such a day, I would definitely add this part of the knowledge."

Well, Felix's thinking cabin didn't contain much useful information. Even if he had read it, he would have thrown it aside as garbage.


In mid-August, Felix, who had been wandering outside for half a month, went back to school. In the headmaster's office at Hogwarts Castle - "Three students refused admission." Professor McGonagall said solemnly.

"Has this been the case a lot in previous years?" Felix asked.

"Maybe it only appears once in two or three years." Professor McGonagall hesitated and explained: "You know, even if the Muggle-born little wizard has been over a dozen generations, there have been wizards in their ancestors to a large extent. People are unlikely to have a strong aversion to magic..."

Professor McGonagall snorted angrily, "We're not like the American purgers."

"It may be influenced by the recent news," Felix said with some headache. "Hogwarts doesn't force students to enroll. If they firmly disagree, then protect it in secret. It's not good if there are silent ones. ."

During this period of time, the outside world was turbulent, and many major events happened, and many of them were related to Felix. His name has appeared in newspapers around the world - both magical and Muggle newspapers.

For example, what happened recently:

A week ago, the descendants of the American purgers approached the enforcers and handed over twelve magically gifted children who, with great malice, begged the authorities to study the secrets of wizards. These children were immediately guarded with live ammunition, guarded by three hundred soldiers with sturdy force and modern technology.

On the second day of the incident, a wizard in a black wizard robe walked to the entrance of the base. He stood quietly for a while, the door opened by itself, and a team of soldiers took the initiative to hand the child to him. He took out a card and disappeared with the children, without saying a word from beginning to end.

The four soldiers in charge of guarding the gate turned a blind eye to them throughout the entire process. Apart from a photo captured by surveillance, the only clue was the card left by the mysterious wizard. After confirmation, the pattern on the card is the logo of the International Confederation of Wizards.

Photographs taken by surveillance have naturally been repeatedly studied.

Experts soon discovered that the mysterious wizard was completely different from the available sources, wearing a hood and speaking silently the entire time, chanting no spells, pulling out his wand, and making no gestures—even glancing before he left. Glancing at the camera, it seems to be a deliberately left profile.

God knows how many people are staring at Felix's straight nose and smooth jawline these days.

It seems that under pressure from the outside world, the British Prime Minister sent an inquiry, but was strongly pushed back by Amelia Burns. Her reply scrolled over and over in the form of text on the TV news: Wizards are willing to cooperate, willing to sign treaties to accelerate the birth of the new order, for which we have voluntarily released goodwill, but if it is at the expense of wizards being hurt - wizards would rather Choose war.

On the same day, twenty-seven descendants of the purgers died mysteriously in twelve different locations, and the police could not find any evidence of the invasion; it was also on the same day that the saints who had remained silent gathered from all directions toward Africa.

If later scholars study this history, they will find that this event is an extremely important turning point, marking a new page in the relationship between the two sides. Just two days after the bizarre phenomenon that the authorities chose to remain silent despite the outside world's quarrel, the two sides in the negotiation speeded up.

Some issues that had previously required hours or even days of debate became irrelevant, and concessions were made tacitly. A reporter who has inquired about inside information said in the article that the public is expected to see the details of the contract proposed by the two parties within a month.

It seems that in the blink of an eye, the time has come to September 1st.

School day has arrived.

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