A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 709 Unexpected Visitors

"...I declare that you are partners for life."

Announced by a little wizard with thick hair, Bill and Fleur hugged each other tightly, and a large silver star surrounded them, setting them off even more radiantly. Charlie, Ginny, and Gabriel, who were closest to them, clapped excitedly and smiled brightly. There were sobbings of joy from Mrs Weasley and Mrs Delacour from the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please stand up!"

The guests stood up. The canvas of the white tent was rolled up, and the golden sunlight streamed in through the orchard, and the air seemed to taste fruity. Under the action of magic, the tables and chairs were brought back into the corner, and a pool of molten gold slowly spread under the feet of the newlyweds, forming a glittering dance floor. The band sang and danced, and the waiter held a tray full of food, and a head rushed in, flexibly shuttled between the vacated venue and the colorful confetti and bells floating in the air.

Felix took a glass of champagne from overhead and walked to a table.

"Mr. Elphias Doge, can I sit down?"

"Felix Happ?" The old man in the Turkish hat raised his head in surprise, a few strands of soft and thin hair exposed, "Sit down, boy! I've been looking for a chance to chat with you, but last time Not the right time..."

Felix knew he was referring to Dumbledore's funeral, when the two had a chance to speak, but then something big came to light in the wizarding world. Felix knew him from an early age, Dorje was a member of the Order of the Phoenix but is now retired.

He and Dumbledore had a very close personal relationship, they both entered the school the same year, and they immediately became good friends, a friendship that lasted for a century.

"Mr. Doge—"

"Call me Elphias, if you don't mind," Dorje said hurriedly.

Felixston paused, "Elphias, I read your obituary for Dumbledore, it was very touching—"

"Yes, I think I have that obligation, I've known him the longest."

"—You severely refuted Grindelwald's remarks in the article."

"That's it!" Dorje said immediately, the soft and even transparent hair on his head floating in the air because of excitement, "Don't believe him, since the first day I met Dumbledore, he has had a lot of love for Muggles. Sympathy, his noble character—"

"As far as I know, those claims are largely true," Felix said calmly.

Dorje calmed down, as if under a spell, and his expression became painful.

"Well, I also had doubts. In our life, we had the least contact during that time. I went on a trip at the time, and when I came back, he changed a lot." After a long time, Dorji said in a gloomy tone, like It was as if he had been hit hard, and he was undoubtedly an admirer of Dumbledore - worshipped his ideas, worshipped his personality, worshipped him for turning the tide.

"—maybe he did support Grindelwald, but I think he just lost his head briefly. I can assure you, as I said in the article, that painful experience nurtured his true mind, a A heart of great kindness and compassion."

"You don't need to convince me." Felix said seriously: "Just like your obituary is limited in space and can only pick one or two things, so does Grindelwald. Besides, he really had contact with Dumbledore. The time is only two short months, and it is obviously subjective and extreme, and I think you agree that his words are somewhat misleading, and some people conclude that Dumbledore was obsessed with black magic-"

"Who?" Dorje blushed angrily, as if he had been insulted.

"It's not important." Felix gently opened the topic, "What's important is that there are already signs of this. Dumbledore studied black magic, Dumbledore hated Muggles, Dumbledore's reputation, and even spread. The family said that his mother had imprisoned her daughter in order not to bring shame to the family..."

Dorji's face became more and more red, and he was burning with anger.

"...Someone has to come forward to clarify." Felix finished.

"Yes, someone has to stand up!" Doge repeated loudly, looking at Felix eagerly, "My dear boy, I want to use your reputation—"

"I can't." Felix shook his head, before Dorje could express his disappointment, he turned his head to one side, "Someone can, he knows Dumbledore better than anyone alive in the world, completely He is the heir to his brilliant ideas."

Dorji followed this gaze through the crowd and saw a young man with black hair who was munching on a sandwich.

"You mean he... Harry Potter?" the old man murmured, staring at Harry, but more like he was talking to himself: "It's possible... I've read in the newspaper... that the child can live alone Pick a fire dragon... there must be someone teaching him at his age."

Felix did not dispute this view. Part of magic comes from the heart, and Dumbledore's support for Harry is unprecedented in this sense. He struck while the iron was hot and said:

"So, we're done? The two of you working together on a biography of Dumbledore? I know I may not be able to ask you, and I don't know if you can spare the time, but I can feel your heart pounding just through the brushstrokes. Sincerely, if you will—"

"Of course I do!" Dorjee said impatiently, "It's my honor!" He immediately became hesitant, "Did you tell that kid, and he agrees?"

"I was about to tell him."

Felix stood up when Dorje stopped him. "Mr. Hepp—Felix, can I ask you the reason for doing this? I know that you have been busy with major events affecting the fate of the entire magical world recently. What makes you spend your time alone—"

"Dumbledore took good care of me. And objectively speaking, Dumbledore has really become a symbol of wizards. He may have made mistakes, but they should not be described as evil. Of course, the influence of rumors It hasn't manifested yet, it's perfectly fine to put it off - I'm because of another person."

"Harry Potter?" Doge guessed, saying it for the second time tonight.

"That's right," Felix nodded. "He doesn't know what a huge fortune he has, and I have to warn him. So that he doesn't forget." crowd.

On the other side, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione huddled together at a table, watching Luna and her father dance and gorge on food. It was obvious that they were starving.

"Hurry up and let's dance!" Ginny said, thoughts written all over her face. She looked at the noisy crowd, her eyes suddenly fixed, and she whispered: "Oh, look at—"

Several people looked away from the food and looked at Professor Haipu who was approaching. Hermione choked on the champagne, she put down the food, wiped her mouth quickly, and sat more upright.

"Miss Granger." Felix nodded at her, sat down on the vacant chair next to her, and told Harry his intentions.

"Want me to write a biography of Dumbledore?" Harry said blankly, thinking of his unfinished book. Others also widened their eyes.

"It's you and Elphias Dorje." Felix raised his chin toward the opposite side.

Harry followed the professor's direction and saw an old man in a small round hat craned his neck and stared straight in this direction.

"...you provide information, say exactly what you say, how much you say, and be aware of it. It is estimated that it will take a year and a half, and it may not be able to catch up with the first batch of books for communication - the Ministry of Magic believes that the selected list is the best. Showing the magic of magic - but that's something that makes sense in and of itself."

"But, Professor," Harry thought elsewhere, "I heard the negotiations weren't going well?"

"Oh, Harry, you need to look through the phenomena to see what's going on." Felix smiled, looking at Hermione. Hermione raised her eyebrows. "Professor, do you mean that the recent slow progress is just a negotiation technique? Or is it stuck on a key issue?"

"Almost, another reason is that some government officials are influenced by the outside world, and I'm going to solve this trouble right away." Felix said politely, "Let's not discuss such a serious topic at the wedding, I think— "He suddenly stopped talking, stood up nimbly, and looked outside.

"What's going on, Professor?" Harry asked, and Ron, Ginny, and Hermione looked around, but didn't notice anything unusual.

"There are unexpected visitors, it's not a big problem, I'll take a look." Felix said, he got up and walked towards the orchard outside the tent, and Hermione followed after thinking about it.

The fruit trees shimmered in the bright sunset, and the tent was surrounded by a pleasant idyllic scene. Hermione passed through the crowd and looked around the edge of the tent for a while, and found Felix returning with a strange girl, and the two were talking as they walked. .

"...You will treat it as a dream, a deal?"

The girl nodded, raised her head and looked timidly and longingly at everything in the tent. Felix pointed at her, and her dress instantly turned into a beautiful dress.

"Go." Felix encouraged, the girl rushed into the tent with her skirt in hand, stepping on the golden dance floor and looking around. A bottle of champagne and an empty glass were squeezed in front of her, making a clinking sound, she poured a small glass for herself with great interest, then searched in the crowd, then her eyes lit up and strode in one direction .

"Professor, she's... a Muggle?" said Hermione in surprise.

"She lives in a nearby village and her parents run a flower shop," Felix said. "Just a few days ago, Fred and George traded a bag of snacks for flowers for today's wedding. The wise girl became obsessed and looked at the village entrance every day. However, the Weasleys were protected by spells, and ordinary people couldn't find them at all - but she was very persevering. After several days, she accidentally saw a hill from a distance. The guest who came with the door key."

"Oh." Hermione looked back at the girl who disappeared behind the phoenix cake. At the wedding, no one found a non-magic person mixed in. She turned around, plucked up her courage quietly, and was about to speak when Felix cleared his throat, "Um—may I ask you to do a dance?"

Hermione looked at him in surprise.

"Since you said so." She nodded reservedly, stretched out a hand, and the two walked to the dance floor.

"By the way, I want to ask, what have you seen in time travel?"

"Why did you suddenly think of this question?"

"Pure curiosity."

"A cave full of stalactites—"

"Cough, stop talking." Felix hurriedly stopped, that was where he secretly practiced the life-suppressing spell.


At night, the lights in the sword castle are still on.

"Are you ready?" Felix asked, and Lupin nodded silently, closing his eyes, ready for the judgment of fate. Tonks stayed by the side, his fingers tightly clasped together.

Felix opened his hand, and countless tiny runes danced in the air, then turned back like a tired bird returning to its nest. Before the other two could react, they turned into a silver moonlight, and there seemed to be seepage in the moonlight. The roar of people echoed.

Felix put his hand on Lupin's shoulder.

A strange feeling flooded his body in an instant. He was no stranger to this feeling, and he had to experience it every night of the full moon since the age of five. Lupin opened his eyes sharply, his pupils dilated as if they were blacked out. But this time is different from everything before. He just used the unskilled 'reversal of werewolf transformation' magic on himself - although he failed several times.

Lupin's head began to deform, his body was stretched, and the dress he had not had time to change was overwhelmed, and he let out a low growl, baring sharp teeth - Tonks covered his mouth and couldn't help but take a step closer - but tight. Then all the discordant parts of Lupin's body were retracted, and he regained his human form. When he raised his head again, his eyes were still so sincere and reliable.

Tonks trotted over, took Lupin's hand with great interest to check it over and over again, and never got tired of it, then rolled up his sleeves again, making sure that the brown bristles that had drilled out on his arms had all disappeared, and then suddenly loosened Take a breath.

"We succeeded? The magic worked?" she asked, swallowing.

Felix said cheerfully to Lupin and Tonks, "It worked without a doubt."

"How long can this magic last? Can it survive a full moon night?" Tonks' voice was a little abnormal.

"If you don't forcibly crack it, it should be fine," Felix said.

Tonks let out a jubilant cheer, and Lupin looked at her and smiled softly. "Let's see what Mama has to say now!" she whispered, letting her hair turn dazzling gold.

Lupin was still able to remain calm in the great joy, and he said calmly: "I have only completed the first step, and then mastered the magic of transforming a werewolf, which is to become a werewolf when it is not a full moon. I think you can master this magic in a month or two."

"Why do you do this?" Tonks stopped and asked inexplicably, "Why did you take the initiative to become a werewolf?"

Lupin looked at Felix. Felix explained: "Let's put it this way, the effects of wolf poison vary from person to person. If an ordinary person is bitten by a werewolf, the wolf poison will kill that person; but if I am bitten by a werewolf, the wolf poison will I can't do any harm at all, just a little trouble..."

"...Dumbledore is the same. Our bodies and magic have undergone peculiar changes and are more closely related to each other. I call it magical bioification. An important sign is that no matter how the body changes, the magic can adapt perfectly. Current state. This is very different from the Animagus of the Wizard."

"The transformation of the werewolf is somewhere in between - beyond the ability of ordinary wizards and difficult to control; but it will not completely kill the wizard."

"If Remus has mastered both the transformation and reversal of a werewolf, he can continue to familiarize himself with the process while awake, which will help him grasp the most subtle changes in the body, so as to learn advanced human transformation sweeps. Clear obstacles, and the final effect is to fix this state for a long time.”

"You can understand that it is a human Animagus transformation specifically for werewolves."

"After three steps, the werewolf status will no longer have any effect. The only disadvantage is that this method is very difficult. If you want to promote it on a large scale, you should expect those potions to create a potion that completely eradicates wolf poison." Felix Si calmly said that although ancient rune has strong adaptability, it certainly cannot replace all magic.

"I asked Belby," Lupin shook his head and said, "It took him many years to develop the wolf poison potion, but the final result was just barely suppressing the wolf poison, allowing the werewolf to remain sane when transforming, and want to completely Eradication is very difficult... I plan to go through the whole process myself, if it goes well, I might as well pick some qualified werewolves-"

He looked at Felix hesitantly, and Felix shrugged at him.

"I don't care what you want to do outside of work. The key to solving the problem is already in your hands."

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